Biological Control and Eradication Projects


     In spite of our best efforts to prevent pests from coming into Kansas, occasionally a new pest is found.  When a new insect, weed or disease is found, the technical experts are consulted and a decision is made as to the best approach to manage the infestation.  In some cases, eradication of the pest is feasible and efforts are begun to treat the infestation. 

     Pests that are widely distributed in the state and not likely to be eradicated require a different approach.  In these cases, management which may include a biological control organism is the best option.  A bio-control organism may be an insect or disease that has been carefully screened to ensure it is specific only to the pest being controlled.  The Kansas Department of Agriculture works with the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal Plant Health Inspection Service to ensure the bio-control organism is properly permitted for release and the release conditions are carefully followed. While bio-control will not likely result in eradication of the pest, a successful bio-control organism will reduce the impact of the pest on the host plants or the environment.