Welcome to the SWS 2009 Joint Meeting Website


Deadline: October 31, 2008
Note: If you would like to submit a proposal but need more time, please contact the Symposia Committee Co-Chairs, Jim Reinartz (jimr@uwm.edu; 262-675-6844) and Tim Ehlinger (ehlinger@uwm.edu; 414-229-4358).

Symposia proposals
Proposed symposia topics

The theme for the 30th annual SWS meeting, Wetland Connections, highlights the environmental, socio-cultural, and economic value of wetlands, and points to our need to understand the complex interactions that are part of the ecosystem services they provide. With this broad theme as a base, we open a call for symposia for the 2009 meeting. We seek proposals for half-day symposia, which could be used for oral presentations, panel discussions, and/or open discussion.

Symposia are pre-arranged sessions on special topics. Symposia organizers will recruit speakers for timeslots in multiples of 15 minutes (15, 30, 45, etc.), including time for questions and discussion. All four of the SWS Sections will be hosting symposia; SWS sections include Peatlands, Global Change Ecology, Biogeochemistry, and Women in Wetlands. The Symposia Committee welcomes interested persons to organize symposia on the topics listed below.

Symposium proposals are due by October 31, 2008. Please email your proposal to the Symposia Committee co-chairs Jim Reinartz (jimr@uwm.edu; 262-675-6844) and Tim Ehlinger (ehlinger@uwm.edu; 414-229-4358). The Program Committee will make final decisions regarding symposia sessions this fall. Due to limited program space and time; the final list of symposia will be constrained.

Important Dates

  1. Symposium proposals due: October 31, 2008
    Note: If you would like to submit a proposal but need more time, please contact the Symposia Committee Co-Chairs, Jim Reinartz (jimr@uwm.edu; 262-675-6844) and Tim Ehlinger (ehlinger@uwm.edu; 414-229-4358).
  2. Decisions on symposium proposals: November 21, 2008
  3. Symposia posted on conference website: January 16, 2009

Elements of a 2009 SWS Symposium Proposal
To propose a symposium, please briefly provide the following information.

  1. Name of the Symposium and topics to be covered
  2. Chair or co-chairs with contact information (affiliation, address, phone, and email)
  3. Brief (less than 300 words) synopsis of the symposium focus and goal.
  4. Number of speakers expected, list of speakers that you will ask and their affiliations. Please note which speakers have confirmed interest.
  5. Timing for speakers (timeslots must be in multiples of 15 minutes: 15, 30, 45, etc.)
  6. Preferred day and time during the week for the symposium (morning or afternoon)
  7. Number of people you would expect to attend the symposium
  8. Funding, if any, required for the symposium and likely source of funds
  9. Do you anticipate that the symposium will lead to publications of some or all of the papers?


  1. Connecting Wetlands, Human Needs, and Impacts
    1. Impacts of invasive plants on wetland communities
    2. Wetlands and smart growth planning for future development
    3. The impacts of a changing climate on wetlands
    4. Wetlands and greenhouse gases, carbon and methane
    5. The role of wetlands in developing a sense of place
    6. The role of wetlands role in developed landscapes
    7. Wetlands in agricultural landscapes
  2. Wetlands Connecting the Landscape
    1. The role of wetlands in watershed hydrology - comparing watersheds
    2. Freshwater estuaries, contrasts with marine systems - The National Estuarine Research Reserve System, NOAA and the National Estuary Program, EPA
    3. The ecological services provided by wetlands
    4. Restoring northern forested wetland plant communities
    5. Midwest wetlands connected to the condition of the Mississippi Delta
  3. Wetland Connections to Wildlife and Fisheries
    1. Amphibians: connecting the need for wetland and upland habitat
    2. Bird migration and wetlands
    3. Wetland links between onshore and offshore fisheries
    4. The importance of wetlands in small lake ecosystems
  4. Wetland Biogeochemistry: Connecting Microbes to Ecosystems*
    1. Microbial regulation of greenhouse gases
    2. Dissolved organic carbon export to estuaries
    3. Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles
    4. Contaminant biogeochemistry
    5. Coupled iron and sulfur cycles
    6. Biogeochemical indicators for assessment
  5. International Wetland Connections
    1. Ramsar Convention on Wetlands - How are sites proposed and selected for Ramsar listing?
    2. Major wetland regions of the world
    3. Protecting transnational wetlands and wetlands with international watersheds
    4. Wetlands of Mexico

* Contrary to the title, the 11th Wetland Biogeochemistry Symposium includes plenary talks and contributed papers in addition to organized symposia. Proposals for symposia within this three day event are welcomed.

QUESTIONS? Contact Symposia Committee co-chairs Jim Reinartz (jimr@uwm.edu; 262-675-6844) and Tim Ehlinger (ehlinger@uwm.edu; 414-229-4358).

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