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  Risk Management:
Wild Pigs in California: The Issues
AIC Issues Brief #33, December 2007 (pdf, 270kb). Marcia Kreith. This Issues Brief tells the story of the wild pig in California, its economic and environmental impacts and evolving policy concerns. Regulated in California as a big game mammal, the wild pig is a non-native species.

Effects of Price Premiums for Multiple Product Attributes on Product Quality: California Processing Tomatoes (Nov. 2006, pdf, 81 kb)
Corinne Alexander, Rachael E. Goodhue, Sandeep Mohapatra, and Gordon C. Rausser examine how growers respond to price incentives and how these incentives interact for two important processing tomato quality attributes: limited use tomatoes and material other than tomatoes.


(You may have to browse the Quarterly to find the indicated article.)

Volume 18 No.2, 2004 (pdf)
Tree crop conference draws crowd
Workshops focus on risk management for small and beginning farms

Volume 17, No. 1, 2003 (pdf)
Long-term scenarios for California agriculture explored

Volume 16, No 1, 2002 (pdf)
Survey assesses specialty crop risks

Volume 14, No. 2, 2000 (pdf)
Extended Crop Insurance for California Horticultural Crops

Volume 12, No. 4, 1998 (html)
Seminar Covers the Gamut of Agricultural Risks


Traceability, Liability, and Incentives for Food Safety and Quality (html)
Daniel A. Sumner and Sébastian Pouliot. This paper provides information about suppliers that allows application of liability for food safety or other product quality problems. Revised July 2007.

Risk and Returns to Policy-Created in a Portfolio Context: California Dairy Quota (pdf)
Paper by Daniel A. Sumner and Norbert L. W. Wilson. March 2002.

Analysis of Yield and Revenue Insurance for California Vegetables (pdf)
Outline from the Presentation by Nicolai V. Kuminoff to the Western Growers Association on July 26, 2000 (revised from a project by Corinne Alexander and Nicolai V. Kuminoff).


United States Department of Agriculture, Risk Management Agency

United States Department of Agriculture, Farm Services Agency

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