Top 20 US Import Sources for Bicycles and Parts
NAICS 3369911   SIC 37511
by Customs Value
Annual and Year Through the Second Quarter (Jan - June)
Country 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 QTR_2007 QTR_2008 '07-'08                            % Change
In 1,000 Dollars  
China 709,704 592,390 704,684 663,688 712,980 790,513 789,792 854,279 440,279 462,956 5.2%
Taiwan 381,189 249,989 250,535 265,541 326,315 438,937 375,332 406,742 190,298 238,862 25.5%
Japan 99,385 70,389 70,551 73,243 107,424 84,969 57,858 51,196 23,092 29,574 28.1%
Italy 30,398 31,953 36,125 32,910 38,800 33,289 32,723 46,610 24,513 24,108 -1.7%
France 17,145 14,774 14,691 16,550 19,413 21,790 27,073 26,366 12,967 8,202 -36.7%
Canada 10,616 12,020 12,042 13,073 15,846 12,597 11,807 10,994 6,731 6,352 -5.6%
Malaysia 6,308 4,500 4,694 4,490 4,898 6,624 8,324 8,917 3,671 5,905 60.9%
United Kingdom 3,196 3,414 3,091 2,325 2,525 2,642 3,508 8,525 2,172 2,400 10.5%
Switzerland 6,142 5,735 5,158 5,233 7,621 9,690 8,168 7,923 4,208 6,541 55.4%
Spain 348 855 1,828 3,359 4,758 4,660 6,721 7,403 3,063 2,603 -15.0%
Germany 3,467 3,686 3,221 3,712 3,543 3,997 5,134 5,293 2,154 2,884 33.9%
Mexico 45,892 22,211 6,030 3,599 2,620 2,006 2,337 2,964 1,493 1,892 26.7%
Australia 1,086 738 1,861 5,539 2,052 1,574 1,129 2,665 1,492 1,176 -21.2%
Indonesia 909 687 329 135 190 135 874 2,128 1,188 1,448 21.9%
Singapore 9,368 1,265 1,509 899 976 1,421 1,333 1,961 759 1,329 75.1%
Belgium 191 491 729 1,333 1,476 1,968 1,864 1,700 875 1,672 91.1%
Netherlands 1,186 820 905 811 1,030 650 785 1,588 930 571 -38.6%
Hong Kong 15,957 5,593 3,421 6,066 2,166 2,096 1,746 1,579 620 471 -24.0%
Romania 0 0 0 0 0 282 388 892 150 1,024 582.7%
India 510 557 432 678 475 536 327 752 313 519 65.8%
Subtotal : 1,342,995 1,022,069 1,121,835 1,103,186 1,255,107 1,420,375 1,337,224 1,450,475 720,970 800,490 11.0%
All Other: 5,431 2,710 3,240 3,080 4,580 13,318 4,296 3,589 2,152 1,386 -35.6%
Total 1,348,426 1,024,779 1,125,075 1,106,266 1,259,686 1,433,693 1,341,520 1,454,064 723,122 801,876 10.9%
Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission.  
Updated by JV, 9/16/08