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Please be advised that we are upgrading our web services and you may experience intermittent interruptions.  Also, please note that the following online services will not be available from 8:00 a.m. Thursday January 15 to 5:00 p.m. Friday January 16: online meeting registration and publication sales.  You may still make donations, renew membership, submit job postings and information requests, access webcasts and other resources.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


An Ancient Grove of Trees Stands Tall

Land Trust Success :: Montana

An Ancient Grove of Trees Stands Tall

At a spot between the Rattlesnake Mountains and the Big Blackfoot river in Montana, there stands a grove of trees centuries older than the United States itself. the oldest ones - some more than 400 years old - are yellow-bark ponderosa pines, which are very tall and very straight, with trunks measuring as many as four-feet in diameter.

Photo: by Jim Berkey, Five Valleys Land Trust

Updates for Land Trusts

Sign Up Now for 2009 Online Trainings!

Designed to help you run a more effective and efficient land trust. More >>


Update on Conservation Defense Insurance

Learn about the latest news about this potential program and give us your feedback. More >>


Expert Link - Professional Partner Resources

Need some professional assistance? Use Expert Link - the Land Trust Alliance's online professional partners directory. Search by: Appraisers, Attorneys, Consultants.

Policy Update

Tax Incentive Impact Survey Results

Conservation Boosted by 535,000 Acres.


Voters Approve $8.4 Billion for Conservation

Learn about funding for conservation measures passed in the 2008 election. Read more >>

The Learning Center

Updated Land Conservation Case Law Summaries

Available on The Learning Center to Alliance member land trusts, partners, and individual members at the $250 level and above. More >>

New Curriculum Book!

Conservation Easement Stewardship More>>

Document Actions


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Buyer's market may help land trusts

January 11, 2009 | Portland Press Herald (ME)

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December 20, 2008 | Business Record (IA)

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Daily Earth
"Since the land is the parent, let the citizens take care of her more carefully than children do their mother."
- Plato

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