MMCA Logo Michigan Mosquito Control Association
PO Box 366, Bay City, Michigan 48707
Committed to education and excellence through Integrated Pest Management
October 2009

Image of Charlie Dinsmore

Ahh, 2009 and the hope for better things!!  While it is cold outside I would like to reflect back on 2008 for a moment.  As I asked in the last newsletter, who would of thought that Michigan would be affected by a hurricane let alone two of them?  These storms made a dynamic end to a busy mosquito season.  The past year brought a change in the political and economic climate as well.  Gas prices went sky high then settled back to “reasonable” rates as the bottom dropped out of the economy.  And don’t get me started on the financial institutions bailout with their executives’ golden parachutes.

Undeniably 2009 budgets will be tight, and as communities try to cope with reduced revenues many political officials will perceive mosquito control as a supplementary service.  As a group it is our obligation to remind them of the important benefits of mosquito control.  West Nile virus has become endemic across the United States and is here to stay in Michigan.  With background human case numbers in the teens to twenties all that would be required for the virus to explode into an epidemic again is the right environmental conditions.  Likely, human case totals would not reach the 2002 levels but there would be highly significant numbers and in my opinion one West Nile case is one too many.  Along with decreased risk of disease, remember to promote the fact that control programs provide reduced annoyance and added comfort for outside activities.  Also, economically, mosquito control programs promote tourism.  Who in their right mind would visit a recreation area where it is impossible to stay outdoors if one is available to enjoy mosquito free?

 It is January so remember to send in your registration for our 23rd annual conference in Ann Arbor to be held on February 4-5.  Also, reserve your motel room by January 21 as rooms after that date are subject to regular room rates.  Joyce McLaughlin and the planning committee have been hard at work putting together a great program.  Looking at the tentative agenda it is obvious that conference attendees will be treated to some world renowned speakers and pertinent topics.

Again this year MMCA will be promoting a silent auction.  Proceeds are used to help sponsor the scholarships and MMCA’s education programs.  If you would like to donate any silent auction items please contact Melinda Moreno at (989) 894-4555 or  Also, please remember to email photo salon photos to Tom Wilmot at  I look forward to seeing you in Ann Arbor (Go Blue!!!!, oops did I really say that).