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University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Department of Entomology

Home of the 2008 North Central Branch Linnaean Games Champions!

Awards Received by Entomology Faculty, Staff, and Students



Dr. Fred Baxendale, ESA-NCB Distinguished Achievement Award in Extension, Entomological Society of America Distinguished Achievement Award in Extension.

Dr. Marion Ellis, American Association of Professional Apiculturists Award of Excellence.

Dr. John Foster, John V. Osmun Alumni Professional Achievement Award for Entomology from Purdue University.

Dr. Tiffany Heng-Moss, ESA-NCB Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching, Entomological Society of America Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching.

Dr. Blair Siegfried, Charles Bessey Professor of Entomology.

Graduate Students:

team picture The Linnaean Games team, Mathew Brust, Tim Husen, Erica Lindroth, Stephen Young, and alternate Andre Crespo, coached by Dr. Ken Pruess and Dr. Bob Wright won the North Central Branch Championship of the Linnaean Games at the annual North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America meeting. The Linnaean Games are a college bowl-style competition on entomological facts played between university-sponsored student teams. Toss-up questions cover knowledge about Apiculture, Biological Control, Ecology, Economic Entomology, Medical and Veterinary Entomology, Physiology and Biochemistry, Taxonomy and Toxicology. Bonus questions can come from any area of entomology including history and people.

Leonardo Magalhaes, Honorable Mention in the Folsom Distinguished Masters Thesis Award 2008 competition.

Nick Aliano, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Grant, $275.

Laura Campbell, Runner-up, President's Prize for a paper presentation, Entomological Society of America's national meeting.

Julia Colby, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Grant, $275.

Andrea Gutsche, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Grant, $275.

Tim Husen, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Grant, $275.

Lanae Pierson, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Grant, $160.

Neil Spomer, Entomological Society of America's Jeffery P. LaFage Graduate Student Research Award, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Grant, $160.

Mitch Stamm, Runner-up, President's Prize for a paper presentation, Entomological Society of America's national meeting.

Abby Stillwell, David H. and Annie Larrick Travel Award, $500.

Luciana Toda, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Grant, $160.

Stephen Young, North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America first place poster presentation award for Master of Science students for his research "Effect of Monsanto corn event 88017 and adult diet on selected western corn rootworm life history traits."



Dr. Fred Baxendale, CSREES 2007 Award for Excellence in Extension, 2007 Award for Excellence in Extension for the North Central Region.

Dr. Gary Brewer, inducted into Gamma Sigma Delta, the honor society of agriculture.

Dr. David Carter, Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students.

Dr. Marion Ellis, promotion to full professor, Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students.

Dr. John Foster, Darrell W. Nelson Excellence in Graduate Student Advising Award, IAPPS International Plant Protection Award of Distinction.

Dr. E.A. "Short" Heinrichs, Fulbright Grant.

Dr. Tiffany Heng-Moss, Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students.

Dr. Leon Higley, ESA 2007 Founder's Memorial Award.

Dr. W. Wyatt Hoback, promotion to full professor.

Dr. ZB Mayo, 2006 North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America's C.V. Riley Award.

Dr. Brett Ratcliffe and Dr. Miguel Morón, "Outstanding Paper of the Year" award from the Coleopterists Society.

Dr. Steve Skoda, promotion to full professor.

Dr. Bob Wright, 2007 Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Award from the Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society.


Terence Spencer, IANR Outstanding Employee Award for Managerial/Professional Staff for May/June.

Graduate Students:

Nick Aliano, Graduate Student Award, Eastern Apicultural Society, North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America's Graduate Student Scholarship Award, Maude Hammond Fling Fellowship, $20,000, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $350.

Analiza Alves, Shear-Miles Fellowship, $2000, Milton E. Mohr Scholarship, $1000, David H. and Annie E. Larrick Student Travel Award, $500, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $350.

Mathew Brust was inducted into Gamma Sigma Delta, the honor society for agriculture.

Tierney Brosius, National Science Foundation/Project Fulcrum assistantship, $27,500.

Laura Campbell, Henry F. and Jean D. Holtzclaw Fellowship, $1500.

Julia Colby, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $250, David H. and Annie E. Larrick Student Travel Award, $500, Ernst Mayr Travel Grant in Animal Systematics, $1500.

Andre Crespo, Widaman Trust Distinguished Graduate Assistant Award, $2000, North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America's First Place Ph.D. paper presentation, David H. and Annie E. Larrick Student Travel Award, $500, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $250.

Mike Fisher, 2007 ESA Student Certification Award, David H. and Annie E. Larrick Student Travel Award, $500.

Andrea Gutsche, Farmers National Company Fellowship, $2000.

Tim Huntington, Member of the American Board of Forensic Science, Young Alumnus of the Year Award from Concordia University, John Borrlson Fellowship, $1500.

Tim Husen, Ward A. and Helen Combs Scholarship, $300.

Leonardo Magalhaes, North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America's Second Place M.S. paper presentation.

Lanae Pierson, Farmers National Company Fellowship, $2000.

Sandra Scheaffer, Farmers National Company Fellowship, $2000.

Neil Spomer, Ward A. and Helen Combs Scholarship, $300.

Sek Yee Tan, Mary and Charles C. Cooper/Emma I. Sharpless Fellowship, $5000, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $250.

Luciana Toda, Farmers National Company Fellowship, $2000.

Undergraduate Students:

Ashley Effken, inducted into Gamma Sigma Delta, the honor society for agriculture, Fred Clute Memorial Scholarship,$250, UCARE Award, $2400.

Jeff Hays, UCARE Award, $2000.

Matthew Moore, Fred Clute Memorial Scholarship, $200, Insect Science Scholarship, $50, UCARE Award, $2000.

Dori Porter, Capital City Kiwanis Club Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Scholarship, $500, Earl and Bertha Ramsey Memorial Fund Scholarship, $751, Fred Clute Memorial Scholarship, $970.

Crystal Ramm, Insect Science Scholarship, $250.

Ransom Sitz, Fred Clute Memorial Scholarship, $250.




Dr. Steve Danielson, Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, UN-L Teaching Council and UN-L Parents Association.

Dr. Tiffany Heng-Moss, USDA Food and Agriculture Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award, National Association of Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, UN-L Teaching Council and UN-L Parents Association.

Dr. Leon Higley, C.V. Riley Achievement Award, North Central Branch Entomological Society of America; Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, UN-L Teaching Council and UN-L Parents Association; 2006 CASNR Distinguished Teaching Award.

Dr. ZB Mayo, Honorary Member of the Entomological Society of America. Honorary membership is awarded to acknowledge those who have served the field of entomology with distinction and have participated actively in the affairs of the Society.

Dr. Shripat Kamble, Professor of Entomology at UNL, was recognized for serving 6 years on the ESA Governing Board as representative of Section F (Crop Protection Entomology).

Dr. Gary Hein, Professor of Entomology, Panhandle Research & Extension Center, was recognized for service as President of the North Central Branch of ESA.



Lisa Silberman, IANR Outstanding Employee Award for Managerial/Professional Staff for January/February.


Graduate Students:

The Linnaean Games team, Nick Aliano, Mathew Brust, Michael Fisher, Tim Husen and alternate Andre Crespo, won the National Championship of the Linnaean Games at the annual ESA meeting. The Linnaean Games are a college bowl-style competition on entomological facts played between university-sponsored student teams. Toss-up questions cover knowledge about Apiculture, Biological Control, Ecology, Economic Entomology, Medical and Veterinary Entomology, Physiology and Biochemistry, Taxonomy and Toxicology. Bonus questions can come from any area of entomology including history and people.

The Linnaean Games team, Mike Fisher, Tim Husen, Eliseu Pereira, and Matt Brust, Second Place, North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America.

Nick Aliano, Widaman Trust Distinguished Graduate Assistant Award, $2000.

Analiza Alves, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Tierney Brosius, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Matt Brust, Farmers National Company Fellowship, $2000; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Laura Campbell, 1st Place Paper presentation at the national meeting of the Entomological Society of America.

Michael Fisher, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Andrea Gutsche, Runner-Up Paper Presentation at the national Entomological Society of America meeting, Mary and Charles C. Cooper/Emma I. Sharpless Fellowship, $3000.

Tim Huntington, Teaching Assistant Holling Family Award for Excellence, $1000; Milton E. Mohr Fellowship, $2000.

Tim Husen, 1st Place Poster at the national Entomological Society of America meeting, Outstanding Poster, 2006 Research Fair Poster Competition, $50; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200; Ward A. and Helen W. Combs Scholarship, $300; David and Anna Larrick Student Travel Award, $500.

Leo Magalhaes, Runner-Up Paper Presentation at the national Entomological Society of America meeting, Milton E. Mohr Fellowship, $2000; David and Anna Larrick Student Travel Award, $500.

Eliseu Pereira, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Upeka Samarakoon, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Rosana Serikawa, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Bea Siriwetwiwat, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Neil Spomer, Ward A. and Helen W. Combs Scholarship, $300; Milton E. Mohr Scholarship, Center for Biotechnology, $1000; also one of four $1500 scholarships from Pi Chi Omega, a national professional pest control fraternity.

Sheri Svehla, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Chelsey Wasem, Farmers National Company Fellowship, $2000.


Undergraduate Students:

Rachel Carlson, UCARE, $1000.

Sarah Mack, UCARE, $2400.

Julianne Matczyszyn, UCARE, $2000; Fred Clute Memorial Scholarship, $150.

Lanae Pierson, Fred Clute Memorial Scholarship, $500; UCARE, $2400.

Dori Porter, Earl and Bertha Ramsey Memorial Scholarship Fund, $1000; Ephriam & Veallon Hixson Memorial Scholarship Fund, $500.

Jennifer Toplikar, UCARE, $1000.




Urban Pest Management Conference Team, Excellence in Team Programming, UN-L Extension. Four of the team members are James Kalisch, Drs. Shripat Kamble, David Keith, and Wayne Kramer.


Dr. Fred Baxendale, Certificate of Merit, Lincoln Police Department; 1st Place, 15th Annual TOCA Communications Writing Awards Contest, Commercial Publications for an Ornamental Feature Article, Turf and Ornamentals Communicators Association (TOCA).

Dr. Steve Danielson, Teaching Award of Merit, North American College and Teachers of Agriculture; Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, UN-L Teaching Council and UN-L Parents Association.

Dr. Marion Ellis, Roger A. Morse Outstanding Teaching and Extension Award, Eastern Apicultural Society.

Dr. Tiffany Heng-Moss, Who's Who Among America's Teachers; Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, UN-L Teaching Council and UN-L Parents Association.

Dr. Leon Higley, Certificate of Merit, Lincoln Police Department; Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, UN-L Teaching Council and UN-L Parents Association.

Dr. David Keith, Award of Merit, Nebraska Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta.

Connie Reimers-Hild, Dr. John Foster et al., Best Paper Award, Distance Learning Administration Conference.


Jeri Cunningham, IANR Outstanding Employee Award for Office/Service Staff for March.

Graduate Students:

Nick Aliano, 1st Place in PhD Student Competition Oral Presentations, North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Mtgs; Hazel V. Emley Fellowship, Graduate Studies, $4,000; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Analiza Alves, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $250.

Wyatt Anderson, 1st Place in PhD Student Poster Competition, North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Mtgs; David and Anna Larrick Student Travel Award, $500; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Banks Bamphitlhi, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Tierney Brosius, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $250; Widaman Trust Distinguished Graduate Assistant Award, $2,000.

Laura Campbell, Frank and Marie Wheeler Fellowship, Graduate Studies, $1,000; Farmers National Company Fellowship, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, $2,000; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $250.

Pete Clark, David and Anna Larrick Student Travel Award, $500; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

André Crespo, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $250.

Alex Cunningham, Farmers National Company Fellowship, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, $2,000; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $250.

Tom Eickhoff, 2005 Entomological Society of America Student Activity Award, Monsanto Company, $500; Kenneth and Barbara Starks Plant Resistance to Insects Graduate Student Research Award, Entomological Foundation, $500; E.A. Dickason Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $250.

Andrea Gutsche, Mary and Charles C. Cooper / Emma I. Sharpless Fellowship, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and Agricultural Research Division, $3,000.

Shauna Hawkins, National Science and Engineering Research Council graduate fellowship, $105,000; Outstanding Graduate Student Award, British Columbia Entomological Society, $500.

Tim Huntington, Certificate of Merit, Lincoln Police Department.

Tim Husen, Ward A. and Helen W. Combs Scholarship Fund, $1,000.

Jeff Krumm, David and Anna Larrick Student Travel Award, $500.

Leo Magalhães, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $250.

Sasi Maliphan, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Paul Nabity, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $250.

Eliseu Pereira, 1st Place for PhD Student Competition Oral Presentations, National Entomological Society of America Annual Mtg.

Sean Putnam, Lincoln Journal Star Educator of the Week; Hazel V. Emley Fellowship, Graduate Studies, $4,000.

Upeka Samarakoon, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Rosana Serikawa, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Bea Siriwetwiwat, David and Anna Larrick Student Travel Award, $500; 1st Place in PhD Student Poster Competition, North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Mtgs.

Neil Spomer, E.A. Dickason Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $450; Ward A. and Helen W. Combs Scholarship Fund, $1,000; 2005 Entomological Society of America Student Certification Award, Springer Pest Solutions, $500.

Undergraduate Students:

Andrea Gutsche and Sandra Schaeffer, outstanding undergraduate women majoring in scientific fields, Graduate Women in Science; Ashley Effken, Ward A. and Helen W. Combs Scholarship, $400; Sandra Schaeffer and Dori Porter, Ephriam and Veallon Hixson Memorial Scholarship; Sarah Mack and Mitchell Stamm, Fred Clute Memorial Scholarship; Michelle Dipple, Earl and Bertha Ramsey Memorial Scholarship.





Dr. Tiffany Heng-Moss, Omtvedt Innovation Award, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, UN-L; Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, UN-L Teaching Council and UN-L Parents Association; Outstanding Professor at the University of Nebraska, Kappa Alpha Theta; Who's Who Among America's Teachers.

Dr. Leon Higley, February Professor of the Month, Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board, UN-L.

Doug Golick, Drs. Marion Ellis, and David Brooks, Entomology Educational Project Award for Bumble Boosters project, Board Certified Entomologist of Mid-America.

Dr. Wyatt Hoback, Dr. Kerri Skinner, and Dr. Leon G. Higley, Entomology Educational Project Award for ESCAPE web site, Board Certified Entomologist of Mid-America.

Dr. Shripat Kamble, C.V. Riley Achievement Award, North Central Branch Entomological Society of America.

Dr. Earle Raun (emeriti), 2004 Honorary Fellow of the Entomological Society of America.

Graduate Students:

Nick Aliano, 1st place in the student paper competition, American Bee Research Conference; Hazel V. Emley Fellowship, Graduate Studies, $1,000; Ward A. and Helen W. Combs Scholarship Fund, $600; 1st Place in BS/MS Student Competition Poster Presentations, North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Mtgs; Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees scholarship, $2,000; Farmers National Company Fellowship, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, $2,000.

Bill Allgeier, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200; 3rd place poster, Central States Entomological Society's 80th Annual Mtg.

Wyatt Anderson, Honorable Mention for 10-minute oral presentation at the National Entomological Society of America Annual Mtg; Ward A. and Helen W. Combs Scholarship, $600; Graduate Student Teaching Award of Merit, North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture and the Entomology Department; 1st Place in BS/MS Student Competition Oral Presentations, North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Mtgs.

Adeney Bueno, 1st place for poster presentation at the National Entomological Society of America Annual Mtg.

Laura Campbell, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200; Mabel J. Reichenbach Fellowship, Graduate Studies, $1,000.

Joan Christen, Christa McAuliffe Prize, UN-L College of Education and Human Sciences., $1,000; Ciba Specialty Chemicals High School Science Teaching Award, National Science Teachers Association's (NSTA) 2004 Teaching Awards Program; one of four teachers in Nebraska to receive a Nebraska Award of Excellence.

Pete Clark, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200; Milton E. Mohr Fellowship, Center for Biotechnology, $1,000.

André Crespo, Mary and Charles C. Cooper/Emma I. Sharpless Fellowship Fund, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and Agricultural Research Division, $5,000.

Tom Eickhoff, David and Anna Larrick Student Travel Award, $500; E.A. Dickason Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Lisa Franzen, John Borrlson Fellowship, Graduate Studies, $1,000; poster won the Biological and Agricultural Sciences division, Sigma Xi Student Research Poster competition; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200; 2nd place for MS poster presentation at the National Entomological Society of America Annual Mtg.

Shauna Hawkins, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200; travel grant, School of Biological Sciences' Initiative for Ecology and Evolutionary Analysis, $400; David and Anna Larrick Student Travel Award, $500; Ernst Myer travel grant, Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard, $1,085; Entomological Society of British Columbia Graduate Student Scholarship, $500.

Tim Huntington, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200; John W. McDonald Fellowship, Graduate Studies, $2,500; 1st Place in BS/MS Student Competition Oral Presentations, North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Mtgs.

Tim Husen, Ward A. and Helen W. Combs Scholarship, $600.

Jeff Krumm, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200; Widaman Trust Distinguished Graduate Assistant Award, Agricultural Research Division, $2,000.

Diana Londoño, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Paula Macedo, John Borrlson Fellowship, Graduate Studies, $2,000; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Sasi Maliphan, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Paul Nabity, Farmers National Company Fellowship, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, $2,000.

Matt Paulsen, Center for Great Plains Studies, $300; School of Biological Sciences' Initiative for Ecology and Evolutionary Analysis, $455 (research), $1,385 (travel).

Eliseu Pereira, CAPES Fellowship, Brazilian Ministry of Education (tuition, fees, and health insurance); 1st Place in PhD Student Competition Poster Presentations, North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Mtgs.

Obdulia Segura-Leon, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200; 2nd place for poster presentation at the National Entomological Society of America Annual Mtg.

Andrew Smith, Outstanding Paper of the Year in the 2002 Coleopterists Bulletin, Coleopterists Society; two-year fellowship, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to continue scarab research program at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa and McGill University; Lacordaire Prize, Coleopterists Society.

Neil Spomer, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200; Fred Clute Memorial Scholarship Fund, $800; 1st Place in BS/MS Student Competition Poster Presentations, North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Mtgs.

Undergraduate Students:

Staci Jo Bohling received a scholarship from the Nebraska State Pest Control Association; Nicolette Brenton, Todd Jarecke, Sheri Svehla, and Willa Toren were awarded an Ephriam and Veallon Hixson Memorial Scholarship; Jeremy Poell, and Jeremy Wagnitz received scholarships from the Earl and Bertha Ramsey Memorial Fund.




Entomology Distance Team, Honorable Mention, American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC).

Grasshopper Response Team, Excellence in Team Programming Award, Nebraska Extension. Three of the Team members are Drs. Jack Campbell, Gary Hein, and Dave Keith.


Dr. Fred Baxendale, Presidential Award for Outstanding Service, Nebraska Turfgrass Foundation, Educator of the Year for 2002; Nebraska Professional Lawn Care Association.

Dr. Tiffany Heng-Moss, Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence, Holling Family Award; Kappa Delta Educator of the Month, UN-L.

Dr. Wyatt Hoback, Pratt-Heins Scholarship and Research Award.

Dr. Tom Hunt, Recognition of Junior Faculty for Excellence in Research, Agricultural Research Division.

Dr. Z B Mayo, President of the Entomological Society of America.

Dr. Blair Siegfried, Sigma Xi Outstanding Scientist Award, Nebraska Chapter.

Dr. Bob Wright, Certificate of Excellence for co-authored poster, Section E, Annual Entomological Society of America Mtg.


Allen Specht, KUDO Award, UN-L Board of Regents.

Graduate Students:

Nick Aliano, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $350; Mary and Charles C. Cooper / Emma I. Sharpless Fellowship awarded by the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and Agricultural Research Division, $3,000

Bill Allgeier, Henry F. and Jean D. Holtzclaw Fellowship, UN-L Graduate Studies, $1,000; Milton E. Mohr Fellowship, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, $2,000.

Analiza Alves, Shear-Miles Fellowship, Agricultural Research Division and College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, $2,000; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Wyatt Anderson, Mary and Charles C. Cooper / Emma I. Sharpless Fellowship awarded by the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and Agricultural Research Division, $3,000; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $350; Sigma Xi Student Poster Award, $50; Milton E. Mohr Fellowship, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, $2,000.

Tierney Berger, Mary and Charles C. Cooper / Emma I. Sharpless Fellowship awarded by the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and Agricultural Research Division, $3,000.

Laura Campbell, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150; Sigma Xi Student Poster Award, $50.

Jeff Carstens, E.A. Dickason Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Joan Christen, President's Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Secondary Education Using Insects as Educational Material, Entomological Society of America.

Pete Clark, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150; Milton E. Mohr Fellowship, Center for Biotechnology, $1,000; Plant Resistance to Insect Graduate Student Research Award, Entomological Foundation, $500; Milton E. Mohr Fellowship, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, $2,000.

Kevin Delaney, Teaching Assistant Holling Family Award for Teaching Excellence, $1,000.

Tom Eickhoff, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $350.

Lisa Franzen, Mary and Charles C. Cooper / Emma I. Sharpless Fellowship, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and Agricultural Research Division, $3,000; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Doug Golick, recipient of a Teaching Assistant Holling Family Award for Teaching Excellence.

Shauna Hawkins, Mary and Charles C. Cooper / Emma I. Sharpless Fellowship, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and Agricultural Research Division, $3,000; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Tim Huntington, 1st Place in M.S. Student Poster Presentations at the North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Mtgs; Milton E. Mohr Fellowship, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, $2,000; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Jeff Krumm, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150; E.A. Dickason Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Paula Macedo, Sue Wilson Fellowship, UN-L Graduate Studies, $1,000; Milton E. Mohr Fellowship, Center for Biotechnology, $1,1000; Travel award, William G. Whitmore Memorial Fund, $500.

Túlio Macedo, Graduate Research Assistant Award, Nebraska Alumni Association, $500.

Sasi Maliphan, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Federico Ocampo, Presidential Graduate Fellowship, UN-L Foundation, $16,500, E.A. Dickason Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Matthew Paulsen, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Sean Putnam, Hazel V. Emley Fellowship, UN-L Graduate Studies, $4,000.

Obdulia Segura-Leon, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $200.

Andrew Smith, Coleopterists Society Outstanding Paper of the Year - "Revision of the South American endemic genus Aulacopalpus Guérin-Méneville with phylogenetic and biogeographic analyses of the subtribe Brachysternina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae: Anoplognathini)."

Josh Smith, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Neil Spomer, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Undergraduate Students:

Shauna Bose, Jessica Daehnke, Katie Deerson, and Lisa Franzen, outstanding undergraduate women majoring in scientific fields, Graduate Women in Science organization.

Staci Bohling, Sheri Svehla, and Willa Toren, all Insect Science minors, received scholarships from the Earl and Bertha Ramsey Memorial Fund.

Nicolette Brenton, Jessica Daehnke, Katie Deerson, and Willa Toren, also all Insect Science minors, were awarded an Ephriam and Veallon Hixson Memorial Scholarship.






Dr. Marion Ellis, 2002 Early Career Award, Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi.

Dr. John Foster, C.V. Riley Achievement Award, North Central Branch Entomological Society of America; Exemplary Service to International Students Award, Nebraska Alumni Association and International Affairs.

Dr. Gary Hein, Distinguished Achievement Award in Extension, Entomological Society of America.

Dr. Leon Higley, USDA Food and Agriculture Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award, National Association of Universities and Land-Grant Colleges.

Dr. W. Wyatt Hoback, Dr. Leon Higley, and Lanna Cheng, Educational Project Award for the "Marine Insects" web site, Board Certified Entomologist of Mid-America.

Dr. Mary Liz Jameson, University of Nebraska NU-IDEA Information Technology grant to support development of an "Internet Guide to Scarab Beetles." $2,500; University of Nebraska Research Council Grant-in-Aid for "Pilot Project: Molecular Phylogenetics of Anomaline Scarab Beetles." $10,000.

Dr. David Keith, Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, UN-L Teaching Council and the UN-L Parents Association.

Dr. John Witkowski, member of the Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement.

Graduate Students:

Nick Aliano, Mary and Charles C. Cooper / Emma I. Sharpless Fellowship, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and Agricultural Research Division, $3,000.

Analiza Alves, 2nd Place in M.S. Student Poster Presentations at the North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Mtgs; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150; Mary and Charles C. Cooper / Emma I. Sharpless Fellowship awarded by the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and Agricultural Research Division, $3,000.

Wyatt Anderson, Mary and Charles C. Cooper / Emma I. Sharpless Fellowship awarded by the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and Agricultural Research Division, $3,000.

Laura Campbell, 2nd Place in M.S. Student Oral Presentations at the North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Mtgs; 2nd Place in M.S. Student Poster Presentations at the National Entomological Society of America Mtgs; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Jeff Carstens, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $300.

Peter Clark, selected to participate in the 2002 Entomology Graduate Student Training Program with Dow AgroSciences; 2002 Graduate Student Award for Leadership in Applied Entomology, Entomological Society of America, $2,000; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Kevin Delaney, Shear-Miles Fellowship, Agricultural Research Division and College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, $2,000; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Jeff Krumm, 1st place, Farmer Problem Solving portion of the 2003 North Central Weed Science Society Contest.

Paula Macedo, Bechtol Lee Fellowship, UN-L Graduate Studies, $1,000; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150; Widaman Trust Distinguished Graduate Assistant Award, Agricultural Research Division, $2,000.

Túlio Macedo, Hardin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, Agricultural Research Division, $2,000; 1st Place in PhD Student Poster Presentations at the National Entomological Society of America Mtgs; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Rod Madsen, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150; Milton E. Mohr fellowship, Center for Biotechnology, $1,000; E.A. Dickason Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Federico Ocampo, Maude Hammond Fling Fellowship, UN-L Graduate College, $14,000; travel grant, UN-L Initiative for Ecological and Evolutionary Analysis, $400.

Raj Saran, Ward A. and Helen W. Combs Scholarship, $600.

Andrew Smith, Outstanding Graduate Research Assistant Award, UN-L Alumni Association; John Henry Comstock Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Achievement, North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Mtgs; Canadian National Collection of Insects CanaColl visiting scholars grant, $600.

Josh Smith, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Karla Villatoro, Richard H. Larson Fellowship, UN-L Graduate Studies, $2,500.

Undergraduate Students:

Jessica Daehnke, Katie Deerson, Lisa Franzen, Stephanie Westergren, and Laurie McKeever, recipients of a Earl and Berth Ramsey Memorial Scholarship.





Dr. Marion Ellis, Dr. Leon Higley, and Doug Golick, Entomology Educational Project Award for the Bug Bash Project.

Dr. John Foster, Outstanding International Scholar, Phi Beta Delta.

Dr. Tiffany Heng-Moss, John Henry Comstock Award for Outstanding Graduate Student achievement, North Central Branch, Entomological Society of America.

Dr. Leon Higley, Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, UN-L Teaching Council and UN-L Parents Association.

Dr. Wyatt Hoback, Outstanding Contributions to the University of Nebraska-Kearney in teaching, research, and leadership by the UN-K Chapter Mortar Board.

Dr. Mary Liz Jameson, Undergraduate Creative Activity and Research Experience Program (UCARE) award, University of Nebraska, $2,000; University of Nebraska Academic Senate Convocations Committee award to host Dr. Jorge Crisci (Museo de La Plata, Argentina) at UNL, $600; University of Nebraska Research Council Visiting Scholar Grant to host Dr. Art Evans (Research Associate,Smithsonian Institute) at UNL, $795; UNL Academic Senate Convocations Committee for honorarium ($350) for Michael Forsberg (Michael Forsberg Photography, Nebraska) at Center for Great Plains Studies Symposium entitled 'Great Plains Migrations'; University of Nebraska State Museum Putney Grant for national meetings of the Entomological Society of America, San Diego, California Dec.7-14. $1,230.

Dr. Brett Ratcliffe, 2001 University of Nebraska Outstanding Research and Creative Activity (ORCA) Award


Doug Golick, 2001 Critique & Awards Program Silver Award for Publishing (Technical Publications), Agricultural Communicators in Education.

Allen Specht, IANR Outstanding Employee Award for Managerial/Professional Staff for May/June.

Marilyn Weidner, Exemplary Service to International Students Award, Nebraska Alumni Association and International Affairs.

Graduate Students:

Leela Alamalakala, Milton E. Mohr Fellowship from the Center for Biotechnology, $1,000.

Analiza Alves, Mary and Charles C. Cooper / Emma I. Sharpless Fellowship, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and Agricultural Research Division, $2,000.

Jon Bedick, Mabel J. Riechenbach Fellowship, UN-L Graduate Studies, $4,000; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Joan Christen, Tier II Lottery Grant entitled B.U.G.S. (Bringing Understanding thru Global Studies), $151,258.

Peter Clark, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $100; Widaman Trust Distinguished Graduate Assistant Award, Agricultural Research Division, $2,000.

Kevin Delaney, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $100; awarded a research grant from the UN-L Initiative for Ecological and Evolutionary Analysis, $1,000; Hardin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, Agricultural Research Division, $2,000.

Tom Eickhoff, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $100; 1st Place in M.S. Student Oral Presentations at the North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Mtgs; Milton E. Mohr Fellowship in Agriculture, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, $2,000.

Doug Golick, 1st Place in M.S. Student Poster Competition at the North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Mtgs.

Diana Londoño, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.

Paula Macedo, Eastern Apicultural Society Student Award; major fellowship, UN-L Graduate Studies, $14,000.

Túlio Macedo, selected to participate in the 2001 Entomology Graduate Student Training Program with Dow AgroSciences.

Federico Ocampo, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $100; Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, Nebraska Alumni Association, $500; Widaman Trust Distinguished Graduate Assistant Award, Agricultural Research Division, $2,000; research grant from the UN-L Initiative for Ecological and Evolutionary Analysis, $2,500; Student Travel Grant, International Affairs, $100.

Isaac Oyediran, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $100.

Aura Paucar, Student Travel Grant, International Programs, $100.

Raj Saran, Jeffrey P. LaFage Graduate Student Research Award in Urban Entomology, $2,000, Entomological Society of America; Ward A. and Helen W. Combs Scholarship Fund, $600.

Andrew Smith, Warren F. and Edith R. Day Student Aid Fund to support travel to conduct research, $500; research grant from the UN-L Initiative for Ecological and Evolutionary Analysis, $1,500; Sue Wilson Fellowship, UN-L Graduate Studies, $1,250; Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150; Field Museum of Natural History visiting scholar grant, $520; .

Hasan Tunaz, presented a poster at the IANR Nebraska Issues Symposium "Managing Nebraska's Animal and Agronomic Resources: Impacts on the Environmental and Public Health", $250; Milton E. Mohr fellowship, Center for Biotechnology, $1,000.

Karla Villatoro, Gretchen Bechtol Lee scholarship, UN-L Graduate Studies, $2,000.

Joe Zhou, presented a poster at the IANR Nebraska Issues Symposium "Managing Nebraska's Animal and Agronomic Resources: Impacts on the Environmental and Public Health," $250.

Amelia Zoerb, Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund Travel Support Grant, $150.