
Investing in the Future of the Pest Management Industry

AAIE members represent the diverse interests in IPM and include: Pest management consultants, university researchers and instructors, entomologists, agronomists, plant pathologists, horticulturalists, urban ecologists, growers, and affiliated personnel including insectaries, pesticide manufacturers, government and many others.

The AAIE Annual Conference allows you to interact with your peers in IPM at the state and national level.

Local AAIE Meetings encourage discussions and shared information at the local level.

The AAIE Bulletin, a quarterly newsletter, keeps you current on the latest research, field observations, issues relating to IPM, regulatory happenings, as well as job and educational opportunities.

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Benefits of Membership

Investing in the Future of the Pest Management Industry
  • The AAIE Annual Conference allows you to interact with your peers in IPM at the state and national level.
  • Local AAIE Meetings encourage discussions and shared information at the local level.
  • The AAIE Bulletin, a quarterly newsletter, keeps you current on the latest research, field observations, issues relating to IPM, regulatory happenings, as well as job and educational opportunities.
Association Activities Conducted on Your Behalf
  • IPM research
  • Education and awareness program
  • Information source to regulators and politicians
  • Student employment and scholarship programs
AAIE Membership Classifications

Professional Member:

Eligibility: A person with professional or other interest in IPM or applied ecology.
Privileges: Voting and eligibility for office.

                Receive AAIE Bulletin and Listserver.

                Meeting discounts.

                Listing in Consultant Finder.

                Professional Member's Breakfast.
Dues: $150 annually.

Associate Member:

Eligibility: A person interested in IPM or applied ecology, but not a pest

              management professional, such as a farmer.
Privileges: Receive AAIE Bulletin and Listserver.

                Meeting discounts.

Dues: $60 annually.

Emeritus member:

Eligibility: Retired individuals of longstanding affiliation with the association,

               upon Executive Board approval.
Privileges: Voting and eligibility for office.

                Receive AAIE Bulletin and Listserver.

                Meeting discounts.

                Listing in Consultant Finder.

                Professional Member's Breakfast.
Dues: none.

Student Member:

Eligibility: Students interested in IPM or applied ecology.
Privileges: Receive AAIE Bulletin and Listserver.

                Meetings free or discounted.

Dues: none.

Sponsor Members: Organizations or persons wishing to assist AAIE in implementing applied IPM in the field.
Dues: $100 minimum annually.

Download Membership Application (requires Adobe® Reader®)

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