Items of Interest to AAB Members
Check out the following:-


EFSA News: New EFSA body to coordinate pesticide risk assessment

EFSA is setting up a new committee to further strengthen its role in reviewing the safety of active substances used in pesticides together with the European Commission and EU member states.  For more information please read the news item at the following link:

French, German and Italian language versions will be available shortly on the EFSA website in the "news" section.

Royal Society Publishing - SPECIAL OFFER price to AAB Members: Sustainable Agriculture - a double volume . Click here. Quote reference number on the document.


ADAS is the UK's largest provider of rural and environmental solutions and policy advice.

The Association of Independent Crop Consultants (AICC)

The Association was founded in 1981 to provide a professional organisation for the truly "Independent" crop consultant. Advise given by members is independent of the merchanting and manufacturing trade associations and thus our members are able to give a continuity of professional and confidential advice, without any pressures from interested commercial parties.

The Association of Learned Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP), of which the AAB is a member, was founded in 1972 and is a not-for-profit organisation with the objective of encouraging communication and co-operation between learned and professional societies and institutions of all shapes and sizes in matters concerning publishing. Activities of ALPSP include the arrangement of meetings for discussion of matters related to publishing, the mounting of seminars on specific topics, participation in exhibitions at home and overseas, and the management of trade meetings to markets overseas. The Association also fosters close relations with other bodies involved in publishing in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.


Belgian Plant Biotechnology Association

 The objective of the Association is to promote fundamental research and the application of Plant Biotechnology and Tissue Culture. The society was founded in 2007 as the extention and continuation of the former Belgian Plant Tissue Culture Group (BPTCG) and is targetting members mainly working in research institutes, universities and companies in the area of plant multiplication and plant breeding.

Biomass Energy Centre

A 'one stop shop' to provide information to anyone in the UK with an interest in biomass derived solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and associated conversion technologies.   The BEC aims to draw together information from existing sources into one easy to use service based around this website and an information enquiry service to UK individuals, companies, local authorities and other UK organizations

Biotech Industry Supplier Registry 

Manual compilation of biotech suppliers enabling buyers to easily source manufacturers of biotechnology equipment for cell biology, cell culture, genomics, proteomics and more. Site includes new projects, free magazines, jobs, news and events.

The British Complementary Medicine Association (BCMA) supports and protects the integrity of its therapists, ensures the protection and well-being of their clients, and the high quality standards with which Complementary Medicine is delivered to the public.

The British Grassland Society< A> (BGS) is a forum for those with an active interest in the science and practice of temperate grassland production and utilization. It has as its objectives: a) The advancement of methods of production and utilization of grass
and forage crops for the promotion of agriculture and the public benefit. b) The advancement of education and of research in grass and forage crop production and utilization, and the publication of the results of any research.

The British Crop Protection Council (BCPC) brings together as Corporate Members representatives of a wide range of organisations with an interest in furthering the science and practice of crop protection. Between them they cover research, the agrochemical industry, the services, contractors, distributors, education, agricultural engineering, plant breeding/biotechnology, overseas development, government and regulatory concerns.

 Books for Academics links academics to academic publishers' online catalogues.

 Founded in 1913, the British Ecological Society is the oldest of its kind in the world. As a learned Society and registered charity, it is an independent organisation, receiving no outside funds. The aims of the Society are to promote the science of ecology through research, publications and conferences and to use the findings of such research to educate the public and to influence policy decisions which involve ecological matters. The Society is committed to using the science of ecology as a basis for nature conservation, sound environmental management and sustainable development.


British Mycological Society

The British Mycological Society (BMS) was founded in 1896 and has some 1400 members from many countries around the world, reflecting its international status. Its sole objective is to promote mycology in all its aspects.


The aim of the BSAS (British Society of Animal Science) is to enhance the understanding of animal sciences and their integration into Animal Production. To achieve this the Society runs conferences, workshops and meetings for those interested in animal science to meet and exchange information, ideas and experiences. It also produces the Society Journal, Animal Science, six times a year.


British Society of Soil Science (BSSS)

The Society was founded in 1947 to advance the study of soil. It does his through the promotion of research and education.  The Society promotes research by organising several conferences each year and by the publication of its two scientific journals, the European Journal of Soil Science, and Soil Use and Management. It promotes education through a number of initiatives aimed at schools, colleges and universities.

 British Trust for Ornithology 

The British Trust for Ornithology has existed since 1933 as an independent, scientific research trust, investigating the populations, movements and ecology of wild birds in the British Isles. Our speciality is the design and implementation of volunteer wild bird surveys

The British Society for Plant Pathology has been set up for the study and advancement of plant pathology. They welcome members from all over the world who are interested in any branch of plant pathology. The Society organises regular scientific meetings and is responsible for publications including Plant Pathology and Molecular Plant Pathology On-Line. Funds are available to assist its members and they host information about several professional interest groups.


Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH)

Research in the land and freshwater environmental sciences.

The Global Crop Protection Federation has evolved into CropLife International . Throughout 2000 and 2001, the Global Crop Protection Federation has worked to evolve into CropLife International, the new global federation to represent the plant science industry. This important change is the fruit of strong team work, creative questioning, strategic thinking - and concerted action. For the first time in the history of the federation, we have broadened our scope to include both crop protection and agricultural biotechnology. In addition, we have dedicated ourselves to become more attuned and responsive to the issues and concerns of society.

Crop Protection Monthly (CPM) is an independent business newsletter published by Market Scope Europe Ltd. The newsletter, published twelve times a year, reports and comments on developments in the world of crop protection through its global network of correspondents and contacts.
Now in its fifteenth year of publication, CPM has readers and subscribers in over 50 countries. It keeps executives and researchers up to date with the latest crop protection and pesticide news, comments and developments from R&D, the marketplace and crop protection conferences.  Whilst its main focus is on the European scene, CPM  also reports each month on the key stories and conferences from America, Asia and the rest of the world.

EUCARPIA (European Association for Research on Plant Breeding) aims to promote scientific and technical co-operation in the field of plant breeding in order to foster its further development. To achieve this purpose, the Association arranges and sponsors meetings of members, or groups of members, to discuss general or specific problems from all fields of plant breeding and genetic research.


European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO)

EPSO is an independent body that represents more than 50 leading Research Institutions from 23 European countries.
EPSO wants to improve impact and visibility of Plant Science in Europe.  The group was set up in 2000. 
EPSO's top priorities include facilitating understanding of plant science, boosting funding for basic plant science and co-ordinating research activities on national, E.U. levels and beyond.

The European Society of Agronomy (ESA) was launched in 1990. Its main objectives are: to promote the science of agronomy, to link those interested in agronomic research and development within Europe, to promote a European journal for agronomy and a newsletter, to encourage continuous training opportunities in agronomy for scientists and technicians, to cooperate with organisations with similar aims in other fields of science. The ESA is for agronomists, researchers and teachers who are concerned with basic and applied science in agronomy : the relationships between crops, soils, climates and agricultural practices, and between agriculture and the environment. It is a forum for scientists and users of research results to exchange information and experience and for developing collaborative programmes. The AAB and ESA have recently established a cooperative relationship, confirmed by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding.

The European Society of Nematologists aims to foster collaboration between Nematologists and to represent the views of Nematologists to policy makers, industry and others interested in our work.  The Society organises a biennial meeting in order to promote exchange of ideas and research information and publishes a newsletter twice each year. 


European Society for Weed Research (EWRS)

The EWRS is an international organisation which promotes and co-ordinates scientific research into all aspects of weed science.

Extreme Biology Studies Society

A French Society which includes all students, past and present from the Masters degree in Integrated Physiology in Extreme Conditions  

Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group

(FWAG) is the UK's only independent and dedicated provider of environmental and conservation advice and consultancy to farmers and crofters. Formed in 1969, FWAG has grown into a network of 120 highly skilled Farm Conservation Advisers located within 55 regional and county groups across the UK.

VSN International has released GenStat® for Windows 8th Edition.  Further details can be found at:


Global Potato News is your online source for information on potatoes.

Global Potato News strives to be the most compelling portal site for the potato industry world-wide. Registering on Global Potato News will give you access to members-only sections of the site, as well as the opportunity to sign up for potato related newsletters. The members-only sections include global industry trends, potato statistics, registered patents related to potatoes, articles about potato agronomy, and research information. 


Home Grown Cereals Authority 

 HGCA supports the UK cereal and oilseeds industry in improving its competitiveness in UK and overseas markets

 Ingenta is the global research gateway serving the online information needs of over 1.4 million visitors a month. It provides a free online search service of published content from reliable research sources and is one of the UK's top 20 Web services.  

INRA (the French National Research Institute for Agricultural Research)   


Institute of Biology

Institute of Food Science and Technology

Institute of Horticulture

TheInternational Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE (UK)) was founded on 22-23 September 1992 at a meeting at Nottingham University entitled Landscape Ecology in Britain . This became the UK Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, established to promote landscape ecology. Our core objectives are to promote communication, inter- disciplinary r esearch and the development of knowledge and interaction between scientists and those engaged in the planning and management of the landscape. We have achieved these objectives by organizing annual meetings on topical themes in landscape ecology and by the prompt publication of the proceedings of those meetings.  


International Center for Scientific Research  

International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association (IBMA)

 A worldwide association of biocontrol industries producing microorganisms, macroorganisms, semiochemicals and natural pesticides for plant protection and public health.  




The International Fertiliser Society was founded in 1947 for individuals who have a professional interest in any aspect of fertiliser production, marketing and use. Membership is personal and is open to all; it currently covers almost 50 countries world-wide. 


The International Society for Horticultural Science was formally established in 1959, and is now the leading worldwide organization of Horticultural Scientists with contacts all over the world. The aim of the ISHS is to promote and to encourage research in all branches of Horticulture and to facilitate the cooperation of scientific activities and knowledge transfer on a global scale by means of its publications, events and scientific structure. Membership is open to all interested Horticultural researchers, students and organizations.

The International Society for Plant Pathology (ISPP) promotes the world-wide development of plant pathology and the dissemination of knowledge about plant diseases and plant health management.

The International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) is a recently established non-profit organisation with the aim to promote information exchange on: 1. animal pests, diseases and weeds in agriculture, forestry and stores; and 2. arthropods (e.g. insects) which are harmful to livestock or effect humans directly. It issues (as CD ROM) the 'Pest Directory', a database containing addresses, literature and other information on pest management.


Linking Environment and Farming (LEAF)

The National Farmers' Union of England and Wales (NFU) operates a website to provide its members and the public with details of the NFU and its activities, and information on related developments.

Pest Management Science Journal (PMS) - a journal that covers all aspects of research, development , application, use and impact on the environment of products designed for pest control and crop protection.


Planit Media is an international media service that provides up-to-the-minute information on published media to advertising agencies, PR consultants and client companies in 50 countries worldwide.

The Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book is a subject oriented internet resource guide for plant pathology, applied entomology, and all related fields. On their pages you will find plant pathology related internet sites and more useful resources.


Renewable Energy Centre

Founded in 1833 as the Entomological Society of London, the Royal Entomological Society plays a major national and international role in disseminating information about insects and improving communication between entomologists.


Royal Society for Protection of Birds


Society for Applied Micro-biology (SFAM)

The Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) is a unique international forum where science meets business on independent, impartial ground. Anyone can join, and the Society offers a chance to share information between sectors as diverse as food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, environmental science and safety.   


Society for Experimental Biology (SEB)


Society for General Microbiology (SGM)

Society for Low Temperature Biology (SLTB)

The Soil Association

A UK leading environmental charity promoting sustainable, organic farming and championing human health.

The Tropical Agriculture Association (TAA) is a society of professionals and trainees in tropical, mediterranean and arid-zone agriculture, and in rural development.

Membership includes mainstream agriculturists and specialists in education, training and extension.  Has many members working in developing countries and is forming overseas groups.   

All the Virology on the WWW seeks to be the best single site for Virology information on the Internet. We have collected all the virology related Web sites that might be of interest to our fellow virologists, and others interested in learning more about viruses. Additionally, we have created an index to virus pictures on the web, The Big Picture Book of Viruses, which also functions as a resource for viral taxonomy. A collection of some of the best Online Virology and Microbiology Course Notes available can also be found here. If you're interested in even more information, we have The Virology Bookshop, an on-line microbiology and virology bookstore with a significant discount for our users.


Technology Transfer at the Wellcome Trust is a committed funder of translational research. Helping to bridge the gap between fundamental research and commercial application, it supports academic researchers and companies by funding product development and new discoveries. Through Translation Awards, Technology Transfer funds applied research projects at an early stage where there is an unmet medical need, a potential new solution and a realistic expectation that the innovation will be developed further by the market. Translation Awards are open to researchers from both academic institutions and early-stage companies.

The Welsh Pest Management Forum is a consortium of Welsh Companies, University research groups, users and suppport organisations dedicated to the development and profitability of the pest management sector in Wales and internationally. Information you will find on this server: Ecotoxicology Conference, Forthcoming Events, Newsletters, Staff, Members, Directory of Pest Management Enterprise. Links to other sites: Welsh Development Agency, Entomological Sites and more.