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Cost Estimates

The process for developing costs algorithms by the Tamarisk Coalition was a product of an economics assessment by the National Invasive Species Council.

These algorithms comprehensively assimilate all aspects of costs associated with a successful approach to tamarisk management (i.e., planning, control, revegetation, monitoring, and maintenance).

Mechanical mulching of tamarisk biomass Riparian revegetation crew

Costs used to develop the equations assume an “Integrated Pest Management” approach will be used; i.e., use all the tools available and apply the best to each specific situation.

The cost equations are based on three primary variables – infestation as a percentage of canopy cover (0 to 100%), accessibility (good or poor), and width of infestation (less than or greater than 50 feet). They are presented as low-end, high-end, and most-likely average costs per acre. 

Although these cost equations are appropriate for planning purposes, individual project areas must identify site specific conditions and chose control/revegetation approaches accordingly. The chosen approaches should then be used to develop refined cost estimates.

These cost equations can be found in Table 1 and Figure 17-23 of Riparian Restoration: Assessment of Alternative Technologies for Tamarisk Control, Biomass Reduction and Revegetation.