Top 25 Import Sources of Office Furniture SIC 252

Customs Value     U.S. Imports For Consumption    Annual Data

Country 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1999 YTD 2000 YTD Percent Change
YTD1999 - YTD2000
In 1,000 Dollars
Canada 271,463 369,801 447,475 557,009 693,205 924,573 1,126,889 1,207,808 1,408,472 1,207,808 1,408,472 16.6%
China 17,587 19,954 37,773 51,502 56,651 86,776 165,081 320,306 414,437 320,306 414,437 29.4%
Taiwan 87,299 95,246 103,030 110,295 118,415 129,977 144,666 158,607 187,380 158,607 187,380 18.1%
Mexico 33,914 44,185 50,767 53,165 63,028 70,522 80,496 105,667 120,004 105,667 120,004 13.6%
Italy 29,297 28,617 38,716 43,013 47,518 43,815 57,567 72,983 68,245 72,983 68,245 -6.5%
Germany 25,477 19,544 16,199 18,591 19,543 27,566 20,247 26,958 45,237 26,958 45,237 67.8%
United Kingdom 5,900 6,431 13,154 19,510 21,131 37,868 49,115 62,335 34,814 62,335 34,814 -44.1%
Denmark 10,516 9,754 12,587 12,928 14,894 19,112 28,821 29,719 32,581 29,719 32,581 9.6%
Thailand 1,550 2,889 8,341 5,037 5,697 9,126 14,903 18,401 22,072 18,401 22,072 20.0%
Malaysia 1,267 1,479 635 769 2,818 4,345 2,900 5,860 15,727 5,860 15,727 168.4%
France 3,668 3,204 4,940 6,160 9,736 9,085 11,370 11,173 13,673 11,173 13,673 22.4%
Korea 5,008 3,809 4,964 6,859 4,923 7,595 10,826 6,640 13,531 6,640 13,531 103.8%
Brazil 1,967 1,566 1,618 2,816 3,817 4,277 6,562 8,688 11,460 8,688 11,460 31.9%
Sweden 11,107 7,716 8,306 9,583 7,653 14,533 8,839 11,881 11,228 11,881 11,228 -5.5%
Netherlands 3,768 3,152 5,410 5,340 5,966 6,335 5,434 4,964 9,649 4,964 9,649 94.4%
Hong Kong 1,721 1,574 2,273 2,548 2,606 3,459 4,092 3,757 7,765 3,757 7,765 106.7%
Philippines 1,359 1,003 2,324 3,581 3,477 3,646 3,066 3,683 6,346 3,683 6,346 72.3%
Spain 811 1,906 1,798 1,820 1,631 1,599 1,636 4,287 5,439 4,287 5,439 26.9%
Japan 6,366 11,582 9,656 4,710 13,377 1,908 4,959 6,679 4,947 6,679 4,947 -25.9%
Switzerland 1,144 1,548 1,458 2,358 2,014 1,388 3,017 1,573 3,699 1,573 3,699 135.2%
Slovenia 85 239 357 497 473 660 1,276 5,336 3,127 5,336 3,127 -41.4%
Indonesia 851 793 1,923 2,869 2,101 2,877 3,101 2,479 2,535 2,479 2,535 2.3%
Croatia 34 342 434 795 710 1,358 1,448 842 2,349 842 2,349 178.9%
Austria 3,018 823 1,602 1,258 1,213 949 495 2,607 2,059 2,607 2,059 -21.0%
Australia 262 431 432 450 450 234 521 617 1,951 617 1,951 216.3%
Subtotal : 525,439 637,585 776,171 923,463 1,103,047 1,413,584 1,757,326 2,083,850 2,448,729 2,083,850 2,448,729 17.5%
All Other: 8,571 8,059 10,660 11,902 10,896 11,538 11,878 14,759 18,203 14,759 18,203 23.3%
Total 534,010 645,644 786,831 935,365 1,113,943 1,425,122 1,769,205 2,098,609 2,466,932 2,098,609 2,466,932 17.6%
Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Treasury, and the U.S. International Trade Commission.
Last Updated by JF on 3-19-01