NABS 57th Annual Meeting (17-22 May, 2009)

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NABS 57th Annual Meeting

17-22 May 2009

Grand Rapids, Michigan





Click here to register for the conference.

Make lodging reservations by calling the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel (800-253-3590) and ask for the NABS special room rate.

Dorm housing is available for $40-64 per night. Please register for these rooms under the registration page. You will pay for the room when you arrive at the conference.


Mark Luttenton (local arrangements committee chair)
Alan Steinman (program committee chair)


Deadline for abstracts

Received by Wednesday, 21 January 2009


We invite members of the North American Benthological Society and other interested persons to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations for the 57th Annual Meeting (17-22 May, 2009) to be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. The NABS annual meeting has established a reputation not only for its camaraderie, but also for the high quality of its program and presentations.





General Instructions: An individual may not be listed as senior author on more than one abstract, but may be listed as a co-author on more than one abstract. This rule applies to all presentations, including posters or oral presentations, special sessions, or contributed sessions.


    *  Presentations must be based on original work that has not been published prior to the meeting. Abstracts must contain sufficient information to convey the main theme, objectives, results, and conclusions of the work.

    *  Abstracts (maximum 200 words) will be evaluated on relevance to the subject of benthology, originality, quality of writing, and adherence to required guidelines.

    *  Before submitting an abstract, authors should be confident that they will attend the meeting. Withdrawal of papers creates problems. If cancellation is necessary, please contact a Program Committee Co-chair immediately.

    *  Please conform to the submission instructions. Failure to do so will result in your abstract being returned and possibly rejected.

    *  All abstracts for the contributed, special, and poster sessions must be submitted electronically no later than 11:59 PM (Hawaiian time) Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Submission Procedure:

All abstracts must be submitted online via this page. The following information will be required:


    *  Abstract title

    *  Name and affiliation information for each author.

    *  Complete contact information for the presenter (including mailing address, phone number, and email address)

    *  The body of the abstract. This must be limited to no more than 200 words. We strongly encourage you to compose it in your own word processor where you can take full advantage of the built-in grammar and spell checkers.


It is essential that you proofread carefully. You can fix errors in the abstract yourself up until the submission deadline.


No new abstracts may be submitted after 11:59 PM (Hawaii Time) on Wednesday, January 21, 2009. Authors (including co-authors for whom we have valid email addresses) will receive immediate confirmation of abstract submission.


Submission of abstracts for special sessions requires a special password provided to authors by the session organizer.




Oral Presentations: Contributed and invited presentations are limited to 12-13 minutes plus 2-3 minutes for discussion (maximum 15 minutes per presenter). Session moderators will strictly enforce these limits. PowerPoint presentations are the only format allowed for oral presentations.


Posters: The Program Committee strongly encourages participants to consider submission for poster presentations. Posters are an excellent medium for detailed and extended discussion of your research and allow for complex charts, graphs, tables, or photographs that are difficult to present in an oral presentation session. Allowed poster dimensions are 4'x4' (120cm x 120cm).


Please take advantage of the several excellent guides available on the web for preparing effective talks and posters.




A student who is eligible and wishes to participate in the NABS Student Awards Competition should choose ONE of the four categories from the list below.


    Award Categories:

    *  Oral Presentation on an applied research topic

    *  Oral Presentation in basic research

    *  Oral Presentation emphasizing methodology

    *  Poster Presentation


Eligibility Criteria:


   1.  The research must have been conducted while the entrant was a graduate student or an undergraduate student.

   2.  The research must not have been published prior to 31 December 2008.

   3.  The entrant must have been enrolled in an academic program during the 2008-2009 academic year.

   4.  The student must be the senior author and must present the paper.

   5.  If the presentation is oral, it must be given during the normal, 15-minute contributed or special sessions.

   6.  A student may enter and thus receive an award for only one presentation in any one year. Receiving a student award does not affect a student's eligibility for Endowment Fund or Conservation Program awards.


How to Apply for an Award Competition: While submitting your abstract, simply select the award category in which you want to compete. For additional information regarding student awards, contact Peggy Morgan, telephone 813-238-4594 or email



To begin the contributed submission process, CLICK HERE.<<<

If you have already submitted an abstract title -- and you wish to view, resume, edit, or withdraw that submission -- log in below using the access codes already provided to you:

Email Address       Password      

For help in submitting an abstract online, contact Tech Support.