Welcome to the Association of Applied Biologists

Click here to go direct to the Annals of Applied Biology (Impact factor 1.379) or Plant Biotechnology Journal (Impact factor 3.378) pages


Click on Conferences, then Conferences Online for the list of upcoming programme of conferences and workshops  


"Book of the month"  

from the Aspects of Applied Biology series - Aspects 70,

Crop quality: Its role in sustainable livestock production

Normal price £30 (£21.00 for members) + p&p 

Price reduced to £10 (£5 for members) + p&p for April 08 orders


The much enhanced Version 2 of Descriptions of Plant Viruses CD-ROM was launched at the Advances in Virology conference on 11 September 2007 -click on Publications, then DPV CD-Rom to find out the latest information.


To receive Quarterly E-mail updates on our future activities, click here. 


The Association has recently been successfully reassessed for the Investors in People recognition  

The Association, a registered charity (No. 275655), was founded in 1904 and has as its objectives "To promote the study and advancement of all branches of Biology and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing), to foster the practice, growth and development of applied biology, including the application of biological sciences for the production and preservation of food, fibre and other materials and for the maintenance and improvement of earth's physical environment". We have approximately 800 members across the world and many libraries subscribe to our publications. Membership is open to all interested in applied biology.


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