About the CenterCDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) is at the forefront of the nation's efforts to prevent and control chronic diseases. On these pages, read about our: Mission/Vision/PrioritiesVisionAll people living healthy lives free from the devastation of chronic diseases. MissionTo lead efforts that promote health and well-being through prevention and control of chronic diseases. Strategic Priorities
ProgramsNCCDPHP supports a variety of activities that improve the nation's health by preventing chronic diseases and their risk factors. Program activities include one or more of our major functions: supporting states’ implementation of public health programs; public health surveillance; translation research; and developing tools and resources for stakeholders at the national, state, and community levels. Our major program areas are listed below.
Funding Opportunities AnnouncementsNCCDPHP works with many diverse partners, including state and local
health and education departments; other federal health agencies;
international and national health organizations; academic institutions;
philanthropic foundations; industry and labor groups; and professional,
voluntary and community organizations. Organizational ChartClick the individual boxes to learn more about the offices and divisions.
(A text description of this chart is also available.) BudgetIn FY 2008, Congress appropriated $834 million to CDC for Chronic Disease Prevention, Health Promotion and Genomics. For additional information about the Center’s budget, please visit: http://www.cdc.gov/fmo/PDFs/FY07-09_Functional_Table.pdf (PDF-27KB)
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