
Nonpopulation Census Records: Guam


NARA microfilm publication M1890, Nonpopulation Census Schedules for Guam, 1930: Agriculture (3 rolls) reproduces general agricultural and livestock schedules reporting farm products grown or owned in Guam during 1929-30. These records are part of the Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group (RG) 29.


The Bureau of the Census was established in the Department of Commerce and Labor by order of the Secretary of that Department on July 1, 1903. Previously, temporary census offices conducted and compiled census enumerations.

The first enumeration of agricultural products was undertaken in conjunction with the taking of the seventh population census in 1840 and then repeated with each decennial enumeration thereafter. For more information, see Carroll D. Wright, History and Growth of the United States Census (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900).

The United States acquired Guam from Spain under the Treaty of Peace signed at Paris, France, December 10, 1898, and proclaimed April 11, 1899. The territory was governed by the Department of the Navy from 1898 to 1950 (Executive Order 108-A), and on July 1, 1951, administration was transferred to the Department of the Interior (Executive Orders 10077 and 10137). Guam is an unincorporated territory of the United States organized and governed under the provisions of the Organic Act of Guam (Act of Aug. 1, 1950, 64 U.S.C. 384), as amended in 1968 and 1998 (48 U.S.C. §1421 et seq.).

The Bureau conducted its first agricultural census in Guam in 1920 and then again in 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1978, 1982, 1987, and 1992. In 1997 this function was transferred to the National Agricultural Statistics Services of the Department of Agriculture (USDA-NASS), which conducted a Guam agricultural census in 1998. Data for 1987 and 1992 were collected in 1988 and 1993, respectively, and thus are sometimes referred to as 1988 and 1993 censuses in USDA-NASS publications.

Records Description

These records consist of two series of census schedules--cultivated crops and livestock. In American Samoa the official census day for the taking of the fifteenth decennial census ("1930 census") was April 1, 1930.

The schedules are arranged by record series, then by enumeration district (ED). A sequential mechanically-stamped page number is in the upper right corner of the front side of each schedule. The arrangement is imperfect and somewhat confusing, however, due to two factors.

First, the Census Bureau and/or the enumerators incorrectly labeled schedules for EDs 1, 2, and 5. This problem was resolved by determining the names of enumerators from the Guam population schedules reproduced in NARA microfilm publication T626, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, roll 2629, and allocating the agricultural schedules to the correct EDs, as shown in Table of Contents.

Second, some schedules for other enumeration districts are annotated with both the correct ED number and an incorrect ED number. Appendix IV lists each correct ED number, corresponding incorrect ED number, and enumerator's name, as shown in the population schedules in T626, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, roll 2629.

Series 1: Form 15-28, Schedule for Cultivated Crops-Guam

Form 15-28, Schedule for Cultivated Crops-Guam, measures about 8 by 10.5 inches, with questions on the front side and instructions on the reverse side. One schedule was used for each farm. For the purposes of this schedule, a "farm" was defined as:

. . .all the land directly farmed by one person, either by his own labor alone or with the assistance of members of his household or hired employees. The farm . . . may produce field crops, fruits, and nuts, as well as livestock.

The questions asked on this schedule are shown in Appendix I. Farmers were to report the number of acres harvested and crop quantity produced during 1929, and to report the number of trees and plants they had on April 1, 1930.

Series 2: Form 15-41, Livestock Schedule-Guam

Form 15-41, Livestock Schedule-Guam, measures about 8 by 10.5 inches, with space for 28 proprietors of livestock on each side. Instructions on the reverse side indicate that "A report is required of all persons in Guam who own or have in their possession any carabao, cattle, horses, hogs, goats, chickens, or ducks." (Emphasis added).

The questions asked on this schedule are shown in Appendix II. Each person was to report the number of livestock they had on April 1, 1930.

Enumeration districts having livestock schedules with information on the reverse side are

21-391-3, 5
322-25101, 3-4
427-28, 30-33111-4
510, 12-13, 15-19, 21121-2

Table of Contents

Series 1: Form 15-28,
Schedule forCultivated Crops--Guam
Series 2: Form 15-41,
Livestock Schedule--Guam

Appendix I, Summary of Questions Asked on Form, 15-28, Schedule for Cultivated Crops--Guam

Enumerator's Record-
Number of farm in order of visitation
City or Village
Enumerator's name
Name of farmer or cultivator
Sheet and line on Population Schedule on which name is written-
Sheet No. and Line No.
Field Crops (number of acres harvested and quantity of product)-
Corn (bushel)
Sweet potatoes (bushels)
Taro (number)
Yams (bushels)
Tobacco (pounds)
Cassava (pounds)
Rice (bushels)
Arrowroot (pounds)
Sugar cane (tons)
Fruits and Nuts (number of trees or plants and quantity [number] of each product)-
Bananas (bunches)
Coffee (pounds)
Cacao (pounds)
Alligator pears
Kapok (pounds)

Appendix II, Summary of Questions Asked on Form 15-41, Livestock Schedule--Guam

Enumerator's Record-
City or Village
Enumerator's Name
Name of possessor or owner

Number of animals-
Horses and colts
Hogs and pigs
Goats and kids

Appendix III, 1930 Census Enumeration Districts (ED) for Guam

This list is taken derived from T1224, Descriptions of Census Enumeration Districts, 1830-1950, roll 2629.

1Agana city (part): San Nicolas and San Ramon areas
2Agana city (part): San Antonio and Padre Palomo areas
3Agana city (part): Bilibic, San Ignacio, and Togae areas
4Agana city (part): Anigua, Julale, and Santa Cruz areas
5Agana Municipality including Barrigada, Dededo, Machananao, Pago Sinajana, Sinajana, Tutujan, and Yigo barrios, but excluding Agana city
6Agat Municipality including Agat town, and Chandia, Inaso, Omo, Opagat, Pasgual, Sagua, Salinas, Tena, and Tumat barrios
7Asan Municipality including Asan town and Libugon barrio
8Inarajan Municipality including Inarajan town, and Aga, Bubalao, Malolos, Talofofo barrios
9Merizo Municipality including Merizo town and Umatac barrio
10Piti Municipality including Piti town and Sinengsong and Tepungan barrios
11Sumay Municipality including Sumay town and Sumay rural area
12Yona Municipality
13U.S. Navy ships and reservations

Appendix IV: Enumeration Districts (ED) Numbers and Enumerators for Guam, 1930

This list is taken derived from T1224, Descriptions of Census Enumeration Districts, 1830-1950, roll 2629.

Correct EDIncorrect ED
(if any)
1 Pauline L. Dees
1 Joaquin Torres
21Arthur W. Jackson
3 Tomas A. Calvo
4 Vicente Tydingco
52Jose Kamminga
52Margarito D. Palting
6 Pedro C. Charfauros
75Joaquin Torres
87Francisco G. Lujan
87Cayetano R. Quinata
96Manuel Charfauros
105Joaquin Torres
115Joaquin C. Diaz
127Cayetano A. Quinata
13 Susan W. Bradley

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