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AIC Issues Briefs

Each AIC Issues Brief is a 4-8 page exploration of a particular topic related to California agriculture. They are written periodically by University of California faculty, AIC staff, and other researchers. The Briefs are timely, non-technical summaries of research projects, written for a broad audience with an interest in the particular subject.

Issues Briefs 1997-date (#)

31, 32, 33
24, 25, 26,27, 28
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
12, 13, 14
9, 10, 11
4, 5, 6, 7, 8
1, 2, 3

Scroll down for individual edition descriptions (chronological listing).


Wild Pigs in California: The Issues
AIC Issues Brief #33, December 2007 (pdf, 270kb)
by Marcia Kreith.
This Issues Brief tells the story of the wild pig in California, its economic and environmental impacts and evolving policy concerns. Regulated in California as a big game mammal, the wild pig is a non-native species.

California International Agricultural Exports in 2006 (AIC Issues Brief #32, pdf, 360kb)
by Omid Rowhani and Daniel A. Sumner
This year was the fifth consecutive year that California witnessed increases in agricultural export value to foreign destinations. California exports increased by 5 percent in 2006 and reached a record high with total exports nearing $9.8 billion.

California International Agricultural Exports in 2005 (AIC Issues Brief #31, pdf, 92kb)
by Omid Rowhani and Daniel A. Sumner
In 2005 California’s agricultural exports surpassed $9 billion for the first time. The $9.3 billion in exports is a new record and represents a 13 percent increase from 2004.

California International Agricultural Exports in 2004 (AIC Issues Brief #30, pdf, 79kb)
by José E. Bervejillo and Daniel A. Sumner
In 2004 California’s agricultural exports surpassed $8 billion for the first time. This represents a 9 percent increase over 2003 and a 25 percent increase over 2002. The data reported in this AIC Issues Brief describe international agricultural exports for 2004 and revisions for 2002 and 2003.

The Availability and Cost of Healthier Food Items (no. 29, March 2005, pdf, 80kb)
by Karen M. Jetter and Diana L. Cassady
This study examines the availability of healthier food items in grocery stores and compares the cost of a standard market basket of foods to a healthier basket with low-fat meat and dairy, and whole grains. Our results show that most people had access to healthier foods, though there was sporadic availability of some healthier items in lower-income neighborhoods. The healthier market basket was more expensive by about $32 to $41 due to higher costs of whole grains, lean ground beef, and skinless poultry. This higher cost is equal to about 35 percent to 40 percent of low-income consumers’ food budgets.

California's International Agricultural Exports in 2003
, (no. 28, December 2004, pdf, 88kb)
by José E. Bervejillo and Daniel A. Sumner
The data reported in this AIC Issues Brief describe international agricultural exports for 2003 as well as revisions for 2001 and 2002. Agricultural Exports for California provides information on the history, methods and resulting data from the AIC effort to develop methods that result in more accurate statistics for international exports of California agricultural products.

Does 5-a-Day Pay?
(no. 27, September 2004, pdf)by Karen M. Jetter, James A. Chalfant and Daniel A. Sumner.
This study examines Potential Gains to Growers from Increasing Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables to Recommended Levels in a Cancer Prevention Diet.

The 2002 Census of Agriculture: A Wealth of Useful Data
(no 26, August 2004, pdf)
by Daniel A. Sumner, Henrich Brunke, José E. Bervejillo
The recently released 2002 Census of Agriculture provides a wealth of new information that will help frame production, marketing and policy decisions about American agriculture

Trade Adjustment Assistance and California Commodities (no. 25, June 2004, pdf)
Henrich Brunke and Daniel Sumner
The 2002 Trade Act authorized the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers (TAA). For each of the fiscal years 2003 through 2007, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is provided with a maximum of $90 million to implement a program of payments and technical assistance to commodities adversely affected by trade.

An Assessment of Market Shares of California Agricultural Exports in 2002
(no.24, March 2004, pdf)
José E. Bervejillo and Daniel A. Sumner.
This study estimates California's share of selected agricultural commodities in selected markets for 2002. California's main export market is the United States, but 18 percent of the state's agricultural production is shipped overseas. We selected the most important foreign markets, analyzed the principal destinations, and generated an estimate of the California share in each market.

California’s International Agricultural Exports in 2002 (no.23, 2003, pdf)
José E. Bervejillo and Daniel A. Sumner.
The value of California’s agricultural exports in 2002 remained unchanged from 2001 at about $6.5 billion. The data reported in this AIC Issues Brief describe international agricultural exports for 2002 as well as revisions for 2000 and 2001. Agricultural Exports for California
This link provides information on the history, methods and resulting data from the AIC effort to develop methods that result in more accurate statistics for international exports of California agricultural products.

Obstacles in the Agritourism Regulatory Process: Perspectives of Operators and Officials in Ten California Counties
(no. 22, 2003, pdf)
Diana Keith, Ellen Rilla, Holly George, Ramiro Lobo, Laura Tourte and Roger Ingram. In California opportunities for agritourism abound. The diversity of agricultural operations, natural landscapes and interests, and a growing population provide prospects to farmers with interest, vision, skills and commitment. However, entry into agritourism can be complicated.

Role of NAFTA in California Agriculture: a Brief Review (no. 21, 2003, pdf)
Henrich Brunke and Daniel A. Sumner summarize the results of a study the Agricultural Issues Center conducted in collaboration with the California Farm Bureau Federation thirteen years after an agreement for free trade with Canada and eight years after Mexico was added to create the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Potential Gains to Producers from New Uses for Whey (no. 20, 2003, pdf)
Fiona M. Hutchinson, Joseph V. Balagtas, John M. Krochta, Daniel A. Sumner present research and development (R&D) affecting the dairy industry with new uses for agricultural raw materials. This issues brief reports on the potential economic contributions of one set of such innovations.

California's International Agricultural Exports in 2001 (no. 19, 2003, pdf)
Jose E. Bervejillo and Daniel A. Sumner examine California's year 2001 international agricultural exports using new data from the continuing AIC effort to produce accurate export statistics for the state.

What Determines the Price of Wine? The Value of Grape Characteristics and Wine Quality Assessments (no. 18, 2003, pdf)
Helene Bombrun and Daniel A. Sumner consider how information about grape characteristics and wine assessments affects wine prices.

California's Year 2000 International Agricultural Exports (no. 17, 2001, pdf)
Nicolai V. Kuminoff, Jose E. Bervejillo, and Daniel A. Sumner examine California's year 2000 international agricultural exports using new data from the continuing AIC effort to produce accurate export statistics for the state.

Farmland Conversion: Perceptions and Realities (no. 16, 2001, pdf)
Nicolai V. Kuminoff, Alvin D. Sokolow and Daniel A. Sumner examine both the numbers that measure farmland conversions and the related public perceptions about the causes and consequences of conversion--the basis of arguments about the seriousness of the problem and its policy solutions. Also available (online only) are two appendices to the Issues Brief describing the authors' calculations for total agricultural land and farmland conversion.

County Right-to-Farm Ordinances in California: An Assessment of Impact and Effectiveness (no. 15, 2001, pdf)
Matthew Wacker, Alvin D. Sokolow and Rachel Elkins perform a comparative study of county-adopted ordinances and their implementation in 15 agricultural counties in California's Central Valley and coastal regions.

Emergent E-Commerce in Agriculture (no. 14, 2000, pdf)
Rolf A.E. Mueller provides some background, some current facts, and some interpretation of the role of e-commerce in agriculture.

California's 1999 International Agricultural Exports (no. 13, 2000, pdf)
Nicolai V. Kuminoff, Daniel A. Sumner and Justin Tamony provide updated export data for 1999 and present highlights from the five years of data compiled by AIC through its effort to develop more accurate methods of producing agricultural export statistics for California.

The Value of Tradable Credits for Rice Straw Burning (no. 12, 2000, pdf)
Marc Carey, Daniel A. Sumner and Richard E. Howitt summarize their analysis of the cost savings available to the Sacramento Valley rice industry through trading of burn credits.

Contract Use in the California Winegrape Economy (no. 11, 1999, pdf)
Rachael Goodhue, Dale Heien and Hyunok Lee describe the use of contracts in the California winegrape industry, drawing on an AIC survey of 12,000 growers in the state.

Data on California's 1998 Agricultural Exports (no.10, 1999, pdf)
Nicolai Kuminoff, Tiffany Bunney, David S. Hart and Daniel A. Sumner provide updated export data for 1998 from the continuing AIC effort to develop methods for producing more accurate agricultural export statistics for California.

Agricultural Impacts of the Asian Economic Turmoil: A California Focus (no. 9, 1999, html)
Daniel A. Sumner and JooHo Song examine the Asian economic situation and the implications for California agriculture.

Improved Data on California’s Agricultural Exports (no. 8, 1998, html)
Daniel A. Sumner, Heather Benson, David Hart and Nick Kuminoff summarize results from a larger AIC project that provided a more solid statistical basis for conclusions about the state’s agricultural exports from 1995-1997.

Water Transfers and Groundwater Management: An Economic Analysis (no. 7, 1998, html)
Marca Weinberg, Keith Knapp, Richard Howitt and Judith Posnikoff summarize a case study of the potential effects on groundwater and on agricultural production of reduced surface water use resulting from water market transfers with and without groundwater management.

Organic Agriculture in California: A Statistical Review (no. 6, 1998, html)
Laura Tourte and Karen Klonsky provide data on organic agriculture in California, drawing from a larger study conducted in collaboration with the California Department of Food and Agriculture.

Management Changes and Impacts of the 1996 Farm Act (no. 5, 1998, html)
Warren E. Johnston and Lyle P. Schertz summarize the findings of a 1997 panel of professional farm managers on the impact of the 1996 Farm Act in the Sacramento Valley.

Science and Technology in California Agriculture (no. 4, 1998, html)
Julian M. Alston and David Zilberman review the role of technology in development of California agriculture.

International Trade and California Agriculture (no. 3, 1997, html)
Colin A. Carter and Daniel A. Sumner discuss how international markets and trade policy affect California agriculture.

A Measure of Subsidy to California Agriculture (no. 2, 1997, html)
To provide a summary measure of the impact of government policy on California agriculture, Daniel A. Sumner and David Hart describe, calculate and discuss a Producer Subsidy Equivalent (PSE).

Economic Impacts of Irrigation Water Cuts in the Sacramento Valley (no. 1, 1997, html)
Hyunok Lee, Daniel A. Sumner, and Richard E. Howitt address the question: If a substantial part of the Sacramento Valley's irrigation supply became unavailable, what would be the economic effects on farmers and on communities---and where would the loss hit hardest?

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