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2005 Joint Assembly

22-27 May 2005

American Geophysical Union
North American Benthological Society
Society of Exploration Geophysics
Solar Physics Division - Astronomical Society of America

Earnest N. Morial Convention Center,
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA,


The NABS meeting is breaking new ground in 2005 by participating in a Joint Assembly in conjunction with the American Geophysical Union (AGU), a worldwide scientific community, as well as the Society for Exploration Geophysics and the Solar Physics Division of the Astronomical Society of America. As you peruse the program, note the considerable overlap of interests between NABS members and those scientists who comprise AGU's Hydrology and Biogeosciences sections. This overlap is made manifest through a total of 21 joint sessions between NABS and these AGU sections - providing a breadth of freshwater ecological topics previously only dreamt of by NABS members. This Joint Assembly in New Orleans, Louisiana, promises to be a truly historic meeting in one of the world's most culturally vibrant cities.