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Abstract submission and registration

Notice: Abstract submission includes registration of the submitting author!


Deadline for the submission of abstracts is the 1st February 2009.


By clicking the button "register" a registration confirmation will be
send by email to your specified address. This email will indicate  the bank details for money transfer. In case of credit card payment credit card details (type of credit card, number and expiring date) have to be sent by fax (+49 531 2993219). Details...

Deadline for early registration includes receiving the money by bank transfer or credit card payment.

Fields marked with * have to be completed.

Academic title:
Firstname: *
Lastname: *
Institution: *
Address: *
ZIP: *
City: *
Country: *
e-mail: *
Registration fee
DPG membership number
Gala Dinner (50 EUR)
Additional proceeding copies (each 80 EUR)
Number of abstract authors: *

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