Speakers – University of Copenhagen

Climate Congress
International Aliance of Research Universities
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Plenary Speakers

Parallel Session Chairs

Below you may find all the confirmed session chairs listed by first name.

  • Professor Agus Sari
  • Professor Akiyoshi Sakoda
  • Science Manager Anders Viksø-Nielsen
  • Professor Anette Reenberg
  • Professor Ann Henderson-Sellers
  • Professor Anthony J. McMichael
  • Dr. Bette Otto-Bliesner
  • Dr. Cameron Hepburn
  • Dr. Carlos Nobre
  • Dr. Carol Turley
  • Dr. Chris Hope
  • Professor Chris Turney
  • Professor Claus Felby
  • Professor Coleen Vogel
  • Professor Dagmar Schröter
  • Professor Daniel M. Kammen
  • Senior Scientist Detlef F. Sprinz
  • Professor Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
  • Director Generel Frances Seymour
  • Dr. Frank Jotzo
  • Professor Harold Mooney
  • Director Henrik Bindslev
  • Mr. Jamie Pittock
  • Professor Jiahua Pan
  • Professor Jim Skea
  • Professor John Mitchell
  • Professor John R Porter
  • Professor Joyeeta Gupta
  • Professor Jørgen E. Olesen
  • Professor Karen O’Brien
  • Professor Keith Paustian
  • Professor Ken Caldeira
  • Professor Kevin Anderson
  • Director Kim Carstensen
  • Dr. Koko Warner
  • Professor Konrad Steffen
  • Professor Louise Fresco
  • Professor Maria Carmen Lemos
  • Professor Mark Ashton
  • Dr. Mark Stafford-Smith
  • Dr. Martin Claussen
  • Dr. Martin Visbeck
  • Professor Mary Scholes
  • Professor Masahide Kimoto
  • Professor Matthew England
  • Dr. Maxwell Boykoff
  • Dr. Michael Raupach
  • Professor Nathan Bindoff
  • Professor Nicolas Gruber
  • Professor Niels Elers Koch
  • Professor Oran Young
  • Dr. Pamela Matson
  • Dr. Paul Baer
  • Professor Paul Leadley
  • Dr. Pep Canadell
  • Professor Pete Smith
  • Professor Peter Gregory
  • Dr. Roberto Bertollini
  • Professor Scott Denning
  • Dr. Sivan Kartha
  • Dr. Thomas Downing
  • Professor Thomas Heyd
  • Professor Tim Lenton
  • Professor Timmons Roberts
  • Professor Torkil Jønch Clausen
  • Professor Warwick McKibbin
  • Professor Zhou Liping
