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School education program


The 2006 Science, Engineering and Technology Skills Audit1 raised a number of issues including a decrease in the number of students participating in science in all education sectors (including schools), the overall quality of science education, and a shortage in skills required to meet future industry needs.


As part of our school education strategy, the Cooperative Research Centre for National Plant Biosecurity (CRCNPB) is focusing on educating the younger generation currently enrolled in the school system. By portraying plant biosecurity and science in a positive and exciting manner to students from a young age, it is hoped that more students will be encouraged to pursue science as a career and, in the long-term, fill some of the science, engineering and technology skills gaps.


In Terms 2 and 3, 2008 plant biosecurity activities were trialled in primary schools in Canberra. From the feedback on these activities, the CRCNPB has developed a primary school science unit, Plant Pest Investigators. This science unit has been developed for upper primary students and is based around the theme of plant biosecurity.


Plant biosecurity is a set of measures designed to protect crops from pests and diseases. It incorporates plant physiology, entomology, microbiology and many other ‘ologies'. Students who participate in this unit will learn about Australian crops and why it is important to protect them through activities such as ‘Fun guys, bad guys' where they observe spore patterns and investigate mould growth.



The unit will support the national Statements of Learning for Science and incorporate literacy and numeracy skills. It is based on the ‘5 E' model of learning (engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate) and uses cooperative learning strategies. We anticipate that the unit will require 3-5 hours of class time per week for the whole term.


We are currently looking for schools to participate in a trial pilot program in Term 1, 2009.

Participating schools will receive:

  • the unit outline, resources and assessment tasks
  • a free copy of our big book Plant Pest Investigation (rrp. $49.95), and
  • access to a professional development workshop on plant biosecurity early in Term 1 (all costs paid for including teacher release)


Participating schools will be asked to trial the unit in Term 1 with an upper primary class (or classes) and then complete an evaluation survey. The CRCNPB aims to produce a quality teaching resource that can be used in primary schools nationwide and your feedback will be invaluable in helping us achieve this goal.


To register your school in the trial pilot or for more information, please contact the CRCNPB's Education Officer, Melanie Hay on 02 6201 2882 or


1   Audit of science, engineering and technology skills. Summary Report. Department of Education, Science and Training, Commonwealth of Australia, July 2006.