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Energy Analysis JEDI Job and Economic Development Impact Model

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About JEDI


The Job and Economic Development Impact, or JEDI, models are easy-to-use models that analyze the economic impacts of constructing and operating power generation and biofuel plants at the local and state level. First developed to model wind energy development impacts, JEDI has expanded. We now offer models to analyze the job and economic impacts of biofuel plants and concentrating solar power, coal and natural gas power plants.

On this site, you can learn more about JEDI, download the models for free, and get help.

Downloading the JEDI Models

Upon acceptance of a required User Agreement, the JEDI models are available to download. To begin downloading a model, select the model below:

JEDI Wind Energy Model

JEDI Biofuels Model

JEDI Solar Model

JEDI Natural Gas Model

JEDI Coal Model

NOTE: The content of this site changes frequently. If you are having trouble with a download, empty your browser cache and try again.

Printable Version

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