California Native Plant Society

CNPS 2009 Conservation Conference: Strategies and Solutions

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Photos by Stacey Flowerdew

Legislative Action Workshop - Learn how to apply the heat!

“When I feel the heat, I see the light.” former US Senator Everrett Dirkson

Come learn how grassroots activism can effectively apply some heat and increase your chances of success with the State Legislature or any elected body.

Everyone knows that our elected officials are bombarded from all sides and from powerful interests. Getting their attention can be difficult, and it is tempting to conclude that only big money interests get heard. But there are many examples of well-organized grassroots campaigns winning the day with compelling arguments and successful strategies.

This panel will discuss what works, including what information is most helpful to friendly legislators and what approaches may be effective with not-so-friendly legislators. It will review the legislative process, how committees fit into that process and where the best opportunities for our conservation organizations lie. It will address the need for year-round engagement and diligent preparation.

Key legislative staff and experienced advocates for non-governmental organizations will share their personal experiences and tips for success. There will be ample time for questions. Although some reference materials will be provided, please bring a tablet and pen.

Outside of the Conference: We hope you will take time to visit the offices of your local Assemblymember and Senator while you are in Sacramento. Due to the three-day holiday weekend and the Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C., many legislators will be away from the State Capitol. Their staff, however, will be at work on the days following the Conference, and meeting with them can often be as effective as meeting with their boss.

A new Legislative Session is just getting underway, so introducing yourself and your issues at this time is critical. Check out the Conference website for tips on identifying your representatives, scheduling a meeting, and preparing appropriately.



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