Invasive Plant Association of Wisconsin Committees

Board member liaisons are responsible for establishing the first committee meeting, getting these committees started, and acting as a contact with the IPAW board.  Many  persons have signed up to be on these committees.  They will be contacted when setting up the initial meeting of each committee.  Persons interested in working on any of these committees should contact the board member liaison or the contact person given.  All committees need assistance.  Please consider working on at least one committee.




Chair: Amy Staffen

Board Liaison: Amy Staffen, Tom Boos


  1. Development and promotion of educational products and programs related to invasive weeds
  2. Plan for bi-yearly conference
Conference Committee (bi-annual)

Committee Chair: Amy Staffen

Charge: Plan and ensure execution of the bi-annual Invasive Plant Symposium.

Science Committee

Committee Co-Chairs:  Jim Reinartz, Chris Reyes

Board Member Liaison: Jim Reinartz, Tom Boos


  1. Survey/Monitoring: Survey state for problem species or pull together existing information and monitor extent of issue, work with regional groups, provide information on pending problems
  2. Invasive Species List: Review status of current state lists, develop list of species we are concerned about and will work on; prioritize list and work on strategies with the legislative committee
  3. Research on Control Methods: Promote and find funding for research on control methods
  4. Develop list of research needs and promote this list to appropriate research groups

Working groups:
Strategic Planning
Mapping Standards
Control & Post-treatment Monitoring

Review the Invasive Plant Survey (PDF, 86 KB)

Invasive Plant List (PDF, 328 KB)

(This is a PDF file that requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

More Info

Plant Industry Relations

(Horticultural, Landscapers, Agricultural Seed Producers, etc)


Committee Chair: Steve Strachota

Board Member Liaison: Rolf Utegaard


  1. Develop relationships with industry and work to promote IPAW goals


Committee Chair: Nancy Braker

Board Member Liaison: Tom Boos

    1. Solicit gifts and grants from private and public sources


Governmental Relations

Board Member Liaison: Gene Roark

Other Board Members on Committee: Patrick Goggin


    1. Track agency actions and make recommendations regarding IPAW involvement
    2. Track policy and legislation on invasive plant issues
    3. Educate IPAW members and decision-makers upon approval of the IPAW Board



Committee Chair : Pat Goggin

Board Member Liaison: Pat Goggin


    1. Propose a slate of candidates for each election that ensures that members of the Board of Directors for that term represent the wide range of interests of members of the organization.
    2. Expertise and interests of board members should include, but are not necessarily limited to:
      1. private landowners,
      2. commercial interests such as timber, nursery production, agriculture, and the herbicide industry,
      3. land managers and resource professionals,
      4. private conservation organizations,
      5. local, state, federal and tribal agencies managing land,
      6. education, and
      7. research.
    3. Ensure that the directors represent interests in a diversity of habitat types and geographic regions of the state.



Committee Chair: Rolf Utegaard

Board Member Liaison: Rolf Utegaard


    1. Promote membership
    2. Acknowledge receipt of membership fees
    3. Maintain list of members/generate labels
    4. Develop other mailing lists/generate labels
    5. Produce brochure
    6. Produce newsletter: Jim Reinartz agreed to be editor
    7. Press releases and other promotional materials
    8. Website (Should have a description of each regional group, link to their web page, info on their activities)
    9. Promote IPAW to larger audience (to be defined)
    10. List Serve (consider as potential service to members)


Website Committee

Chair: Tom Boos

Newsletter Committee

Chair: Tom Boos or Jim Reinhartz
Editor: Jim Reinhartz
Production: Susan Slapnick

Regional Groups

Committee Chair: TBA

Board Member Liaison: TBD


    1. Maintain contact with Regional Groups.
    2. Determine how we can serve the Regional Groups. 
    3. Develop feedback from Regional Groups to IPAW.

Western, North Woods, Northeast, Central, Southeast, and Southwest

Regional Group Information