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AIC Books and Videos


Book and Videos produced by AIC. Available in many libraries. Please contact AIC if unable to locate a copy.

Private Investment in Exotic Pest Control Technology: The Case of the Silverleaf Whitefly in California (2001)
California's Future: Maintaining Viable Agriculture at the Urban Edge (1997, reprinted 2001)
The Measure of California Agriculture, 2000
California Farmers and Conservation Easements: Motivations, Experiences, and Perceptions in Three Counties, (2000)
Agriculture in the Sacramento Region: Trends and Prospects (2000)
Exotic Pests and Diseases: Biology, Economics, Public Policy (1999)
Economic Impacts of Irrigation Water Cuts in the Sacramento Valley (1999)
Potential Impact of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in California (1999)
California Farmland and Urban Pressures: Statewide and Regional Perspectives (1999)
Statistical Review of California's Organic Agriculture, 1992-1995 (1998)
California's Future: Maintaining Viable Agriculture at the Urban Edge (1997)
Animal Agriculture Impact on Water Quality in California (1995)
Technologies and Managenent Practices for More Efficient Manure Handling (1996)
Pathogens Excreted by Livestock and Transmitted to Humans through Water (1997)
The Economic Merit of Animal Manures as a Source of Plant Nutrients or Energy Generation (1998)
Farmers and Neighbors: Land Use, Pesticides and Other Issues (1996)
Voices of California Farmers: Effects of Regulations--Analysis of a Survey (1996)
Shaping Agriculture in the 21st Century (1995)
Valuing UC Agricultural Research and Extension (1994)
Financing Agriculture in California's New Risk Environment, Proceedings, 1993 Conference (1994)
North American Free Trade Agreement: Implications for California Agriculture (1992)
The Impact of Toxic Liability and Agricultural Lending, Proceedings of Environmental Liability Symposium (1990)
Agriculture in California - On the Brink of a New Millennium, 1990-2010 (1990)
Sharing Scarcity: Gainers and Losers in Water Marketing (1994)
California Water Transfers: Gainers and Losers in Two Northern Counties, Proceedings of the 1992 Conference (1993)
Resource Pressures: California's Central Valley (1991)
People Pressures: California's Central Valley (1991)
California's Central Valley--Confluence of Change, Proceedings of the May & June 1990 Symposia (1990)
Farmland and Open Space in Yolo County (1993)
Farmland and Open Space Preservation in the Four North Bay Counties (1995)
Farmland Protection in the General Plan: A Comparison of Seven Central Valley Counties (1995)
Municipal Density and Farmland Protection: An Exploratory Study of Central Valley Patterns (1996)
California's Beef Industry (1991)
California's Dairy Industry: Part I: Organization & Structure (1992)
California's Dairy Industry Part II: Challenges & Opportunities (1994)
California's Rice Industry (Revised 1994)
California's Canned Fruit Industry (1992)
Exotic Pests and Diseases: Biology, Economics, Public Policy
Conference Summary Report and Video
Farmers and Neighbors: Land Use, Pesticides and Other Issues Workshop Summary Report / Farmers and Neighbors at the Edge Video
Shaping Agriculture in the 21st Century Symposium Proceedings / Shaping Agriculture: California's Role Video
Animal Agriculture Impact on Water Quality in California Proceedings and Video
California Water Transfers: Gainers and Losers in Two Northern Counties Proceedings / Sharing Scarcity: Water and Water Use in California Video


Exotic Pests and Diseases: Biology, Economics, Public Policy (13 min)
An overview of (1) the increasing threat to California from invading insect, weed and other pests or animal diseases from foreign countries, (2) the cooperative federal and state system designed to exclude, eradicate, or control them, and (3) the public policy issues involved. 1999
Farmers and Neighbors at the Edge (10 min)
An overview of the challenges facing the growing urban/suburban interface with regards to the use of pesticides, ag and land use practices and policies. 1995
Shaping Agriculture: California's Role (9 min)
An introductory glimpse at the issues faced by global agriculture in the 21st century using California as a test case for the interaction of population, resources and technology. 1995
Animal Agriculture Impacts on Water Quality in California (7 min)
Explores the impacts of the animal industry in California on the state's water quality. Explains the importance of a watershed approach in California. 1994
Creation of the New Lending Environment (11 min)
Provides a brief look at historical agricultural and banking events contributing to current lending environment. 1993
Sharing Scarcity: Water and Water Use in California (15 min.)
Outlines the forces that have created today's water crisis in California, describes the state's water resources and briefly reviews proposed approaches to the state's water problems. 1992
Lay of the Land (10 min.)
Describes agriculture, urbanization and water resources involved with the 1991 water transfers in Solano and Yolo counties. 1992
Trade Among Nations: Implications for California Agriculture (15 min.)
Explores the proposed North American Free Trade Agreement. 1992
Great Central Valley: Confluence of Change (33 min.)
The first in the Central Valley series, it highlights the historical cycles of economic, social and political change in California and the Valley and explores the Valley's physical and economic legacy, land and land use problems, and other constraints. 1990
Great Central Valley: Portrait of the Valley (15 min.)
Introduction to the Central Valley series, a brief look at the Valley and its resources. 1990
Resources at Risk: Air Quality (26 min.)
The valley's air pollution problems (emissions and meteorology) are examined in this video. Also included are UC research results identifying and linking ozone levels, crop yield losses, economic consequences (acreage and price), and the need for a regional approach to air pollution control. 1990
Resources at Risk: Land & Water Use (33 min.)
Explores thresholds of resource degradation, land use patterns, and pressures on agricultural land. Outlines constraints to surface and groundwater resources, and discusses approaches for dealing with water scarcity. 1990
Great Central Valley: Room for Whom? (36 min.)
Growth pressures and population trends in the Valley are examined in this video including demographic trends involving traditional valley residents, new immigrants, and commuters. Population density versus mass transit, and alternative development patterns are explored. 1990
Governing the Valley: County/City Interactions (33 min.)
Examines growth-related problems faced by local governments in the Valley including differences between county and city approaches to development and their financial consequences. 1990
Regulating Chemicals in Food: Public Policy Quandary (42 min.)
Explores issues involved in finding solutions to improve current food safety standards. 1988

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