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  Science and Technology:

1998 Web Survey Results
In 1998 AIC conducted a survey of internet use in California agriculture. The more than 250 completed responses that we received provide useful information on the adoption and diffusion of Internet applications


Emergent E-Commerce in Agriculture (no. 14, 2000, pdf)
Rolf A.E. Mueller provides some background, some current facts, and some interpretation of the role of e-commerce in agriculture.

Science and Technology in California Agriculture (no. 4, 1998, html)
Julian M. Alston and David Zilberman review the role of technology in development of California agriculture.

(You may have to browse the Quarterly to find the indicated article.)

Volume 16, No. 2, 2002 (pdf)
Horticultural biotechnology issues aired at Monterey workshop

Volume 15, No. 4, 2001 (pdf)
Study investigates potential shifts in fruit and vegetable production
Biotechnology workshop set for March

Volume 14, No. 4, 2000 (pdf)
E-Commerce and Agriculture: Executive Seminar
New AIC Publication Views Ag E-Commerce
New Review of Ag R & D Payoff
Two Viewpoints on Biotechnology

Volume 14, No. 1, 2000 (pdf)
E-Commerce Poses Challenge to Ag

Volume 13, No. 1, 1999 (html)
Agriculture in the Digital Economy: More Information Needed

Volume 12, No. 1, 1998 (html)
Good Response to AIC Survey of Internet Use

Volume 11, No. 4, 1997 (html)
AIC to Survey Internet Use and Interest

Volume 11, No. 2, 1997 (html)
AIC Science and Technology Program

Volume 11, No. 1, 1997 (html)
Symposium Addresses Benefits of Public Policy Research


Public Funding for Research into Specialty Crops (pdf)
This paper considers public funding for R&D directed to specialty crops. Specific questions to be addressed include whether R&D for specialty crops has been underfunded, both in absolute terms and relative to other crops and agriculture more generally.
Authors: Julian M. Alston and Philip G. Pardey

Agriculture in an E-Commerce World
This site contains presentations and background material from the UC Executive Seminar "Agriculture in an E-Commerce World," held
December 4th, 2000 in Sacramento, California and co-hosted by the Agricultural Issues Center and the UC Center for Cooperatives.

Agricultural R&D, Technological Change, and Food Security (pdf)
Paper presented by Julian M. Alston at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Workshop on Food Security, Berlin, August, 2000. Also available in pdf format are
slides from his presentation.

Book and Videos produced by AIC. Available in many libraries. Please contact AIC if unable to locate a copy.

Valuing UC Agricultural Research and Extension (1994)
Technologies and Management Practices for More Efficient Manure Handling (1996)
The Economic Merit of Animal Manures as a Source of Plant Nutrients or Energy Generation (1998)


AIC Associate Director, Julian M. Alston's University of California, Davis, Agricultural and Resource Economics Faculty Webpage

United States Department of Agriculture, Current Research Information System


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