SWS Member Login

Please log in to access member only portions of the web site.

You are not logged in or you entered an incorrect id number or name, please try again.

ID Number:
Last Name:

Your login will last for 14 days on this computer.

Login Help

1) SWS member ID number

This number is located on any SWS mailing label (below in red). It is 5 or 6 numbers and is located just above your name on the left side. This number is required to access the membership services.

Sample Mailing Label

******************************** 5-digit 12345
123456 WETL MEMW 12/31/98
Jim Lynch
321 Main Street
Wetland, LA 12345

2) Last Name

Make sure you enter your last name correctly.

Have you forgotten, or can't find, your ID number?

You can have it mailed to the email address that is in your member profile.

Or you can contact the SWS Secretariat or the WebMaster.

SWS Secretariat
1313 Dolley Madison Boulevard
Suite 402
McLean, VA 22101
Tel: 703-790-1745
Fax: 703-790-2672
E-mail: SWS@BurkInc.com