History of Accomplishments


Since 1969, the Union of Concerned Scientists has brought together the knowledge and influence of the scientific community with the passion of concerned citizens to work for a healthy environment and a safer world. Here are just some of our key accomplishments:

2000 - present

  • In response to an unprecedented level of political interference in science, UCS challenges the distortion and suppression of research at a variety of federal agencies and federal science advisory committees on subjects ranging from air pollution and global warming to reproductive health and military intelligence. Working with members of Congress, UCS succeeds in getting landmark scientific integrity legislation introduced in both the Senate and House of Representatives. [More about Scientific Integrity
  • UCS publishes a series of groundbreaking regional analyses of the effects of global warming. These reports mobilize local activists across the country by illustrating the risks of dangerous climate change in the Gulf States, the Great Lakes region, California, and the Northeast United States. [More about Global Warming]
  • Thanks to an intensive campaign by UCS activists—as well as an influential report by UCS scientists detailing how global warming will impact California—the nation's most populous state adopts landmark legislation to curb global warming, setting a valuable precedent for other states and the federal government. [More about Global Warming]
  • UCS climate experts play a key role in crafting the first multi-state effort to combat global warming. The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) draft regulations issued by seven Northeast states will cap heat-trapping carbon dioxide emissions in a region that accounts for six percent of the world's global warming pollution. [More about Global Warming]
  • UCS succeeds in pressuring the California Public Utilities Commission to approve the largest solar energy program in U.S. history. [More about Clean Energy]
  • After UCS delivers thousands of emails from concerned activists, Congress denies all funding for the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator—an ineffective new nuclear weapon proposed by President George W. Bush. [More about Nuclear Weapons & Global Security
  • After pressure from UCS and our allies, the Food and Drug Administration bans the use of an agricultural antibiotic because of concerns that widespread overuse of these drugs in animals threatens their effectiveness when used in human medicine. [More about Food and Agriculture]
  • The UCS analysis Countermeasures helps convince President Bill Clinton not to deploy a national missile defense system. [More about Nuclear Weapons & Global Security]

More accomplishments: 1990s, 1980s, 1970s & 1960s...


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