
Call for Presentations - NACDEP 2009
Creating Sustainable Communities in a Changing America
ANREP 2008 Conference Scholarship Competition
Three scholarships for the 2008 ANREP National Conference in May will be awarded in April. Each scholarship will cover the cost of early registration at the conference ($285).
JCEP Regional Workshops Planned
The Joint Council of Extension Professionals is pleased to sponsor the 2008 JCEP Regional Leadership Workshops in two exciting locations. The Northeast & Southern Regions will meet in Orlando, Florida, February 5 - 7 and the North Central & West Regions will meet in San Diego, CA , February 20-22.
First Call for Papers - 6th Natural Resource Extension Professionals Conference - 2008
Our conference will be in Aldo Leopold’s backyard. He was a wildlife biologist, forester, land use prophet, and conservation/environmental visionary. His career, writings and legacy continue to reflect the core values of ANREP. We work in a new era of natural resource outreach opportunities! Extension must respond to a wave of increased environmental-related public interest and activism.
Request for Proposals: The National Learning Center for Private Forest and Range Landowners
The National Learning Center (NLC) for Private Forest and Range Landowners is led by an advisory committee representing USDA Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service (CSREES), extension forest and range faculty, and other stakeholders. It provides high-quality web-based educational resources to private forest and range landowners and materials for education/outreach and extension personnel. The objective of the web-based learning center is to engage individuals in thoughtful management and stewardship of natural resources on private lands across the nation. Visitors to have a wide variety of highly interactive, self-directed learning modules that they can explore to gain valuable insights and technical assistance in the management of forests and rangelands. Educators will find resources they can adapt to enrich their local programming efforts.
First Call for Papers: IUFRO 3.08 Conference
2006 Public Issues Leadership Development Conference Announced
The 2006 PILD Conference Planning Committee is excited to bring you “Capital Steps Toward Leadership.” JCEP sponsors this annual conference to keep Extension professionals abreast of changing public issues that impact our communities and therefore affect Extension programs. 2006 will undoubtedly see major changes occurring in Extension across the country and this conference will bring you a variety of speakers to assist as you address emerging issues.
National Network for Sustainable Living Education Requests Your Assistance by Filling Out the Following Survey!
ANREP Awards Program 2006
The ANREP Awards Program will foster high standards among its members and help expand the use of high quality, innovative materials and programs by honoring the outstanding members and partners as well as the educational materials and programs they have developed.
Ralph L. Tabor Extension Fellowship 2006-2007
The National Association of Counties (NACo), in partnership with the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) and the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), offers a unique fellowship program for Extension faculty and staff. Applications are being accepted until March 31, 2006, for the one-year term in Washington, D.C., that begins approximately August 1, 2006.
Public Issues Leadership Conference
The 2006 PILD Conference Planning Committee is excited to bring you "Capital Steps Toward Leadership". JCEP sponsors this annual conference to keep Extension professionals abreast of changing public issues that impact our communities and therefore affect Extension programs. 2006 will undoubtedly see major changes occurring in Extension across the country and this conference will bring you a variety of speakers to assist as you address emerging issues.
2006 National ANREP Officers Announced
Call for ANREP Executive Committee Nominations
In accordance with Article IX in our Bylaws, as Past President of ANREP I am responsible for soliciting nominations for positions being vacated on our ANREP Executive Committee. In 2005, we will elect four members of the group as prescribed in the excerpted by-laws below--President- Elect, Treasurer, and Southern and Western Regional Representatives.
2005 NIPF Education Award
The National Woodland Owners Association (NWOA), in cooperation with the National Association of University Forest Resources Programs (NAUFRP), will present the annual NIPF Education Award at the 2005 Society of American Foresters (SAF) national convention in late October of this year. The award will be presented to the educational institution deemed to have delivered the most effective education program benefiting non-industrial private forest (NIPF) landowners. Any educational institution is eligible. The award will be presented to the administrative unit where the faculty involved in the education program are housed.
2005 ANREP Educational Awards Announced
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources in the Western United States Conference
ANREP Conference Call for Abstracts
5th Natural Resource Extension Professionals Conference
ANREP goes to Washington (DC)!
ANREP Program Leadership & Development Committee Conference Call Minutes for December 2004
ANREP Member Written Play Available
ANREP Joins Journal of Extension Editorial Board
The Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals Executive Committee of ANREP is pleased to name member Doug Stienbarger to the designated ANREP seat on the Journal of Extension Board of Directors. Doug is director of Washington State University's Clark County Extension office in Brush Prairie, Washington, and represents a broad interdisciplinary background both within and outside of Extension. He is accomplished in local Extension programming and social science research in natural resources in West Africa and the Caribbean.
JCEP Meeting Information and Agenda
Awards Committee Conference Call Notes (October 2004)
Members of the 2004-2006 ANREP Awards Committee: Susan W. Williams, University of Florida, chair; Mel Baughman, University of Minnesota; Don Hanley, University of Washington; Maia McGuire, St. Johns County (Florida) Extension Office; Nick Polanin, Rutgers University; Bruce Wilkins, Cornell University and Chris Zoller, Tuscarawas County, Ohio Extension Office. Board liaison, Marella Crane, Miami-Dade County Extension.
2005 ANREP Election Results
ANREP Members win JCEP Excellence in Teamwork Awards
JCEP, Joint Council of Extension Professionals, announces the 2004 winners of the JCEP Excellence in Teamwork Awards. Projects from Georgia and Hawaii will receive the 2004 JCEP Excellence in Teamwork awards. The awards will be presented at the national Extension professional association meetings of the winning team members.
Open Letter to ANREP Membership from Larry Biles
With this note I extend a proud and humble thank you for the Meritorious Service Award presented at ANREP IV in honor of my years of “behind the scenes” work in nurturing the formation and subsequently the management of the Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP). The push for ANREP began as a concept in August 1991 in Eugene, OR. Since that time Natural Resource Extension Professionals have wrestled with the development and adoption of by-laws, election of officers, collection of dues, formation of committees, solicitation of membership in the Joint Council of Extension Professionals, planning and conducting four bi-annual meetings, and somewhat recently, sponsorship of the Galaxy Conference. Watching ANREP grow in respect and prowess is one of the more memorable aspects of my work in Washington, DC.
2004 ANREP Awards Announced at Annual Meeting
Recommendations for the Formation of an ANREP State and/or Regional Chapter
2004 ANREP Update
2004 Awards Program Announced
Sample State Chapter Bylaws Developed
2004 ANREP Election Results Released
Lost 2002 National ANREP Photos Found!!!
2003 Natural Resource Extension Educational Materials Awards Announced
ANREP is honoring 25 educational materials produced under the leadership of our members. At least three judges evaluated each material against specific criteria that emphasized usefulness to a target audience, innovativeness, and potential educational impact. Judging was done by ANREP members from Florida, Montana, New Jersey, New York, and Vermont with Bruce Wilkins, MD coordinating the judging. Award categories are Gold (1st Place), Silver (2nd Place), and Bronze (3rd Place).
ANREP Update for Regional JCEP Meetings (2003)
Members Evaluate their Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals
Conducting a membership survey can provide valuable guidance to the organization in determining its future directions. Timing such a survey prior to a strategic planning effort can give all members input into determining priorities for the organization and increase the chances that their input is valued and acted upon. This survey information was a cornerstone of information used for the Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals’s (ANREP) strategic planning conducted six months following the survey.
3rd Natural Resource Extension Professionals Conference Speaker and Poster Abstracts
2002 Membership Business Meeting Notes
Rodney J. Brown: "Revolutionizing or Evolutionizing Extension Programming?"
I am happy to be here with you. Having spent half of last year in CSREES-NRE, I feel like I am home again. Your conference theme, “Revolutionizing or Evolutionizing Extension Programming?” is particularly timely. For just a few minutes, I will share some of my thoughts on translating the challenges we face in the Cooperative Extension System into opportunities. Unbiased, research-based, and community-based Extension education programs have been long recognized as reliable and credible sources of information.
Request for Membership to the Joint Council of Extension Professionals
The Executive Board of the Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP) fully supports application for membership to the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP). ANREP has committed itself to establishing this joint relationship and has had dialogue with JCEP since 1995. JCEP has asked ANREP to meet certain requirements. ANREP has done this.
Mel Baughman Recognition Resolution
Whereas the Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals (AN- REP) met in assembly at the first National Extension Natural Resources Con- ference in Deerwood, MN, May 17–20, 1998; and Whereas Dr. Mel Baughman, Extension Forestry Specialist, University of Minnesota, and past president of ANREP, served as general chairman for the conference; and Whereas Dr. Baughman provided exemplary leadership for the planning and conduct of the conference, with emphasis on local arrangements, advertisement, program planning, registration, leisure time and entertainment; and Whereas Dr. Baughman’s leadership resulted in a timely, productive and smoothly executed professional development conference; and Whereas Dr. Baughman influenced a higher power to bless the assembly with unseasonal weather, bountiful supplies of fish and other water-based recreation, well manicured golf courses, safe and healthy jogging, and a spectacular evening lightning show;
Miley Gonzoles Recognition Resolution
Whereas the Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals met in assembly at the first National Extension Natural Resources Conference, Deer- wood, MN, May 17–20, 1998; and Whereas Dr. I. Miley Gonzalez, USDA Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics, provided the keynote address; and Whereas Under Secretary Gonzalez confirmed Natural Resources as a Re- search and Extension Program area for Land Grant Universities; and Whereas Under Secretary Gonzalez recognized the work and contributions of Extension Natural Resource Professionals towards a sustainable America, and conferred awards for collaborative, interdisciplinary flagship programs in the states of Washington, Ohio, and New York:
Conference Presentation from Dr. Robert D. Brown - "Natural Resources Challenges for Land Grant Colleges in the 21st Century"
I have had over 50 requests from the participants at this conference for a copy of my presentation, “Natural Resources Challenges for Land Grant Colleges in the 21st Century.” Rather than respond to each request, I found it easier to simply scan the list of participants into our computer, and then send each of you a copy of the presentation, along with copies of some of the slides.
2000 Conference Attendees
2001 Officers Announced
The Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP) completed their 2001 elections on December 8, 2000 and announces the following officers to lead their organization in the coming calendar year. The Association was founded in 1996 by a group of natural resource specialists interested in increasing the communication, cooperation, and networking among the diverse professionals in the field of extension. These officers will join Chuck Gay (President) and Bill Hubbard (Past-President) to form the ANREP Executive Board. Congratulations and good luck!
2000 President's Report
JCEP Regional Meetings Summaries (all data)
Joint Council of Extension Professionals Regional Leadership Workshops - "Creating a Vision for the 21st Century" - February, 2001 - Regional Summaries of Strategic Planning
JCEP Regional Leadership Meeting Executive Summary
In February 1999, the Kellogg Commission on the Future of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges issued a report titled “Returning to our Roots: the Engaged Institution.” This seminal report provided challenges and opportunities to the Cooperative Extension Service. Specifically, the Kellogg report determined that “it is important to consider how to reshape cooperative extension so that it develops into what it has always had the capability of becoming, a powerful organizing center for total university engagement”
Regional Representative Position Descriptions Updated
ANREP Regional Representatives shall serve a 2-year term beginning on January 1 of the calendar year. The Northeast and Central Representatives shall be elected on opposite years of the Southern and Western Representatives.
Minutes from Administrative Council Meetings
"Thinking Like a Manager: Reflections on Wildlife Management" Published
2006 ANREP Award Winners Announced
eXtension Invites Participation in Frequently Asked Questions
On July 5, 2006 eXtension launched its Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) initiative for use by all Cooperative Extension Service professionals.
QDMA publishes new book, "Quality Food Plots, Your Guide to Better Deer and Better Deer Hunting"
"Quality Food Plots, Your Guide to Better Deer and Better Deer Hunting"
Attendees Rate 2006 Conference Highly
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