Welcome to the SWS 2009 Joint Meeting Website

Travel awards for student members of SWS are offered on a chapter by chapter basis. The SWS North Central Chapter, host to the 2009 meeting, has already determined that they will offer awards. Other chapters listed below may also offer awards; check back for newly added opportunities later in 2008.

SWS North Central Chapter
SWS Pacific Northwest Chapter
SWS Mid-Atlantic Chapter
SWS South Atlantic Chapter
SWS Western Chapter
Diversity Program: Undergraduate Travel & Mentoring Awards

The Wetland Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to fostering wetland education and research, offers conference travel grants for students. See www.sws.org/docs/TWFgrants.pdf for details.

The meeting Planning Team will also offer significant registration discounts to students who are willing to volunteer for part of the conference (no SWS or WWA membership required). We will soon determine and publicize details of the registration discount and volunteer hour requirements. Keep an eye on the Student Volunteers page for details coming soon.

North Central Chapter 2009 Student Awards
The North Central Chapter (NCC) of the Society of Wetland Scientists would like to encourage student participation at our 2009 International SWS meeting held in Madison, WI. We will have funds available to assist students with the costs associated with traveling to SWS meetings to present results of their research.

The Award: The Chapter will provide multiple grant awards for the upcoming 2009 International meeting. The awards are intended to help offset travel and lodging expenses.

Eligibility: This competition will be open to all currently registered, graduate and undergraduate students who are SWS members in good standing within the NCC region. Selected students are expected to submit an abstract, make a presentation, and attend the North Central Chapter business meeting. A copy of the presentation or poster will also be put on the NCC webpage.

To Apply: Please continue to check the website for updates on grant availability and deadlines starting in Fall of 2008.

Pacific Northwest Chapter 2009 Student Awards
Check back for newly added opportunities later this year. Visit chapter website here: http://www.sws.org/regional/pacificNW/Scholarship.html

Mid-Atlantic Chapter 2009 Student Awards
Check back for newly added opportunities later this year. Visit chapter website here: http://www.sws.org/regional/midatlantic/

South Atlantic Chapter
The South Atlantic Chapter (SAC) of the Society of Wetland Scientists will offer several student travel awards for the 2009 Meeting in Madison, WI. One $600 grant will be awarded to the best SAC student presentation at our combined SCC-SAC chapter meeting in Tuscaloosa, AL in October 2008. The other 2 travel grants (at least $500 each) will be awarded through our normal application procedure; see the SAC website http://www.sws.org/regional/SouthAtlantic/2008_announcement_sws.htm for details. SAC would also like to secure sponsorship funds for one minority undergraduate student to travel to the 2009 meeting through the SWS NSF Undergraduate Mentoring Program - confirmation and details for this award TBA.

SWS Western Chapter 2009 Student Awards
The Western Chapter is pleased to offer up to $1500 for student travel to the 2009 International Conference. The award may be given to one individual or split between several individuals depending on the pool of applications. Funds may be used to cover conference registration and any travel expenses except food.
Funds will be awarded based on the following criteria:

  1. The awardee(s) should be a student attending an accredited institution in the Western Chapter area.
  2. Preference will be given to students affiliated with a student chapter
  3. Preference will be given to students presenting a talk or poster at the conference.

Interested applicants should submit a letter of application indicating their interest and qualifications to Nial McCarten at nfmccarten@ucdavis.edu. If presenting a paper or poster, the submitted abstract (or planned topic for an abstract) should be included with the letter of application. Applicants should also indicate if they have other sources of potential funding for the conference.

The Western Chapter also intends to provide sponsorship funds for one or more minority undergraduate student(s) to travel to the 2009 meeting through the SWS NSF Undergraduate Mentoring Program - confirmation and details for this award TBA.

Visit chapter website here: http://www.sws.org/regional/western/

SWS Diversity Program: Undergraduate Travel & Mentoring Awards
The Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) announces the availability of undergraduate student awards for travel to attend the 2009 annual SWS meeting in Madison. SWS is committed to increasing diversity in its membership and is offering full travel awards and mentoring at the meeting for undergraduate students from underrepresented groups. These awards are supported by the National Science Foundation and several SWS Chapters (Mid-Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Central, Western, and Pacific Northwest). Undergraduate participants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. Application materials and additional information are available from Dr. Frank P. Day, Old Dominion University (fday@odu.edu).
Application deadline is November 28, 2008.

QUESTIONS? Contact Awards Committee co-chair Kurt Kowalski (kkowalski@usgs.gov).

Meeting Links

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 Children's Program
 Field Trips
 Group Tours
 Internat Travel Awards
 Location & Venue
 Plenary Speakers
 Silent Auction
 Travel Specials

 Student Events
 Student Volunteers
 Student Travel Awards

 Planning Team
 For Exhibitors