Social Marketing
Nutrition and Physical Activity


Plan Components for the Problem Description

IV. Strategies for changeIV. Strategy for Change

Using Behavioral Theories and Models
Behavioral theories and models provide insight into why people behave the way they do. These theories and models help describe the factors that can lead to change and what you could consider measuring. They can point you to promising leads on how you might help individuals change their behavior, which, in turn, will help you develop intervention strategies once you get to phase 3. When reviewing theories and models, you should try to identify the factors that are relevant for your particular audience(s), in their specific situations. This information can help suggest ways to motivate your audience to change existing behaviors or to adopt new ones.

In social marketing the following theories and models are commonly used

  • Social-ecological model.
  • Stages of change model.
  • Social cognitive theory.
  • Theory of reasoned action.
  • Health belief model.
  • Diffusion of innovations theory.