Top 20 US Import Sources for Golf Equipment
NAICS 3399203   SIC 39492
by Customs Value
Annual and Year Through the Second Quarter (Jan-June)
Country 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 QTR_2007 QTR_2008 '07-'08                % Change
In 1,000 Dollars  
China 301,817 343,966 493,915 584,567 696,239 807,911 870,282 903,389 541,921 509,137 -6.0%
Taiwan 75,806 53,310 48,588 36,536 35,470 30,390 43,758 49,839 29,655 36,900 24.4%
Japan 37,765 61,252 54,524 47,461 46,051 53,494 51,631 43,310 24,696 28,200 14.2%
Thailand 63,626 68,277 60,572 73,517 48,312 50,390 50,156 42,283 21,920 42,295 93.0%
Mexico 154,247 124,241 84,745 77,713 69,692 56,960 46,645 37,629 20,808 16,334 -21.5%
Indonesia 32,913 28,470 25,983 26,611 20,276 25,331 28,232 30,931 18,011 15,751 -12.5%
Vietnam 20 47 138 282 336 1,152 4,259 9,809 2,897 6,355 119.4%
Korea 31,944 30,700 22,437 24,429 29,790 20,374 16,824 8,718 6,123 3,355 -45.2%
Bangladesh 9,360 9,929 11,817 6,281 4,530 4,722 5,405 7,528 4,624 2,809 -39.3%
Hong Kong 9,727 7,907 7,412 10,543 9,004 8,920 5,113 5,377 3,388 2,271 -33.0%
Canada 4,278 4,414 3,322 3,792 4,741 4,343 11,514 4,037 2,034 1,930 -5.1%
India 1,854 2,504 1,789 1,537 2,075 2,368 3,948 3,981 2,237 893 -60.1%
United Kingdom 1,887 641 1,248 1,138 1,044 2,716 1,662 3,708 3,002 205 -93.2%
Malaysia 595 4,279 3,418 3,312 1,559 883 1,869 880 804 409 -49.1%
Germany 434 183 364 358 521 300 695 642 409 495 21.0%
Philippines 127 76 18 92 268 668 244 384 97 8 -91.8%
France 64 136 55 171 368 47 29 336 82 1 -98.8%
Sweden 12 47 26 25 339 114 252 292 88 32 -63.6%
Italy 45 90 112 167 169 137 75 255 93 39 -58.1%
Australia 959 533 769 1,102 331 195 257 164 34 48 41.2%
Subtotal : 727,481 741,003 821,254 899,635 971,116 1,071,416 1,142,848 1,153,493 682,922 667,466 -2.3%
All Other: 849 1,207 1,171 1,629 2,961 2,035 1,473 1,067 581 158 -72.8%
Total 728,330 742,210 822,425 901,264 974,077 1,073,451 1,144,321 1,154,560 683,504 667,624 -2.3%
Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission.  
Updated by JV, 9/16/08