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Research Working Papers:
Posted chronologically, these links contain electronic publications and data that are related to AIC research areas, in many cases providing detailed and technical analysis of an important research issue.
  • An Alternative Natural Beef Production System (pdf)
    A Differentiation Strategy for California Producers and Packers by Ricardo Verazza Paganini. ARE Update No. 8, Vol. 1, Sept./Oct. 2004. University of California Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
  • Trends in U.S. Fresh Produce Marketing (pdf)
    PowerpPoint presentation by Roberta Cook, Keynote Speaker, California Fresh Produce and Floral Council, Oakland, California, September 13, 2004.
    Value-added (fresh-cut produce) is emphasized.

  • Explaining Disparities in the Cost of Healthier Foods (ppt)
    Slides from a presentation by Karen M. Jetter and Diana L. Cassady at the American Agricultural Economics Associationmeetings in Denver, Colorado, August 2, 2004.
  • Modeling Farmland Conversion with New GIS Data (pdf)
    Nicolai V. Kuminoff and Daniel A. Sumner use an analytical and econometric approach, and new GIS data, to analyze the farmland conversion process, including the effects of the agricultural-urban edge, farm returns, real estate markets, population growth, and development restrictions.

  • Modeling Farmland Conversion with New GIS Data (pdf)
    Slides from the presentation by Nicolai V. Kuminoff at the annual meetings of the American Association of Agricultural Economists, Chicago, August 7, 2001.
  • Agriculture in an E-Commerce World (html)
    This site contains presentations and background material from the UC Executive Seminar "Agriculture in an E-Commerce World," held December 4th, 2000 in Sacramento, California and co-hosted by the Agricultural Issues Center and the UC Center for Cooperatives.
  • Farmland, Urbanization, and Agriculture in the Sacramento Region (pdf)
    A paper prepared by Alvin D. Sokolow and Nicolai V. Kuminoff for the Capitol Region Institute,Sacramento Regional Futures Compendium. This paper uses recent data on land use, agricultural production and population growth to discuss the future of agriculture in the Sacramento Region.

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Updated 02/21/03

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