Welcome to the SWS 2009 Joint Meeting Website


Below is a tentative list of field trip sites; descriptions of confirmed field trips will be posted in the coming months.

  1. Horicon Marsh: A Wetland of International Importance
  2. The Leopold Shack and International Crane Foundation
  3. A Carbon Neutral Field Trip: Biking the Madison Area Wetlands
  4. University of Wisconsin Arboretum: The World's Oldest Restored Ecosystems
  5. Cherokee Marsh
  6. Driftless Area Wetland Restorations
  7. Innovative Tools and Techniques for Invasive Plant Management
  8. Buttes, Mesas, and Wetlands of Glacial Lake Wisconsin
  9. Fens and Bogs of Southeastern Wisconsin
  10. Wisconsin River Canoe Trip
  11. Flora and Geology of the Devil's Lake Region
  12. Tour of Lake Mendota and Pheasant Branch Conservancy Wetlands

Post-Meeting Field Trip to Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
Visit Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore after the 2009 SWS Meeting June 27 and 28! This trip will be led by SWS members Joy Marburger, Ph.D. and Daniel Mason, Ph.D. Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, authorized by Congress in 1966, is considered the first "urban" park in the National Park System. The park has some of the most unique wetlands in the Midwest, ranging from bottomland swamps to interdunal swales, pannes, and bogs. A unique feature of the park is the 85-ha (210-acre) Cowles Bog, named after the University of Chicago plant ecologist who conducted field studies there in the early 1900s. The site is currently dominated by cattail (Typha) hybrids, but is being restored to a sedge-meadow complex. East of the Cowles Bog, a 200-ha (500-acre) wetland called the Great Marsh, is being restored in an interdunal swale formed by glacial retreat 10,000 years ago. The Great Marsh restoration project began in 1999 through removal of drainage and ditch plugs, followed by continuous invasive species management and wetland plant installations. Read more about Indiana Dunes at www.nps.gov/indu.

The park is about 97 km (60 miles) east of Chicago, easily accessible by the South Shore train line or the 90/94 interstate highway. Please contact Joy_Marburger@nps.gov if you are interested in a tour of the wetlands on June 27 or 28.

QUESTIONS? Contact Field Trip Committee Co-Chairs Pat Trochlell and Tom Bernthal (patricia.trochlell@wisconsin.gov, thomas.bernthal@wisconsin.gov)

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