Writing Instruments & Accessories Imports: Customs Value by Customs Value
for ALL Countries

U.S. Imports for Consumption

Annual + Year-To-Date Data from Jan - Jun


Country 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2007 YTD 2008 YTD Percent Change
YTD2007 - YTD2008
In 1,000 Dollars
China 220,349 280,351 324,790 394,310 499,357 587,912 668,145 751,442 386,320 383,720 -0.7%
Japan 429,865 304,720 282,328 267,259 276,301 245,533 260,030 281,329 134,722 114,866 -14.7%
Mexico 106,448 132,936 167,563 177,237 224,636 224,588 220,030 212,335 117,933 105,977 -10.1%
Germany 63,417 53,269 52,303 63,618 55,465 53,326 56,950 57,373 28,420 21,086 -25.8%
Taiwan 135,824 109,526 81,345 74,744 64,632 52,037 47,741 41,197 22,899 19,690 -14.0%
France 26,121 20,974 21,836 25,619 34,957 40,269 32,268 40,489 20,174 19,518 -3.3%
India 7,115 7,441 9,865 16,195 16,184 21,487 23,545 35,853 18,744 14,359 -23.4%
Korea 60,779 57,996 43,384 30,600 23,286 14,772 27,151 30,234 14,825 9,500 -35.9%
Canada 50,631 42,880 44,217 26,628 24,945 27,678 29,796 22,847 12,670 10,862 -14.3%
Italy 17,187 18,821 19,647 19,669 18,489 16,785 11,526 11,426 5,221 5,425 3.9%
Hong Kong 11,470 10,900 8,620 9,471 11,562 12,456 9,083 10,865 6,481 3,034 -53.2%
Malaysia 1,872 2,186 3,486 4,572 6,219 12,321 10,708 9,456 4,902 7,245 47.8%
United Kingdom 13,312 9,989 8,751 9,587 9,270 8,549 7,866 8,420 4,441 3,853 -13.2%
Indonesia 10,588 7,962 8,304 7,937 7,424 7,213 6,468 8,238 4,722 3,816 -19.2%
Spain 10,541 14,149 13,702 15,090 17,937 11,099 7,894 6,828 3,688 3,252 -11.8%
Vietnam 32 40 337 1,463 2,536 2,832 5,128 6,438 2,715 2,599 -4.3%
Thailand 16,738 7,538 8,022 6,553 5,810 8,135 5,692 4,146 2,303 1,307 -43.3%
Switzerland 5,793 4,707 5,005 4,758 5,038 4,310 3,622 3,944 1,687 2,103 24.7%
Denmark 7,916 10,420 7,967 8,752 6,465 4,518 3,290 2,021 1,088 872 -19.9%
Netherlands 945 2,292 1,723 1,758 1,483 870 373 1,087 568 740 30.2%
Egypt 253 293 495 664 1,079 892 1,177 988 488 492 0.7%
Brazil 121 84 339 318 1,543 1,145 1,952 912 587 529 -9.9%
Belgium 416 503 379 156 1,770 1,219 1,633 746 332 341 2.6%
Peru 491 459 454 1,077 2,872 3,888 606 524 219 339 54.7%
Czech Republic 6,064 7,458 2,352 507 179 110 419 500 244 140 -42.9%
Subtotal : 1,204,289 1,107,891 1,117,213 1,168,545 1,319,440 1,363,943 1,443,090 1,549,638 796,395 735,662 -7.6%
All Other: 13,233 7,624 4,974 5,097 4,682 6,910 5,198 4,290 2,106 2,475 17.5%
Total 1,217,522 1,115,515 1,122,187 1,173,642 1,324,122 1,370,853 1,448,288 1,553,927 798,501 738,138 -7.6%

Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission.