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The Photovoltaics (PV) Value Clearinghouse was developed by NREL and Clean Power Research to provide users with a searchable database of analyses of distributed power applications with an emphasis on distributed power technology benefits and costs. This information will be helpful for anyone looking for analysis methodologies and results of solar power cost/benefit analyses. There is a growing interest in customer-owned PV systems, which has resulted in a growing number of analytical studies aimed at determining their value.

Accessing the Data

Please read the Help/Tutorial page before accessing the database. To access the data, please click on the "Access Data" link in the left navigation.
Note: a login is required to access the database. There are several ways you can search for documents of interest:

In the Evaluation Matrix "basic search" (Help/Tutorial), costs and benefits identified in the studies are categorized based on who receives the benefit (or pays the cost) and by the benefit/cost component, such as investment, tax effects, or utility cost savings. Users are able to point to the set of documents that highlight the combination of beneficiary and component, allowing for more targeted document searches.

The Evaluation Matrix is presented in two ways: in "Summary" form, showing the main benefit/cost category, and in a "Details" section that expands these nine categories further into subcategories.

The Document List "advanced search" (Help/Tutorial) is also searchable by author, title, title keyword, date, or by type of document (reports, conference proceedings, etc.). Each document includes basic information (abstract, authors, date, etc.) and more specific information, such as Internet location of the document (if any), keywords, and geographical area covered. Once a document of interest is identified in the Document List, click on the magnifying lens icon magnifying glass to open the detailed record for that document.

For additional information on the PV Value Clearinghouse please refer to the Help/Tutorial section. For other questions or comments please refer to the Contacts page.

We are constantly working to improve the PV Clearinghouse. If you wish to suggest a document for inclusion in the PV Clearinghouse, please use our Submit New Document page.

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