
Specialized Country Profiles and Information Systems

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FAO Country Profiles and Mapping Information System

The FAO Country Profiles and Mapping Information System presents the Organization's vast archive of knowledge on agriculture and food security within a single Web-based portal, with groupings by country and thematic area.

The system brings together documents, statistical data, project details and maps from FAO's existing specialized country profiles which are listed below, as well as information from the Organization's Web pages and systems and those of its partners.

Links to other FAO Country Information Systems and Country Profiles

Aquastat Country Profiles
The AQUASTAT country profiles describe the state of water resources and agricultural water use in the respective country. Special attention is given to the water resource, irrigation, and drainage sub-sectors.

A national statistical information system for food and agriculture.  CountrySTAT harmonizes and integrates data on food and agriculture coming from different sources. Through a core database, policy makers and researchers can group data across thematic areas -- such as production, trade and consumption -- in order to study relationships and processes.

Biotechnology Country Profiles
The objective of the profiles is to provide a platform on which developing country biotechnology-related policies, regulations and activities can be readily accessed, directing the user to key, updated sources of information.

BIODEC Biotechnologies in Developing Countries
FAO-BioDeC is a database meant to gather, store, organize and disseminate, updated baseline information on the state-of-the-art of crop biotechnology products and techniques, which are in use, or in the pipeline in developing countries. The data base includes about 2000 entries from 70 developing countries, including countries with economies in transition.

Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profiles
The Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile provides a broad overview of relevant general, topographical, climatic and agro-ecological information with focus on livestock production systems and the pasture/forage resources. It also provides information concerning key institutions and personnel and their current research interests, as well as selected references.

FAO Projects in the country
From the Field Programme Management Information System (FPMIS). The content is coordinated by the Technical Cooperation Department of FAO.

FAO Terminology - Names of Countries
In order to standardize and harmonize the vast quantity of terms used in FAO documents and publications, the Organization developed the terminology database FAOTERM. The Corporate NAMES OF COUNTRIES database also aims at facilitating the consultation and harmonization of country names throughout the Organization. Downloading options are available to enable the creation of customized country lists and databases.

The world's largest online collection of national laws, regulations and international agreements on food and agriculture maintained by the Legal Office of FAO.

Fisheries and Aquaculture Country Profiles
FAO's Fisheries and Aquaculture Department prepares and publishes Fishery and Aquaculture Country Profiles. Each profile summarizes the Department's assessment of activities and trends in fisheries and aquaculture for the country concerned. The profiles have a standard layout. Economic and demographic data are based on UN or World Bank sources; data on fisheries are generally those published by the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department.

Forestry Country Profiles
The forestry country profiles provide detailed information on forests and the forest sector: forest cover (types, extent and change), forest management, policies, products and trade, and more - in all some 30 pages for each country in the world.

FAO-GeoNetwork is a web based Geographic Data and Information Management System. It enables easy access to local and distributed geospatial information catalogues and makes available data, graphics, documents for immediate download. FAO-GeoNetwork holds approximately 5000 standardized metadata records for digital and paper maps, most of them at the global, continent and national level.

Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS)
The System aims to provide policy-makers and policy-analysts with the most up-to-date information available on all aspects of food supply and demand, warning of imminent food crises, so that timely interventions can be planned.

International Portal on Food Safety, Animal & Plant Health (IPFSAPH)
IPFSAPH facilitates trade in food and agriculture by providing a single access point to authorized official international and national information across the sectors of food safety, animal and plant health. It has been developed by FAO in association with the organizations responsible for international standard setting in sanitary and phytosanitary matters.

Livestock Sector Briefs
The purpose of the Livestock Sector Briefs is to provide a concise overview of livestock production in the selected countries through tables, maps and graphs.

Nutrition Country Profiles
The Nutrition Country Profiles (NCP) provide concise analytical summaries describing the food and nutrition situation in individual countries.

Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
Information by country

Water and Food Security Country Profiles
The Water and Food Security Country Profiles provide focalized information on the state of water resources and food security globally in a country-specific format.

Reports and Statistical Data

- Compendium of Food and Agriculture Indicators 2006

- Directory of National Agricultural Research Institutions

- EXPORTS - Commodities by Country

- FAO Statistical Country profile 2004

- Food Security Statistics

- IMPORTS - Commodities by Country

- Major Food and Agricultural Commodities and Producers

- Millennium Development Goals - Progress on hunger reduction

- Review of water resource statistics by country