Welcome to the SWS 2009 Joint Meeting Website

Note: Abstract submission will open in October.

Contributed oral sessions
Poster session
Submission instructions
Submission page

The Annual Meeting program will include plenary talks, symposia, contributed oral sessions and a poster session. Abstracts are expected to have science-based content; all abstracts will be peer reviewed by the Program Committee to assess their scientific merit and applicability to the meeting. Accepted abstracts will be published in the meeting program booklet. Abstract submissions are due by February 27, 2009. Presenters will be notified via email by April 6.

CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Oral presentations for all contributed sessions will be 15 minutes long, including time for questions. Speakers must adhere to time limits. We encourage presentations of work done in all wetland community types and on all wetland topics of interest to members. Submissions will be grouped by subject and actual contributed session titles will be finalized by the Program Committee after the abstract submission period closes.

Proposed Contributed Oral Session Topics:

  1. Wetland vegetation dynamics/succession
  2. Wildlife ecology and management
  3. Wetland-upland linkages*
  4. Wetland geomorphology, hydrology and hydraulics
  5. Wetland biogeochemistry
  6. Ecosystem functions of wetlands and ecosystem modeling
  7. Landscape ecology and wetland complexes
  8. Wetlands in urban or agricultural watersheds
  9. Invasive species
  10. Global climate change and carbon sequestration
  11. Contaminants, stormwater and other stressors of wetlands
  12. Wetland classification, remote sensing and delineation
  13. Wetland management, monitoring and bioassessment
  14. Wetland restoration and mitigation
  15. Wetland planning and conservation strategies
  16. Wetland policy and regulation
  17. Ecological economics and wetland valuation
  18. Teaching wetland science
  19. Ecology and management of wetlands in the Upper Great Lakes Region*
  20. Water and wetland policy issues in the Upper Great Lakes Region*
  21. Partnerships for wetland projects*
  22. Other

* We particularly encourage submissions of abstracts that address these topics related to our 2009 theme, Wetland Connections.

Posters will be on display Monday through Thursday in the Exhibit Hall (poster boards are 4' x 4', push pins provided). We encourage abstract submissions for poster presentations on any of the wetland topics above. Posters will be grouped by topic and presented during a 2-hour poster session and exhibitor's reception (Monday or Thursday evening). Authors must be present during their scheduled session to answer questions about their work.

Symposia are pre-arranged sessions on special topics. Symposia organizers will recruit speakers for timeslots in multiples of 15 minutes (15, 30, 45, etc.), including time for questions and discussion. See the symposia page for details, and follow abstract submission instructions below.

Note: Abstract submission will open in October.

Abstracts must be submitted online. Please follow special instructions for inserting special characters (e.g., italics, diacritical marks, or other symbols). SWS cannot be responsible for inserting such special characters and symbols. Follow instructions for entering your abstract components into the online submission form below.

Presenting Author
Enter your name, institution, department, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address in the appropriate boxes on the online Abstract Submission Form. SWS will send all correspondence for the 2009 Annual Meeting to the email and mailing addresses you provide. If you change your email address during the period between submission of your abstract and the meeting, please contact the SWS Business Office to update your records.

Presentation Format
Select either poster or oral presentation format (includes Contributed Session and Symposium presentations). If you are submitting an oral presentation for a Contributed Session, select your session topic preferences.

Audio/Visual Requests
Computer projectors will be available in all presenting and speaker ready rooms. A computer will be provided for each session; therefore, you can bring your presentation on a CD or memory stick. The Program Committee requests that speakers deliver their presentations to the Ready Room as soon as possible after checking in at registration. Speakers are expected to visit the Ready Room prior to his/her presentation to ensure that the presentation will work on the computer and projector that are provided.

Best Student Presentation Program
SWS presents Best Student Presentation Awards at the Annual Meeting each year. If you wish to compete, check the Best Student Presentation box on the online submission form. Awards will be given for Best Student Oral Presentation and Best Student Poster.

11th Biogeochemistry Symposium
This successful biennial meeting has a 20 year history of spotlighting cutting edge research on wetland biogeochemistry. This meeting will have plenary talks, symposia and contributed sessions over three days. If you want your paper included in the Symposium program, Select Wetland Biogeochemistry for your first session topic choice under #14 on the abstract submission form.

Author Box
Type each author name in conventional upper and lower case, last name followed by initials, in the appropriate boxes i.e., Hupp, C. (Author Box 1), Conlin, W. (Author Box 2) and Noe, G.,* (Author Box 3). Use an * (asterisk) following the name of the presenting author if more than one author is listed.

Institution Box
Type author institution(s) in conventional upper and lower case in the box. Do not include your department, or repeat the city or state if they are already part of the institution(s) name. Capitalization and punctuation must be as shown in this sample (University of California, San Diego 33454 USA and Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20009 USA).

Title Box
Enter the title of your presentation in all capital letters in the box.

Abstract Box
The abstract will be published in the final program booklet as submitted. Do not leave a margin at the top; keep all text flush left. Enter only the single-paragraph body of the text in the abstract box. DO NOT re-enter your name(s) or institution(s). Maximum length: 250 words. The total number of characters including authors, institutions, title, spaces, and abstract body is limited to 2000. The abstract text-body will not be accepted if the total exceeds that number.

Final Notes
All abstracts must be received by the SWS Business Office by February 27, 2009. Abstracts for posters, contributed sessions and symposia MUST be submitted online: SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT HERE.

The full schedule of presentations, with dates and times, will be posted by the middle of April, 2009. All presenters must register by April 20, 2009 so that we can hold your space in the program schedule. If we do not receive your registration by March 31 then we will assume that you are not presenting at the SWS annual meeting and we will work with the session chair to replace your presentation in the program. Registration is available here

Abstract authors will receive a confirmation email from the SWS Business Office acknowledging receipt of your abstract. If you do not receive confirmation, your abstract has not been received. Check with the SWS Business Office if you need assistance.

QUESTIONS? Contact the SWS Business Office: Phone: 703-790-1745 FAX: 703-790-2672 Email: SWS@BurkInc.com

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 Silent Auction
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 Student Travel Awards

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 For Exhibitors