Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!
100th Meridian Initiative
Image Library (Click on images to enlarge them)

Paperweight Zebra Mussels were confirmed living at Lake Mead on January 6, 2007 by Wen Baldwin, President of the Lake Mead Boat Owner's Association.

Please also visit our Lake Mead Image Library for images of quagga mussels from Lake Mead and the Lower Colorado River

Monofilament A young zebra mussel attached to monofilament fishing line.
Enlarged Image
PaperweightPrefix Corp. is manufacturing clear plastic, triangular blocks holding real zebra mussels shells. These "paperweights" will be used as educational tools in order to show the public what zebra mussel shells look like. Click on the image to the left for additional photos.
boatZebra-Mussel Infestation at Oologah Lake, Oklahoma
A series of photographs shot by David Britton at Oologah Lake in March, 2005. Several impact photos are available showing thick zebra mussel encrustation on boats and other objects.
boatZebra-Mussel Infested Boats at Lake Mead
Pictures of three boats found in 2004 planning to launch at Lake Mead. Photos provided by Wen Baldwin, Lake MEad Boat Owner's Association.
Logo100th Meridian Initiative Symbol. Various formats are available in several sizes. 100th Meridian Initiative Logos
musselZebra Mussels
Photo from U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, La Crosse Fishery Resource Office Click here for a larger image of zebra mussels .
Zebra Mussel SamplerPhotos from El Dorado Reservoir in south central Kansas. These traps (or samplers) catch zebra mussel larvae (veligers), which attach to the substrate (mesh material) inside a PVC tube. An inexpensive method commonly used to monitor for the presence of zebra mussels.
Photo #1 Photo #2 Photo #3 Photo #4
Zebra Mussels on BoatZebra mussels found on a boat from Chicago area preparing to launch in Lake Mead.
Press Release Photo #1 Photo #2 Photo #3
BilboardANS billboard from Missouri Department of Conservation
Click here for a larger version
BilboardANS billboard along I-29 in southeastern South Dakota
Click here for a 640 by 480 pixel version
Boat PhotoA Wisconsin boater brings zebra mussels to Lake Powell. Fortunately these were only dead shells. Click here to read the story as described by Mark Anderson of the National Park Service and see the photos he contributed.
Poster Thumbnail"Zap the Zebra" Poster produced by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission available in PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view this file.
Sign Thumbnail"Stop Harmful Species" Sign from Washington State. This sign is available in portable document format (PDF) and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it. Click here to see the sign.
Alert ThumbnailThree similar signs from Washington State declaring that it is illegal to transport zebra mussels and/or water milfoil. These signs are contained within one file in PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view this file.
Zebra Mussel EncrustationZebra Mussels on the move on I-40 in Oklahoma. This is an example of what not to do. See Photos
California InvadersZebra Mussels out West. Here is an example of Zebra Mussels making it all the way to California via a trailered boat. Fortunately, this boat was stopped before it was launched in California waters. See Photos
Zebra MusselA close-up view of a zebra mussel shell. Click on the thumbnail to the left to take a closer look.
A higher resolution version (1450 x 915 pixels at 300 dpi, approximately 800 kb) is also available.
Spread the Message, Not the MusselsSpread the message, not the mussels.
ANS SignA standard sign used at boat launches by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

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