Weeds and biodiversity
working group

Working group meeting March 2009

The working group was established with the aims of fostering discussion and research on the role of weeds for biological diversity.

Research is demonstrating the importance of weeds for many other taxa in farmed landscapes. With greater appreciation of the complex ecological interactions within agroecosystems and with regulatory organizations examining the impact of non-target effects of pesticides, this Working Group should provide a forum for discussions between members and enhance relevant research.

Chair: Bärbel Gerowitt

Institute for Land Use - Crop Health -
Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
University of Rostock
Satower Str. 48
18051 Rostock
Phone: +49 381-498-2200
Fax: +49 381-498-2199
E-mail: B�rbel Gerowitt

March 12 - 13, 2009
EWRS Workshop of the Working Group Weeds and Biodiversity
Venue: Lleida (Lérida) Spain
(click here for details or here to download the Third Circular as a pdf file)

Please note that the venue and the hotels have changed.
Read the Third Circular for details.

Click here to go to the Working Group on Weeds and Biodiversity web site: http://www.ewrs.org/biodiversity