Food and Environment Electronic Digest

FEED is a free email newsletter that will keep you informed about food production and safety issues.

Consumers today face a wide array of food choices. Many of the foods for sale—genetically modified corn, meat from chickens and hogs raised with antibiotics, and vegetables sprayed with pesticides—are evidence of agriculture's industrialization. However, organic and local food options offer an alternative that can restore the connection between how we live and what we eat.


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As a consumer, you can have a say in how food is produced and sold. Your activism can encourage laws and corporate policies that promote sustainable food production to protect our health, our natural resources, and the livelihoods of family farmers.

FEED—Food & Environment Electronic Digest—is designed to keep consumers up-to-date on food production and safety issues, and provide opportunities to influence public and corporate policies.

Each month, subscribers receive an email that contains news snippets and related links about what's happening "from farm to fork" on topics including biotechnology, antibiotic resistance, and sustainable agriculture. Our goal is to increase consumers' awareness about what goes on in Congress, regulatory agencies, and corporate boards to affect the very personal choices we make regarding the food we eat and serve our families. We'll tell you how to weigh in with government and corporate decision-makers to influence food policy.

We'd like to bring FEED to as wide an audience as possible, so after you sign up, please recommend FEED to a friend.

Click here to sign up for FEED.

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