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Past Event Proceedings

Causes and Consequences of the Food Price Crisis,
October 2008.
To show the confluence of factors driving food prices, a symposium was hosted by the Giannini Foundation. Agricultural economists from UC Berkeley and UC Davis spoke.
Slides from the symposium available for download

The Global Livestock CRSP has made available nine podcasts for those interested in hearing the individual speakers and their topics at the Symposium. 
Episode 1.    Welcome – Larry Karp
Episode 2.    Causes of the food crisis – Aaron Smith and Gordon Rausser
Episode 3.    Biofuel policy and food prices – David Zilberman
Episode 4.    Speculators, storage, and food prices – Brian Wright
Episode 5.    Agricultural research & development and food prices – Julian Alston
Episode 6.    Identification of the vulnerable in developing countries – Alain de Janvry
Episode 7.    Measuring consumer price response in developing countries – Ethan Ligon
Episode 8.    Effects on US consumers and producers and subsidy payments – Daniel Sumner
Episode 9.    Panel discussion – Alex McCalla, Gordon Rausser, Daniel Sumner, Brian Wright

Market Organization, Resources and Finance in Mediterranean Crops
October 2007
Click for proceedings

California Agroecosystem Services: Assessment, Valuation and Policy Perspective
Proceedings from the Sept 2007 workshop
Click for combined pdf of all papers below
(pdf, 3120 kb)

A Framework for Assessment of California Agroecosystems
Tom Tomich, Kelly Garbach, Canter, Agricultural Sustainability Institute, UC Davis (pdf, 2400 kb)

Modeling Agroecosystem Services for Policy Analysis
John Antle, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University  (pdf, 190 kb)      

Evaluating Regulation and Conservation Policy for California’s Agri-environmental Externalities
Nicolai V. Kuminoff,   Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech. (pdf, 575 kb)

Using Biophysical Information in Policies for Agroecosystem Services in California
Louise Jackson, Department of Air, Water, and Land Resources, UC Davis (pdf, 440 kb)

Spring Outlook Symposium
March 2005
Click for proceedings

California Agricultural Symposium: Challenges and Opportunities
March, 2005
Click for proceedings

Plant or Pull: The Economic Outlook for Tree Crops
May, 2004
Click for proceedings
The workshop addressed the situation and outlook of walnuts, almonds, prunes and clingstone peaches in northern California and attempted to answer the following issues: - Is the future of your tree crop threatened? - Are there opportunities in planting other tree crops?



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