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P.O. Box 7065
Lawrence, KS 66044-7065 USA


Journal of Wildlife Diseases

WDA Officers:

Charles van Riper III,

Lynn Creekmore,

Pauline Nol,

Laurie Baeten,

Scott Wright,
Past President



Benefits of Membership

Ten reasons why you should join the Wildlife Disease Association

1. Free online access to the Journal of Wildlife Diseases

2. Free paper copy of the Journal of Wildlife Diseases if you wish

3. Contribute to better management of health of wildlife.

4. Access to contact information of world members in wildlife health

5. Reduced registration fees at meetings.

6. Access to student scholarship and awards.

7. Free access to programs and abstracts of recent meetings.

8. Free online research alerts on papers appearing in over 1000 journals.

9. Free online access to papers from over 1000 journals when cited in Journal of Wildlife Diseases  papers.

10. Contribute collectively to electronic distribution of information on health of wildlife free of charge to more than 110 less economically developed countries.

WDA Journal:  Members receive quarterly, The Journal of Wildlife Diseases.  The Journal includes reports of wildlife disease investigations, research papers, brief research notes, case and epizootic reports, book reviews and information concerning the WDA’s activities.  The Wildlife Disease Newsletter, circulated quarterly with the Journal, keeps members informed of Association business and items of contemporary interest in wildlife diseases.

Conferences: The WDA sponsors an annual meeting in July or August.  This meeting has become an established forum for the presentation of new research related to wildlife disease problems and offers both formal presentations and informal exchanges of ideas. Conferences are also held by the geographic sections of the WDA. Graduate and veterinary student participation in the annual meeting is encouraged with research recognition and student presentation awards.

On-Line Services:  Through Association Management Services, members of the WDA can now have on-line access to many of the management and membership tools and information necessary for being active Association members.  This service can be accessed by clicking here.  The information available on this site includes:

  • Membership Directory: The directory can be searched using a variety of criteria, including name (first or last), country, city, zip or postal code.

  • Membership Maintenance:  Members can update their contact information as it changes, with edits being posted within the next working day.

    • E-Mail Renewals:  Members can renew their membership on-line with use of a credit card. No more paying for mailing of letters or purchase of money orders!. The system will provide instant confirmation and receipt of the transaction.

    • On-Line Purchases:  Members can purchase on-line back issues or any other products that may come available also by use of credit card. Non-members can also use this service. Members should log into the site using code names and password before placing orders to apply member discounts (where applicable). Once again, the system provides instant confirmation and receipt of transaction.

    • Ballots:  Members are now able to vote on-line, saving money and time.

    • Broadcast E-mail:  The Association can now send us reminders about meetings, membership renewals or other business.

Membership Categories

  • Regular Member– Annual Dues $95 [paper and electronic Journal], $85 [electronic Journal only]
    Regular members have the right to vote, stand for elected office, receive the Journal of Wildlife Diseases, receive any Supplements to the Journal, receive the WDA Newsletter, access to all material on the Association website and all discounts for registration at annual meetings, for publication page charges, and other identified privileges.

  • Student MemberAnnual Dues $40 [paper and electronic Journal], $35 [electronic Journal only]
    Student members must be 1) enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate student program at least half time, or 2) be participating full time in an internship or residency program which is approved for credit towards board certification. Student members must obtain their academic (or equivalent) supervisor’s signature designating their student status and submit that annually when paying dues. Student members have all the rights and privileges of regular members.

  • Associate MemberAnnual Dues $22
    Associate members are those who wish to remain members of the Association for a reduced fee as determined by Council. Associate members do not receive the Journal of Wildlife Diseases but do receive the Newsletter. Associate members have the right to vote and the right to stand for elected office. Associate members also have access to the membership directory and receive access to material on the Association’s website. Associate members do not receive discounts accorded to other types of membership.

  • Sustaining Member
    Members having particular interest in the objectives of the Association and who wish to make a significant contribution as determined by Council to support those objectives. Sustaining members receive all rights and privileges accorded regular members and will receive special recognition by the Association.

To Join the WDA

Please print out the Membership Form and return to WDA Business Office or go to the On-Line Business Site

Copyright © 2008 Wildlife Disease Association. All rights reserved.