Science Committee


    1. Survey/Monitoring: Survey state for problem species or pull together existing information and monitor extent of issue, work with regional groups, provide information on pending problems
    2. Invasive Species List: Review status of current state lists, develop list of species we are concerned about and will work on; prioritize list and work on strategies with the legislative committee
    3. Research on Control Methods: Promote and find funding for research on control methods
    4. Develop list of research needs and promote this list to appropriate research groups

Working groups:
Strategic Planning
Mapping Standards
Control & Post-treatment Monitoring

Glossaries for technical terms:

The Invasive Plants of the Future Report Form and Instructions can be found at (Wisconsin DNR)

Update 9/27/05

    I. Strategic Planning--develops both long- and short-term goals for the Committee.
    Current members: Amanda Schwoegler, Ann Hoefferle, Chris Reyes, David Eagan, Debbie Maurer, Erik Parker, Esteban Chiriboga, Heidi Conde, Janel Pike, Jerry Sullivan, Kate Barrett, Kelly Kearns, Mark Wetter, Merel Black, Michael Ulrich, Miles Falck, Stephen Adam, Tom Boos. Kate Howe (MIPN) and Paul Labus (TNC-IN) also stay informed of group activities.

    II. Control & Post-Treatment Monitoring--facilitates information collection and sharing on management activites and outcomes Current members: Art Kitchen, Brad Hutnik, Cathy Bruner, Chris Reyes, David Eagan, Jesse Bennett, Jim Reinhartz, Kelly Kearns, Michael Ulrich, Reed Cockrell, Steve Richter, Tom Boos.

    III. Standards (in abeyance until winter)--creates standard forms and procedures for data collection that can be used by a wide range of individuals, agencies and organizations and that will facilitate information sharing within Wisconsin.
    Current members: Kate Barrett, Merel Black, Tom Boos, Esteban Chiriboga, Ted Cochrane, Chris Reyes, Christina Isenring, David Eagan, Debbie Maurer, Eunice Padley, Kelly Kearns, Mark Wetter, Michael Ulrich.

The following are Rich Text Format (rtf) documents:

Strategic Sub-Committee

Standards Sub-Committee


Control and Post-treatment Monitoring Subcommittee Working Document


Memorandum of Understanding between Wisconsin State Herbarium and IPAW - Discussion

Midwest Invasive Plant Network Research