Welcome to the SWS 2009 Joint Meeting Website


Women in Wetlands Mentoring Program

Women in Wetlands Mentoring Program
At the 2008 SWS meeting, a new section was approved for Women in Wetlands (WiW). One of the activities identified by the section during the 2008 meeting was the development of a mentoring program, so we are looking for individuals who would like to participate in this activity. We are excited to kick off this section activity at the 2009 meeting in Madison and would like to develop a list of potential participants so that we might pair up mentors and mentorees prior to the meeting.

No special skills are needed to be a Mentor or Mentoree. If you have a willingness to share what you know about the experience of being a woman working as a professional wetland scientist and want to meet other women beginning their careers, then you might be a potential mentor. If you are a male scientist and would like to help promote this effort, you could be a potential mentor. If you would like to take advantage of the skills and experience of established scientists working in wetlands, you could be a potential mentoree.

If you are even mildly interested in how this program might benefit you or others, would like to sign up to be a mentor or mentoree, or if you would just like more information, please contact Donna Ball at dball@harveyecology.com. We will be developing a procedure to put mentor/mentoree pairs in contact via email before the meeting, provide opportunities to become acquainted at the meeting, and will be providing some activities and suggestions to foster the mentor/mentoree relationship during and after the meeting.

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