Welcome to the SWS 2009 Joint Meeting Website


Open: August 15 - October 31, 2008
Note: If you would like to submit a proposal but need more time, please contact the Workshop Committee Co-Chairs, Kurt Kowalski (kkowalski@usgs.gov) and Stefanie Nadeau (s_nadeau@sbcglobal.net).

Workshop Proposal Form (PDF)
Workshop Proposal Budget Form (XLS)

You are cordially invited to submit a proposal for a Workshop at the 2009 Wetland Connections conference. The conference will be held June 22 - 26, 2009 at the Monona Terrace Community & Convention Center in Madison, Wisconsin, and will serve as a joint meeting of three groups--the Society of Wetland Scientists, the Wetland Biogeochemistry Symposium, and the Wisconsin Wetlands Association. Workshops can be held as half-day sessions on the Sunday immediately before the meeting (June 21) or on Friday morning (June 26). Full-day sessions can be held on Friday, June 26. Course levels can range from introductory to advanced. The intent is to provide opportunities for members to learn about emerging topics and approaches, and to sharpen their knowledge and skills across a variety of disciplines and applications.

Possible topics for the workshops include, but are not limited to (* indicates higher priority topics requested by individuals):

  1. *Ordination techniques such as PCA, CCA, RDA, NMDS
  2. *'Tricks of the Trade' for common field activities (e.g., improving the installation of hydrology equipment, collecting water or soil samples, operating GPS receivers)
  3. *Wetland plant identification, with a focus on difficult genera such as Carex
  4. *2008 Farm Bill
  5. *Wetland delineation (with particular attention to the recent regional supplements)
  6. Mine reclamation and mitigation
  7. Technological Advances in Biogeochemistry
  8. Structural Equation Modeling
  9. GIS Tools for monitoring and managing wetland habitat
  10. Effect of wetland management on water birds with an emphasis on interior wetlands
  11. Data gathering and technical reporting needs in the post-SWANCC/Rapanos era
  12. GIS Tools for analyzing surface hydrology of wetlands adjacent to tributaries of navigable waters of the US
  13. Wetland, river, and/or stream monitoring approaches
  14. How to minimize transportation-related impacts to wetlands/waters resources
  15. Functional assessment (including use of software to conduct assessments)
  16. Wetland mitigation
  17. Hydric soils

The workshops may involve several leaders or presenters. The proposals should specify the skills, tools, or knowledge that participants can expect to gain from the workshop. Note that workshop proposals should not substantially duplicate symposia proposed for the joint meeting. Proposals should be prepared by completing the proposal application and budget worksheet found on the SWS 2009 Meeting website. When completed, please submit both the workshop proposal form and the budget worksheet electronically to the Workshop Development Team c/o Mr. David Drupa, ddrupa@burkinc.com. The submittal deadline is October 31, 2008.
Note: If you would like to submit a proposal but need more time, please contact the Workshop Committee Co-Chairs, Kurt Kowalski (kkowalski@usgs.gov) and Stefanie Nadeau (s_nadeau@sbcglobal.net).

QUESTIONS? Please contact Workshop Committee co-chairs Kurt Kowalski (kkowalski@usgs.gov) and Stefanie Nadeau (s_nadeau@sbcglobal.net).

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