Top 20 US Import Sources for Marine Engines (non-diesel)
by Customs Value
Annual and Year Through the Second Quarter (Jan-June)
Country 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 QTR_2007 QTR_2008 '07-'08                % Change
In 1,000 Dollars  
Japan 553,399 517,039 651,667 778,971 816,724 975,628 944,525 655,866 353,979 307,567 -13.1%
Mexico 41,031 71,791 96,796 114,628 124,815 119,875 112,169 110,839 55,245 46,251 -16.3%
China 756 214 1,990 2,715 3,188 14,181 55,507 48,028 16,909 30,317 79.3%
Korea 2,504 3,002 5,122 7,987 9,314 18,430 135,722 37,086 24,704 12,532 -49.3%
Austria 4,303 1,089 2,086 12,683 18,171 17,552 19,845 24,277 12,516 15,761 25.9%
France 921 1,553 2,064 2,062 8,434 10,757 8,867 8,976 5,676 4,731 -16.6%
Thailand 1,172 116 829 1,953 7,043 6,386 6,050 3,028 1,035 2,012 94.4%
Italy 2,853 1,065 2,120 1,530 538 5,265 1,661 951 785 31 -96.1%
Brazil 0 93 0 0 112 0 69 745 671 0 -100.0%
Canada 368 270 325 314 153 117 81 533 525 91 -82.7%
Germany 35 18 49 259 14,520 241 171 314 252 653 159.1%
Hong Kong 2,163 0 9 152 213 0 73 189 6 6 0.0%
Norway 2 3 0 0 0 25 559 155 6 60 900.0%
United Kingdom 339 215 231 162 358 89 54 141 25 33 32.0%
Sweden 174 169 146 64 25 0 110 72 55 523 850.9%
Argentina 0 0 22 120 0 0 0 64 64 0 -100.0%
Jamaica 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 22 19 0 -100.0%
Vietnam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 12 0 -100.0%
Slovenia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 #DIV/0!
Australia 0 4 22 80 0 50 19 12 0 16 #DIV/0!
Subtotal : 610,022 596,641 763,481 923,681 1,003,608 1,168,596 1,285,483 891,333 472,481 420,584 -11.0%
All Other: 143 77 107 585 89 562 3,695 19 14 107 664.3%
Total 610,165 596,718 763,588 924,266 1,003,698 1,169,158 1,289,179 891,352 472,495 420,691 -11.0%
Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission.  
Updated by JV, 9/16/08