
Property owners light up phones, jam assessor's site

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BY ALGIS J. LAUKAITIS / Lincoln Journal Star

Wednesday, Jan 14, 2009 - 01:04:35 pm CST

Tried the Lancaster County Assessor’s Web site lately to look at the valuation of  your property or those in your neighborhood?

Lots of people have in the last few days after they got preliminary notices in the mail and they’ve found the Web site to be very slow. Or they’ve been kicked off after a long wait.

It’s gotten so bad that County Assessor Norm Agena posted the following notice on the Web site:

Share your story
Tell us about your valuation. You don’t need to give your name or your exact address, but include your neighborhood, the age and size of your home, the change in your valuation -- and your opinion. Send your story to with “Property valuation” in the subject line.

What can you do?
* Visit the assessor’s Web site: That’s where you can find the notice and a list of properties used as a comparison to come up with the preliminary valuation. ID numbers were on the notices sent by mail, but property owners can enter their name and address, too. Note: Many people are trying to visit this site. Be patient. Try at off-peak times of the day.
* If you want to discuss your preliminary valuation or suggest an error, call the Lancaster County Assessor/Register of Deeds Office, 441-7463, to set up an appointment. Call by Feb. 27.

The Assessors Search site is having a large amount of hits to its server due to the preliminary value notices. You may experience sluggish response or even timing out when attempting to load a data sheet. Please be patient and try utilizing the site on lower peak hours for the next couple of weeks. Thank you for your patience.

Agena mailed about 96,000 preliminary notices to residential and agricultural property owners on Friday. Most got them on Monday and Agena’s phones have been ringing off the wall ever since.

“They’re concerned about their values and are asking why they’ve gone up or down,” Agena said Wednesday.

Some property owners have seen their valuations go up by $10,000, $20,000 or more. Agena said the increases could be due to a variety of reasons:

* New construction, including remodeling. Also, the property owner could have had a partial assessment last year if the owner’s construction wasn’t complete.

* There are properties whose values have not been reassessed since 2006.

*  There are some areas in Lincoln where market values have gone up or stayed very stable.

Chuck Ranta, who owns a townhouse in the Rolling Hills subdivision in south Lincoln, is one of the frustrated property owners who has been trying to find comparable properties on the Web site. He plans to make an appointment with Agena’s office so he can talk to an appraiser about the 10 percent increase in his valuation.

Like many people, Ranta was surprised by the increase, especially in these difficult economic times.

“It does not reflect what the selling price would be of the townhomes in my area,” Ranta said. “In reality, it should have gone down 10 percent.”

 Ranta said  he could not sell his townhouse right now for the amount listed in his preliminary valuation — not in this real estate market.

“I have no qualms about paying my fair share. I’m happy to do that,” Ranta said.

The preliminary valuations are based on a countywide reappraisal of property, which is done  every three years. The last one was completed in 2006.

Agena declined to give a percentage figure on what property values have done  since 2006.

“I don’t even get into that,” he said. “I don’t do percentages because you have to look at the individual properties and not what the overall percentage change is because that means absolutely nothing to the individual property owner.”

Agena said those types of countywide percentage figures are compiled by the state Department of Revenue and will be available after the final valuations are mailed out.

“Nothing will be done based on preliminary values,” he said.

Agena’s staff is very busy taking messages and scheduling appointments for anyone who wants to come in and talk about a preliminary notice with one of his appraisers. 

“We’re asking people to be patient and we’ll get back to them as soon as we possibly can,” Agena  said.

Appointments can be made through the end of February on a first-come basis.

Agena plans to send out final valuations in early June. That’s when commercial property owners should get theirs, too.

Reach Algis J. Laukaitis at (402) 473-7243 or

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Very Confused wrote on January 14, 2009 1:17 pm:
" Please be sure to check the comparables around you as well. We checked the house that sits next door to our rental which was valued at half of the preliminary value on our rental. The exact same comparables were used for both properties and the same sale dates and amounts are listed for the comparable properties, but the market values differ by tens of thousands of dollars. Very disturbing that these are not the same as well. We will be contacting the assessor's office for an explanation. "

Great wrote on January 14, 2009 1:32 pm:
" Sure, when the economy and many people are in trouble, let's jack up their property values and have them pay more in taxes! I am sure everyone will be delighted! "

Cory wrote on January 14, 2009 1:41 pm:
" My valuation went up by over $9000. Are you serious? How far are the county assesor employees head's buried? Where have they been for the last 6 months? I can't believe they have the nerve to raise values in this housing market. "

Assessors office is out of touch wrote on January 14, 2009 1:53 pm:
" Ours went up over 20,000 from previous amount, and we did no remodeling. What in the world are they doing down there? Is this the county's attempt to make sure more tax dollars are rolling into the coffers despite reality in which all property values have decreased? I wish the LJS would do their job and some investigative reporting and find out exactly why and how it is they think property is increasing in value, when in fact it is decreasing all over Lincoln. Real Estate agent after agent will confirm this. Let's not take what the county assessor is saying as gospel. "

Confused wrote on January 14, 2009 1:56 pm:
" Is it good or bad that my home value went down? Why does it go down? Does that mean its in worse condition? I am very confused somebody straiten me out please. "

Protest it wrote on January 14, 2009 2:01 pm:
" We received our notice in the mail on Monday. Scheduled an appointment already to protest this ridiculous increase in our home value. I encourage all property owners to do the same. I have a feeling the lines will get longer everyday if you wait. "

confused too wrote on January 14, 2009 2:12 pm:
" I attempted to contact the assessor's office after my neighbor called me to let me know that even though I have the smaller house in the neighborhood square footage wise, I have one of the highest assessments. I haven't made any changes to my home, have not had any new construction for the 22 years we have lived there. So I am very, very confused because the assessment of my home went up over $9000 with absolutely no changes to the property. "

doesnt make sense wrote on January 14, 2009 2:15 pm:
" We have a brand new home, completed in summer 2008 that was valued soon after closing at $178,000 and in January now our new valuation is $191,900. That's 7 percent increase in less than 6 months. "

Chad wrote on January 14, 2009 2:33 pm:
" Somebody has lost their mind. My crumbling little house went from 85k to 99.7K? Please put down the pipe and quit trying to fill the coffers by gouging the homeowners. "

Over it wrote on January 14, 2009 2:34 pm:
" This is the 3rd year in a row that I've protested my property valuation (the past two very successfully). I've done no remodel, no construction, and no improvements since 2007. I find it hard to believe in a "bad real estate market" that Lancaster County can believe that my property is worth $68,000 more this year. The assessor even toured the property in late 2007...nothing's changed. I'm over it. I feel like I have a big fat red target on my house! "

agnry new homeowner wrote on January 14, 2009 2:44 pm:
" After purchasing a home in June 08, I thought things could be possibly moving forward. Now after the new evaluation our appraised value went up over $40,000. With the economy the way it is no wonder why some many home are being forclosed. "

topaz wrote on January 14, 2009 2:57 pm:
" My valuation shot up 20% on a 100 year old single story home in University Place, and I didn't do a darned thing to it the last two years. Of the three "comparables" two were sold in 2007 at the height of the housing bubble, but their 2009 valuation is actually now lower than my mine. And somehow my living area magically increased [what does UA stand for? I know RES is residential]- and my 10x12 storage shed bloomed to 12x18 on the property sketch.

To their credit, the assessor's office was prompt and friendly, and I have an appointment to discuss my property. But I'm not sure how their figures get so out of whack. I'd advise all property owners to check details carefully if their valuation is 10% or greater. "

Hmmm... wrote on January 14, 2009 3:01 pm:
" All just part of the "Downtown Clown Association"! They win, we lose. Typical Lincoln politics. "

Outta here wrote on January 14, 2009 3:03 pm:
" I don't get it. My value went up in 2007 by approx $8700. Supposedly there was no change in tax valuation or reappraisals since 2006?!?!?! Looking at my neighbors values it appears that is the case. But not me. The only "improvement" made here has been paint. Now my valuation has jumped another approx $7800. That is $16,600 in increase in 2 years. My little 3 bedroom bungalow is now valued where I can go purchase a foreclosed mini mansion for nearly the same price. Guess, I'm moving this God forsaken, tax happy state. "

neighborhood wrote on January 14, 2009 3:07 pm:
" Our letter is $10,000 more than what the website has for our preliminary value. Which is $12,000 more than it was valued at last year. I'm fine with the $10,000 bump but not the $20,000. Has anyone else noticed a discrepancy like this? "

Whats Up With Assessments wrote on January 14, 2009 3:07 pm:
" Just checked my preliminary 2009 assessed value online and did some comparisons of my own. Surprise!! Surprise!!! A lower assessed!!! The 2009 assessed value went "up" $20,000 over the 2008 assessed value. Get this: the 2009 method of re-evaluation noted on data sheet is labeled "Street Review". The method listed for the previous evaluation, actually accomplished in 2008: "Interview and Measure". I clearly speaking to the assigned field assessor myself just a year ago and we discussed how the value was determined. Go figure!! In addition, very different types of properties were use for comparison on this go around. For this 2009 assessment, it appears that the Assessor's office computer program utilized values of properties that were sold just before the devaluation in properties took place. Of course that will be their excuse to stand behind...sometime it works in your favor and sometimes it doesn't!!! Do you recall the campaign discussions that took place between the candidates last Assessor election cycle? The challenger noted that the computer program the office utilizes does not work fairly for all property holders. The incumbent said it works fine!! Looks like we may need some version of taxpayer revolt on our attack the hungry "spending beast". Remember that united we stand...divided we fall. It certainly makes sense to me that our state and county folks are working overtime to come up with a strategy to acquire additional coffer funding to feed their "spending appetites". I urge everyone to bombard the County Assessor's office with questions and comments. The assessment rules that are currently in place do not work in this type of economy. Personally, when I don't have money to spend...I don't spend it. I will not stand for giving the "spending beast" another couple $40 per month...just so they can continue to spend at what some think are necessary levels! "

OleClone wrote on January 14, 2009 3:14 pm:
" I recently spent over a year helping a family member find, and buy, a house in Lincoln. Overall, there is NO relationship between the assessed value of housing to market value in Lincoln, Ne. If Mr. Agenda feels otherwise, I'm sure we could find a UNL Statistics Professor that would be happy to very quickly prove him right or wrong.
It's interesting housing through out the U.S has gone down in value this past year, everywhere EXCEPT in Lincoln, NE. "

Assessment Computer Program Question wrote on January 14, 2009 3:19 pm:
" Does anyone remember the details that were part of the last Assessor election cycle regarding the accusations by the challenger regarding the way in which the utilized computer program assesses property values? I remember that the challenger had great concerns and the incumbent stated that the program worked just fine. Now I wonder who had the better information!!! "

Carl wrote on January 14, 2009 3:19 pm:
" Good luck fighting it. I protested mine during the last round, I came armed with 3 homes in the very same subdivision that had the exact same floor plan as my house, but they did not use those as comps. They used other houses that were larger than mine and had finished walkout basements. Needless to say my valuation was almost 30,000 more that the guy behind me and 3 houses down that has the exact same house as me, and they still would only drop my valuation by $12,000 "

Confused Upset wrote on January 14, 2009 3:20 pm:
" The problem with most of the assessments is they don't compare apples to apples. They'll take a property and compare it to something in another area instead of what is in the immediate area. They also do need to be looking at what the market has done as a whole in the city. To be raising properties above what they can sell for is ridiculous. We tried selling our house last year and it didn't sell. They've now assessed it for $10,000 more than what we were asking for it. "

Confused too wrote on January 14, 2009 3:23 pm:
" I did check the homes in my area, in fact 16 of them up and down my street. Three of them showed an $11k increase in "value", mine jumped $27k. Can someone explain this? No new construction and no visible improvements whatsoever, yet my property just jumped $16k more than any other in the neighborhood. Is this what the stupid arena gets us, or what is going on? Our streets definitely have not improved. "

RJ wrote on January 14, 2009 3:45 pm:
" Time for a Property Tax rebellion in this state by the home owners. Enough of the bulling from the head of the Taxation valuation in Lincoln & her bullies in the counties. With things like they are now & these greedy, bullies keep raising our taxes for no reason at all only to throw their power around. ENOUGH!!! "

john wrote on January 14, 2009 3:49 pm:
" This is just the start!
Be prepared for some very long nights.
My house went up 9.85% that had been reassessed.
My call will be next if I can get threw.
What a bone headed move, thanks Norm. "

Journalist wrote on January 14, 2009 4:09 pm:
" How about adding "securing increased tax revenue" as a reason for increasing valuations. It is the easy way to get more revenue instead of raising the property tax rate...increase the value of the home! "

Were seeing prices fall all over wrote on January 14, 2009 4:11 pm:
" My wife and I have been looking at moving for the past few months. One thing we have noticed is prices are being reduced on houses all over town, not just any certain parts. Many others are sitting empty, and have been for some time. I understand their is a glut of homes for sale in Lincoln. If houses arn't selling at asking prices, and property owners are lowering asking prices all over town just to dump their respective properties, how is it the assessor thinks values are going up? Something is sure out of wack here with what the county assessor is saying/doing, and the reality of the housing market and values here in the county. Even our real estate agent says values have fallen all over town. What in the world is going on here? "

Frustrated wrote on January 14, 2009 4:17 pm:
" I called Monday and got an appointment that same day. What a huge waste of time. Sure we talked and I submitted pictures and documentation to why I felt my evaluation was too high, I also expressed my concern on the comparables used. I was told that I would not hear from them until June when they send out the final evaluations. I left knowing that I will be fighting the battle again in June when I can speak with an independent appraiser, just like I had to do in 2006. I think they wasted money mailing out the preliminary notices when they are not prepared to take any action at this time. "

Tokmo wrote on January 14, 2009 4:21 pm:
" RANTA, CHUCK & SUE live in a 274000.00 home
this House has only gone up 24000.00 that X 2.0295140 the 2008 levy rate =
an additional $487.08 per year tax divided by 12 = $40.00 a month increase
Quit whining Surely you can afford it. If not MOVE "

Beasley wrote on January 14, 2009 4:23 pm:
" Mine went down $2000. Doesn't bother me! "

HOW ABOUT THESE S wrote on January 14, 2009 4:24 pm:
" 2007 $140,000.00 2009 176,000.00 could only hope for a typo error!!!NOT Having a true? appraisal done Friday????? wish me luck "

Troy at UNL wrote on January 14, 2009 4:32 pm:
" I would be happy if my increase was only 10%. I got my letter two days ago and my assesment went from $114,000 to $138,000. I didn't know a new roof would add $24,000 to my house. I wonder if that means I can sell it for more money? (Insert Sarcasm Here) "

jack wrote on January 14, 2009 4:34 pm:
" my parents house(which was built in 1906, which is in a blighted area ) went up 8,000 dollars. 3 yrs ago right after the area was blighted the same hosue was only valued at 54000 now it is 84000 how stupid is this...
sorry amt. was wrong on last one "

Comm UnSense wrote on January 14, 2009 4:36 pm:
" You will find that if you hire a contractor, as we did, to finish your basement, they will get a building permit. Most who do the work themselves or piece-meal it out will not get the permit. Those without the permit do not notify the assessor of the upgrade, so no increase in property value. Nice system. "

Helen wrote on January 14, 2009 4:40 pm:
" Our evaluation went up over 10%. They are pointing to home sales which occurred three years ago as comparables. The two major real estate firms in our city advertise how home prices are lower and you can now get more for your dollar. Bad enough the equity in our home is shrinking. Now we have to take the time off from work to debate with an assessor's office which insists the decline in home prices hasn't happened here. All they need to do is look at the number of homes for sale and the number of "reduced price" listings to see the error in their position. "

unhappy wrote on January 14, 2009 4:42 pm:
" Mine went up $12,400, now sits at approximately $92000. One of their "comparisons" featured a house that sold for $102,000 that had 1,000 feet of finished basement space. Mine doesn't even have a finished basement, and certainly would not sell for even close to that price. A property across the street has been totally redone, complete with a 3 car garage, and the new figures are still lower than my old valuation. I don't think I should have to haggle with the assessors office over their poor job performance. Do over please!!! "

Mr. T wrote on January 14, 2009 4:53 pm:
" Mine went up 22.5%...ridiculous! There's no way I could sell it for what they have it listed as. Sure, we made a few improvements, but with the downturn in housing, I would have thought the value should have stayed pretty much the same. I'm going to give them a piece of my mind in our scheduled phone meeting (think I'm letting them come to my house...heck no). Have the assessors not heard what's in the news lately? "

Arena wrote on January 14, 2009 5:01 pm:
" Gotta pay for the new waste of money called an arena somehow, might as well raise the property taxes or the project will never get approval for funding from the citizens! "

KIRBY YOUNG wrote on January 14, 2009 5:11 pm:
" Ours went up almost 10%, when the value at aol realestaste shows all comparable surrounding sales it should have went down 4%. Here is my take. The ALL government, state, local, fed are hurting and see the writing on the wall. Budgets are projected to continue to rise, so the values must go up right? Wrong, property values are down and I am not going for this idea of setting the values high to start and negotiating something that would be comperable to every other year!!!! That is unexceptable to me. That is what it looks like to me and I am not negotiating something in the middle. 4% decrease by independent company.
Its time to stand up, gov. must be accountable for runnaway spending and poor planning. "

Seriously wrote on January 14, 2009 5:28 pm:
" Our house value increased by more than $20,000. Nothing changed in our neighborhood or in our house. Oh, we added a swingset for our toddler. Pretty sure it isn't worth 20 grand. Could be wrong. "

Martin wrote on January 14, 2009 5:35 pm:
" Our house went from 201K to 225K !!!! I agree with CORY on this far is the assessor's head burried? 24K in a year, simply amazing the way the economy is. I understand it is not nearly as bad as some states but come on people. First you levee the taxes down and then you make up for it buy increasing property values 12 freakin percent. This guy should be recalled from office and get someone in there that can evaluate properly!!!!!!!! "

BD wrote on January 14, 2009 5:36 pm:
" My Cripple Creek South home went down $18,000. No complaints here - This is Awesome!!!!!!! "

Martin wrote on January 14, 2009 5:39 pm:
" By the way.., once you get through on the phone, you can set up an appointment with this so called assessor. They give you 15 minutes to make you case so make your call and get prepared. Someone start collecting signatures to get rid of this guy as well!! "

jason wrote on January 14, 2009 5:42 pm:
" my house went down 30k and got listed in the newly blighted and substandard area.... "

unbelieveable wrote on January 14, 2009 5:46 pm:
" Further proof that his clown has no clue whatsover as to what property vaulations are. I own two houses, both in the same neighborhood, same school district, no improvements made to either one, and exactly 5 blocks from each other (4 up and one over). One house went down by $28,000 and the other one went up by $10,000!

My problem is I dont know which one to protest! If I dont protest the one that went down, its value will be lower to interested parties next summer when I try to sell it. (plus, I lose equity on paper and that is what my banker looks at!) If I dont protest the one that went up, I end up paying more taxes than everybody else on my street. I just cant win! "

Whatabunchabunk wrote on January 14, 2009 5:51 pm:
" Mine went up $28,000 or 23% in the UniPlace area. A 100 year old house. Called the assessor's office and they said it was because they had to use comps from 2006, because there had been no comparable sales in the last couple of years. Then they should have used ZERO for a comp. 2006? That was just over the peak of the housing bubble. This is not right. "

andy wrote on January 14, 2009 6:23 pm:
" BD, you think it's awesome now, but if and when you want to sell your house it won't be so awesome. "

Nothing New wrote on January 14, 2009 6:59 pm:
" This website is always slow and rarely works. Time to upgrade to 21st century technology. "

Oh my wrote on January 14, 2009 7:03 pm:
" where did you think all that bail out money was going to come from?
The tax payers that's who.
Thanks gov "

Choices wrote on January 14, 2009 7:11 pm:
" What are you complaining about? You can move ya know. Thats why i drive from out of town to come there. I don't mind paying for extra gas with the way Lincoln is going..........have fun....did you see that the Mayor thinking about upping your taxes to get things done here? Just the beginning..............HA "

Ramshackel wrote on January 14, 2009 7:21 pm:
" Goodness! Mine out in the country went down about $20,000 to where it should have been in the first place! WOO HOO!?? Whoops. I mean (whispering) 'woo hoo!" Sorry some of you are offsetting this decrease. I'll do some neighborhood research. "

Less than 2000 wrote on January 14, 2009 7:40 pm:
" Mine didn't go up near enough. Pay your fair share people. "

lincoln resident wrote on January 14, 2009 7:49 pm:
" My valuation went up $16,000+. They have got to be kidding. They based it on sales information for either larger homes or homes with more basement, more bathrooms or more square feet. They used figures from 2006& early 2007 sales - not at all current with this market. What a mess. "

David wrote on January 14, 2009 9:20 pm:
" Raising property taxes at a time like this is irresponsible. this just drives the risk to families higher. if people get laid off how are they going to recover when their property taxes are going up? Why don't we just take a "time out" on these unnecessary escalations in price and have ALL public employees take a 10% reduction in pay (teachers, senators, etc). Everybody needs to take a cut. "

Kevin of Lincoln wrote on January 14, 2009 9:37 pm:
" I am probably one of the few satisfied that I did not get taken by the accessor. However, this is why it is important to pay attention running for the job each election. Without proper represenatation you get tax hikes without the governing bodies raising taxes. Most accessors have failed to take into account the falling values on homes. I am sure they will state that has not been a problem in Nebraska. They are misleading you when they say that and they know it. By the way please note where the great majority of your taxes are going. I know I am paying LPS plus three school bonds. Perhaps it is time for a audit of LPS. Our state and city ranks low in education and yet we pay more in accessed tax rate. It seem obvious paying more does not get you a better education. "

Norm wrote on January 14, 2009 9:39 pm:
" Norm Agena has done a fine job. Most disputes that end up with the State Board of Equalization have sided with him. He does what he was voted in to do. Just because you don't know the laws regarding assessments doesn't make him an idiot. "

Some one has wrote on January 14, 2009 9:51 pm:
" To pay the bloated salaries of the School system (not the teachers either)
and the bloated salaries City managers, They think they must pay more to keep them.
So they run the over-tax game. What a crock we all know it's not fair
when people are losing jobs and money is tighter and these people still live in hog heaven. On our tax dollar, can't fight city hall! "

bls wrote on January 14, 2009 9:58 pm:
" Another reason to be ex-Nebraskans!! "

read again Double wammy wrote on January 14, 2009 10:00 pm:
" Another article tonight says the Mayor is going ask for a tax
INCREASE. Now they will raise the levys to drowned us all! "

Dell wrote on January 14, 2009 10:45 pm:
" One can only hope the County Commissioners and the Assessor know just how big an Administrative Nightmare they have created with these rediculous new preliminary property valuations at a time when the Home Real Estate Market has gone totally in the toilet. I would like to think they were aware of it but it sure makes one wonder and I hope they don't try to blame it on the Computer. We presently have a home in Lincoln on the market listed at $121,000 with little or no interest and to sell will probably have to reduce some more and wouldn't you know, the new preliminary assessed value is $142,700 or a 13.5% increase from present assessed. It just makes NO SENSE and Yes, we will have to follow the Appeal Process like Thousands and Thousands of others. Next thing you know, the Taxpayers will have to pay for Additional Assessor Support Staff to address the onslaught. Wake Up Folks...The Market Has Changed!! "

Boycott or vote wrote on January 14, 2009 11:05 pm:
" You want change in how property taxes are assessed? You have a choice. If you want the city government to work the way it always has, vote either Democrat or Republican. If however you want a direct meaningful change, build an alternative political party. Boycotting politics as usual means boycotting the parties that think they have a lock on politics. "

Pure Scam wrote on January 14, 2009 11:34 pm:
" Values are increased only so they can squeeze more taxes out of you. There's no way you'd get that price for your house if you sold it now. And guess what? It'll go up again next year so you can pay even more taxes. What a bunch of con-artists! "

and you people think they listen wrote on January 15, 2009 6:34 am:
" City Council, County Board etc. you really think they listen to you??? Oh please, stop the fantasy. They won't get their huge increases to assist with their budget because due to this, most will be in foreclosure! How can the market value and property value be so miles apart? They use to be comparable. After reading these huge increases of some, how in the world can they even justify and what made them go so high with no improvements? But again, they will not answer your question...and I repeat do they really care? This town/county/state does as it please so why do we vote even? "

Still in shock wrote on January 15, 2009 6:49 am:
" We bought our house in 2006 for $95,000, the City decided to tax me for $150,000. I fought the first go round and got it dropped to $105,000. Now I get the notice that they want to tax me on the same house WITHOUT any improvements, other than cleaning up the yard, to $166,000. If they think it is worth that, I would be more than happy to sell it to the City. Come on boys, where is your offer????? "

A simple question wrote on January 15, 2009 7:24 am:
" To those who can't sell at a market price below the assessed value...a few years back did you sell a house ABOVE the assessed value? Shame on you then. If you're basing everything on the assessed value in bad times you should also sell at ONLY assessed value. Big difference when YOU'RE the beneficiary, huh? "

Angry wrote on January 15, 2009 7:31 am:
" To the people saying "suck it up or leave". You are crazy where does it end. Lincoln is on a path to tax people out of this city. You say $40 a month is ok this time then it goes up $50 dollars next time theres no end in site. We are one of the highest taxed states in the country with nothing to show for it, except an over budget antelope valley project. Its hard to believe we live in a republican state. The more people complain and more attention brought to the situation maybe the assessors office will wake up. "

not cheap wrote on January 15, 2009 8:14 am:
" Lancaster county is a very expensive place to live....just wish we had a beach, or mountains or something other than cornfields to enjoy to make it actually worth the money to live here! "

J wrote on January 15, 2009 8:43 am:
" Wow, my assessment went down from last year. I would've assumed that was the norm, but apparently not! "

Get Smart wrote on January 15, 2009 8:44 am:
" $40 a month is fine. I will just shop on the INTERNET more. I can save $40 a month from shopping on the Internet. Local Businesses will suffer severly and they will complain more. Chris Beutler will be on the Radio telling the citizens to shop locally. EVERYONE use the Internet. Lincoln will listen. Revenue hurts both sides of the street. "

Christy wrote on January 15, 2009 9:12 am:
" Mine went down $25,000 - from $115,000 to $90,000. Curious as to why, but afraid to call and ask. What if it was meant to go up $25,000? "

Art V. wrote on January 15, 2009 9:20 am:
" Mine went down. when you live in a dump, they should go down, mine should drop even more! As for all you mad about a price jump, move! You bought more house than you can afford, so don't cry me a river over a price jump. I have a feeling most of you who live in those big overpriced home's on the southside of town are the ones crying. Gee, I really feel sorry for you, NOT! Just shut-up and pay your taxes or move! "

i think wrote on January 15, 2009 9:31 am:
" the people who moved out of town or out of county should have to pay $240 a year in wheel tax to lincoln. They could take it out of their paychecks they get in lincoln. Hey , it's only 20 a month, that shouldn't hurt them. If caught without a wheel tax window sticker they should be fined $500. Also, college students with out of county plates should have to pay the same. "

Maxwell Smart wrote on January 15, 2009 9:59 am:
" Chris is mayor of Lincoln and has nothing to do with setting values on "Lancaster County" property, even within the City of Lincoln. You're barking up the wrong tree if you think "buying on the Internet" will convince a city employee to change the value of your property. "

Alan wrote on January 15, 2009 11:09 am:
" We have two choices. We can petition for and pass a law which limits property taxes to purchae price ala Prop 13. Otherwise we can pass a law requiring the taxing authorities to purchase any property at accessed value if they refuse to adjust the valuation.

Meanwhile I will hire un-licensed contractors and pay them in cash or do the work myself without permits. And never ever let the accessor into your home. "

Tapped Out wrote on January 15, 2009 11:42 am:
" The Train Wreck that is the NE property tax system is finally about to occur. For years we have paid taxes on inflated valuations while being told increased values are a good thing. This "good for you/good for the gov" party line was popular with the local real estate industry whose cost of "services" artificially inflated property values.
Now comes the train wreck and Agena floats this first time ever preliminary notice balloon to see how much the Lancaster Co. taxpayer will squeal. And how much more your local politicians can count on spending without having to take responsibility for a levy increase. As dear old Dad used to say--"what a counterfeit outfit" "

Beamer wrote on January 15, 2009 12:14 pm:
" We were lucky. Our assessment went up $22000, but that was with a basement finish and retaining wall addition. Although disappointed because I know we wouldn't be able to sell for that price, I believe our valuation is fair. We did work, and the value should go up. However, we have a samll rental property in University Place that went up over $4000! It is unfathomable to think the property is worth even what the valuation was in 2006! It is 850 sq ft, one level, stone house on a corner lot. The worst part is it's flood zone. Not only do I get higher taxes but also higher insurance! I'm going to end up paying my renter to live there because I'll be paying out more that I'm charging for rent. Can you say highway robbery Agena???? "

Steve wrote on January 15, 2009 12:36 pm:
" Our vaulation went up over $23000. There are all sorts of houses for sale in our neighborhood and they are NOT selling. How the assessor's office think they can raise our value that much in this type of market is beyond me... "

Bud wrote on January 15, 2009 12:53 pm:
" My valuation went down from the previous ridiculously high amount but by the time I'd see the tax reduction in 2010, the city will have increased property tax based on another study. Thanks for nothing. By the way, how much did that study costs? "

Three Gs wrote on January 15, 2009 1:12 pm:
" Remember when we had a chance to vote out Agena, this is why it should have been done. There is no reason for any increases. If you try to sell your home at this time you will find it hard to sell if you can at all. The values that are being used as compariables are from 2006-07 when realestate was still strong. Is it nessasary to do revaluations every 3 years? Seems like it causes alot of problems and is a waste of tax payer money to deal with it. They probably will have to hire people to deal with it. Oh thats right there is a hiring freeze. Wonder why that would be???? "

Fair wrote on January 15, 2009 1:28 pm:
" The one thing I don't seem to be hearing a lot is whether the property is within 90-100% of the market value. If it is, the assessor has done their job, if not, file a protest. "

Give me a break wrote on January 15, 2009 3:25 pm:
" Our 40-plus year old house jumped $22,000. This after a previous $20,000 increase in 2005. We have lived in this house for 4 years now--explain to me how our values can go up that much when the only improvements we have made are some paint and carpet. We will be protesting this increase. We have done the research and do not understand their reasoning behind valuing our modest 3 bedroom home at $166,000. There is no way we could get anywhere close to that if we were to sell. We have a neighbor whose house backs our yard--it is a home that is 500 sq feet larger than ours, plus has 4 bedrooms, and it is valued at some $25,000 less than ours. HUH???? And to Art V who comments that we are living above our means in expensive homes and that we shouldn't be complaining: DO NOT assume what you do not know. We are living in a home that is well BELOW what the realtors tried to sell us. We know our limitations and chose to buy a home that was below our means so we would not run into the problem that so many greedy people did when they purchased their $300,000 homes. Get real. "

I think not wrote on January 15, 2009 3:35 pm:
" To "I think", why should rural Lancaster county residents pay $240 a year for wheel tax? Lincoln residents don't pay that much. A lot of people don't even work in Lincoln, how are you going to take it out of a non-existent paycheck. Wow "

Yup wrote on January 15, 2009 3:44 pm:
" Three G's I agree. Had the chance to get him out after the previous fiasco and he still won in a land slide. People have such short memory.

Fair, I also agree with you. If the values are falling in the 90-100% of the true market value then fine. However, from my experience, will be 4 of the last 5 years now, I will have to protest because the values are again WAY off base. My values went up 5,000 last year and I thought that was fair. Another 32,000 this year I think is ridiculous!!! I guess I'll find out when I get the new appraisal. If it is accurate, anyone in the market?? :) "

Three Gs wrote on January 15, 2009 3:50 pm:
" Dear Fair,
Oviously missing the point. If they were Fair we wouldn't be complaining. You must be missing part of this. I guess the point is if the accessor was doing his job there should never be large changes in the values of properties. If you do it only every third year there is alot more potential for large swings and public out rage!! "

CM wrote on January 15, 2009 4:24 pm:
" Property assessment is such voodoo. They can arbitrarily make it whatever they wish. I need someone to explain to me how my neighbors house, which is obviously much more house and physically twice the size, has a preliminary value that is just $12,000 more than mine? And mine jumped $17,000 to get there?? Obviously it's not a comparable home, but it's right next door! A realistic comparison! Great for my neighbor - not so much for me. I think the bottom line is that tax revenues go up, but politicians can still make the claim "I've never voted for a tax increase." "

Move to Omaha wrote on January 15, 2009 5:12 pm:
" Have you considered Douglas or Sarpy County? Property valuations match the market... up and down with the real estate market ... not just UP every year! "

Sarpy wrote on January 15, 2009 6:44 pm:
" The several houses I looked at in Sarpy (Papillion) had higher taxes than Lincoln. One house valued at $265,000 in Lincoln cost $5100 while a home in Sarpy valued at $254,000 was taxes at $5450.

Sarpy is a nice area, but not the utopia of taxes! (and we don't need to comment on Douglas...boom boom.) "

To Alan... wrote on January 15, 2009 8:01 pm:
" Ha! You're a scam victim just waiting to happen! I hope you were joking about paying cash to unlicensed contractors. If not, I'll look for you on the next consumer alert.

These boards are hilarious... all these angry people not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes. Maybe you can afford an island somewhere so "the man" can't stick it to you anymore?? LOL! "

robbed wrote on January 15, 2009 8:08 pm:
" Quit your whining. Last year my valuation in Seward County went up 130%. "

Greg wrote on January 15, 2009 8:41 pm:
" I can't believe how horribly slow the assessor site has become the past few days. I understand that this can happen during spikes, but on the internet spikes don't last for days unless the site has a very poor setup. I have visited this site since almost the first day that the assessor put it's information on the web. It has been a great resource for my business. Sure there have been slow days over the years, but the last couple of years it seems to happen more often then it did in the past years. What happened? The post card I got from Mr. Agena's last election run said we upgraded. It feels more like a major down grade. Why isn't the Journal Star doing any serious research into what's going on with the assessor's website after the claims that he personally headed up the search and replacement of their computer systems? As a citizen I feel I am not being told the truth. "

Suspicious wrote on January 15, 2009 9:55 pm:
" These preliminary valuation notices are bound to be a boom for appraisal companies. Has anyone noticed that Norm Agena's wife has her own appraisal company? Seems to be a conflict of interest to me. It might make an interesting side story for the Journal-Star. He stands to profit from this. "