What Can I Do?

  • Learn what invasive species look like and teach others!
  • Discover alternatives in your landscape! Promote responsible gardening by considering natives as alternatives. Learn about the native plants around you.
  • Remove invasive exotic plants from your landscape and replace them with native plants or non-invasive exotics. Remove invasive exotics before they are a problem, when densities are low. Scout annually for invasive plants.
  • Buy nursery-propagated native plants. Never dig or buy plants that have been dug in the wild.
  • Minimize landscape disturbance and promote healthy native plant communities.
  • Avoid using garden plants from other regions whose invasive potential is poorly understood. In addition to potential threats to natural areas, some exotics become pests in carefully managed landscapes and gardens.
  • Support organizations such as Invasive Plants Association of Wisconsin (IPAW). IPAW is working to educate and raise awareness about the threat posed by invasive exotics. Volunteer to serve on a committee or a working study group.


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