New knowledge and understanding derived from research drives the outreach component of the program.  IISG has formal processes in place to integrate research and outreach programs.  Program staff members meet with scientists and identify actions steps needed to translate research results into impacts.  With this approach, the outreach (also referred to as extension or engagement) functional area of IISG provides a vital link between researchers and information users.

IISG employs specialists with expertise in the program's thematic areas to interact with funded researchers and to lead and conduct outreach programming. Using this research-driven outreach expertise, IISG engages policy makers and resource users, empowering them to take full advantage of research findings as they make decisions and solve local problems. Extension specialists assemble the expertise and knowledge needed by client groups and work with communications specialists to package the information into a usable form. Outreach is further accomplished by providing technical information, training, and continuing education to a variety of resource professionals.

  • Extension - provides a link between researchers, information users (university researchers, decision-makers, environmental professionals, etc.), and resource users.  The program brings together experts and available knowledge to address relevant issues and topics and to train and educate clientele using new and traditional methods.
  • Communication - provides professional communications guidance to extension staff and researchers in the program.  The overall goal is to develop and implement effective communications strategies to support IISG's mission and to enhance recognition of the program as a key player addressing Great Lakes issues.  The communications component promotes Sea Grant's mission of research, education, and outreach through the creation, dissemination, and transfer of research results to the public in a meaningful way.
Dr. Rick Farnsworth
Associate Director for Extension
Purdue University
Forestry Building
195 Marsteller Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2033