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Baetiscidae: Baetisca sp.*, Nymph; photo by Dave PenroseGeneral information

For general information about the Society, feedback about this web site, or if you encounter login difficulties, contact the NABS Business Office, who will gladly field your questions

Taxonomic Certification Program

For general information about the Taxonomic Certification Program or feedback about the TCP web site, contact the NABS TCP coordinator:
Trefor B Reynoldson Tel: 1 902 585 1638 ; email:

For technical support with the TCP web site:  Gail Corkum
Tel: 1 902 585 1742; email:

Address: NABS Taxonomic Certification Program
Acadia Center for Estuarine Research
Acadia University
Box 115
Wolfville N.S. B2R 4P6

Address change - Applications - JNABS Subscription information

Most operations can be made online on the Business Office website, If you prefer, you can use email.

How to post an advertisement or a message to NABSweb?

NABS members, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations can freely post advertisements for position openings, meetings, publications, workshop and courses or general interest messages.

For-profit companies are allowed to post freely, but a $35 donation to one of the NABS endowments funds is suggested.

Advertisements and messages should be emailed to the NABS Classifieds editor (Antoine Morin, . If judged acceptable, they will be posted promptly (generally within 24h).